Polar Opposites

Addison Rae & Jimmy Fallon TikTok Controversy, MLB All-Star Game Moved, Bhad Bhabie OnlyFans

Episode Summary

Another week, another episode! This week we discuss the fallout from the Georgia voting laws and the MLB moving the All-Star game. We also read more of your listener letters. Addison Rae made some TikTok creators mad regarding her appearance on Jimmy Fallon. Bhad Bhabie made an OnlyFans and it sparks conversation about predatory behavior. As always like, share, & subscribe. Thanks for listening! If you have a question to ask us please use this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justin_aiiz/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTÉ https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ LEAVE A REVIEW & SEND LETTERS! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

Another week, another episode! This week we discuss the fallout from the Georgia voting laws and the MLB moving the All-Star game. We also read more of your listener letters. Addison Rae made some TikTok creators mad regarding her appearance on Jimmy Fallon. Bhad Bhabie made an OnlyFans and it sparks conversation about predatory behavior. As always like, share, & subscribe. Thanks for listening!  


If you have a question to ask us please use this link




Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening!





























If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Transcription



we're back we are back we are back thank you thank you thank you for joining us for yet another week it is a good episode so many stories to get into so much happened this past week happy easter if you celebrate easter i hope you had a great holiday my easter was pretty chill if you guys are new to this show this show is all about bringing together different perspectives my co-host dante and i talk about music pop culture entertainment politics and we have a discussion that's great every single time there's never a dull moment it's always fun for me and i know it's just as fun for dante so thank you guys so much for listening be sure to subscribe be sure to tell your meemaw yaya whatever tell them all to subscribe and listen to the show it's much appreciated so we have an anonymous thing in the description of this episode so if you guys want to send us questions we have a segment devoted to answering your questions so we will get into that in a second but we have a method for you guys to interact with the show on april 12th on monday in the evening dante and i will be going live on instagram so you guys can interact with us that way we've been looking forward to this we're gonna answer your questions and then instagram has a feature that allows us to add a third party into the call so you all get to interact with us and ask us a direct question that way so i'm looking forward to it if it goes well we'll do more of these if there's three people in there we'll never do it again never do it again but we don't we don't pray for that we don't pray for that but i'm happy to be here for yet another week dante how are you how was your easter what's going on with you you know easter easter was was good had a small family gathering everybody there was vaccinated so you know got to enjoy some time outside with the family and you know just reminisce talk about you know better times and everything in times that we're looking forward to so you know i was good for the soul it's a little rejuvenating how are you doing this week i'm great i'm great i'm happy because i feel good i ate right before we got on the mics to record this episode so anytime i eat right before we record y'all know is it going to be a good episode so i'm feeling good dante thanks for asking i love it i love it i love it but we have quiet the week before we start i just want to remind you guys to leave a rating leave a review you know segway king we're gonna lead right into that so we have a segment for answering your questions so dante listener questions tis the segment for it let's talk about it all right guys so last week we let y'all know we had a grand announcement that listener letters were coming back so in keeping uh true to our promise we're reading you questions every week as long as y'all keep sending them in we're gonna hit y'all with some listener questions right now so first one comes from uh one of the members of this community jeremiah he said i gotta know would you ever consider being roomies and what kind of roomie would justin be and what kind of roomy would dante be so before you answer that justin the way i'm interpreting this question is would we be roommates together so i'll let you go first and talk about what type of roommate you would be well the thing is i'm a great roommate so whenever i was moving into my apartment in college i was excited i was excited for not me i was excited for my roommates because i was like whoever lands me as a roommate is gonna be so happy because i'm so entertaining i'm fun to live with i'm clean it was a blast like my roommates to this day at least one of them we're still friends with he actually listens to the show shout out to darius he's one of our secret fans darius listens every single week but he'll never text me be like yeah justin i love the episode this is great whenever i call him i'll be like so do you still uh listen to the show and he's like yeah i listen every week yeah dante i relate to him a little bit it's good i'm like man why don't you tell me about what you think of the show but nevertheless thank you for listening we love that but no we hit it off i hit it off with all of my roommates i wasn't expecting to like them but we all got along there was no drama we had fun too much fun sometimes but it was great and that's atypical because most people especially when you're living with random roommates they don't have a good experience somebody's dirty somebody's loud people are doing too much but that was never the case with me i feel like i had the greatest situation and it just worked out for everybody so i'm very lucky in that sense but i think that i'm a cool roommate as long as you're respectful of me my time my privacy my cleanliness we'll hit it off and we'll be great so that's me as a roommate i don't know about you


i love the self-promotion that you just did there that was great


no for me as a roommate my two big things are cleanliness and no clutter i don't want to feel claustrophobic because there's just [ __ ] lying around everywhere if you take something out put it up if you make something dirty clean it that's all i ask for everything else we can work out we're going to pay these bills make sure the lights ain't getting shut off right but don't make stuff dirty and just leave it there and don't clutter stuff that is two of my biggest pet peeves in lives i have lived with two hoarders never in my life will that be me in my household ever because i can't stand it it's i have ptsd from it i feel like you can't breathe or even think when there's so much clutter around i'm the type of person in my workspace everything needs to be clear so i can concentrate i can't have books and combs and speakers and paper just scattered around i need my space to look like my mind clear so i can think and be very productive that's it for me i like that i like that so jeremiah hope that we answered uh your question we got some more for you guys so i'm gonna get into this one it's anonymous there was not a name left for this so what's up fellas i need some advice i'm a young black man like y'all and i got a white friend let's call him phil and he's married to a black woman let's call her keisha phil and keisha just moved to my area in tennessee from san francisco keisha has experienced a lot of racism recently and told phil he was shocked and never knew that we could have it this bad as black people phil came to me asking for advice and suggested that we do a youtube video series about racism i told him no and that he should educate himself as a white person he keeps fighting me saying that he has non-black friends that don't understand what me and his wife go through so seeing our faces and hearing our voices will help in his eyes as a black person i'm tired of feeling the need to explain myself also i gave phil a book called dear white america by tim wise and keisha texted me asking what the book is about and why he should read it does kisha not want her husband to be more educated it seems that phil has good intentions but what else can i say to convince him that a video series isn't the right idea what is a better way for him to further educate himself and his friends take it away justin so okay let me just break it all down because it might be a lot for some people that are listening so we have phil who's in a relationship with keisha correct that is correct and phil is white and keisha is black correct again so phil is trying to understand i don't know the inner workings of what it means or what it takes to be with a black woman like what is it that he's trying to understand i think that so from what i'm getting from it is that phil is shocked that racism is still so prevalent and he wants his friends that are non people of color to understand or see it from his wife's point of view but his wife isn't on board with this he's asking his friend who was a black man about this that's what i'm gathering from it so phil's white wife is black they just moved to tennessee from the bay area wife is experiencing racism he reached out to his black friend to say hey let's do a youtube series so we can talk this out and you know help other people see it through your eyes and my wife's eyes black friend does not want to do it gave phil a book keisha is suspicious now why are you having him read this and he wants to know how can i help my friend and not do this video series how can he educate himself and his friends okay so i think i'm getting a clear picture now so phil wanted to initially do the video series but the black friend suggested that he don't do it right correct okay so this makes more sense now well the thing is i feel like before these people ended up in a relationship stuff like this should have been communicated and talked about before they ever decided to be together this is the thing with interracial relationships that a lot of people don't understand you need to have conversations like this before you ever decide to start a future with somebody i find it very sad that there are some people that are in an interracial relationship and they haven't had the conversations about what it means to be black i think that you have to have the conversation and it's going to be tough but in my opinion it's something that should have been had beforehand do i think that a video series is the best way i don't think so if they want to open their relationship up to other people and have people judge them and you know view their relationship anonymously and stuff be my guest i don't think that's necessarily the right way especially when you don't have the wherewithal to understand race yourself it's better to go about it with your black friend and get advice from him there's nothing wrong with reading i think that that's one of the best ways that people can understand things when you read about a perspective that's different from you or if people have been in your shoes and have been through it they can give you really good advice that you can adapt into your own relationship so i don't think there's anything wrong with reading where i think keisha comes in she might have felt it disrespectful maybe that you gave him that book maybe she feels embarrassed because she's with somebody that's clueless a little bit when it comes to race and it's a reflection on her to be with somebody that can be so tone deaf when it comes to issues with race at the same time i understand that you cannot expect white people to understand a situation that they are not a part of they're not black so they can never understand what it means to be black and that complicates things even further because if you're gonna have black children if you already are clueless yourself what are you going to be teaching to the children the children are black they might be going through bullying if you've never experienced that you don't have the wherewithal the capability to give your own experiences about what they should do how to react and what it means to be black so i think that's a challenge with interracial relationships on its own i think you should read the book keisha might feel uncomfortable with it but i have to question why she's uncomfortable there's nothing wrong with getting new understanding and a new perspective that you didn't have before i think there's conversations that they need to have together and i think that keisha needs to be open and allow phil to you know find that understanding it's great that he has a black friend to to give him advice and to help him out but at the same time you need that person in your relationship to be as receptive as well yeah you said a lot there there are some things that i'm gonna say about it first of all one of the points that you made that i agree with is um i gotta question the foundation that your relationship is built on um and i'm not saying anything disparaging about your friends here there are certain conversations regardless of your race in the relationship you're in that you should probably have before you decide to get married so i find it hard to believe that this white man this black woman got married and they never had any talks about race or her experience growing up or some of the bad situations that he's been put in some of the uncomfortable things his family might have said about her when they first started dating anything find it hard to believe that they haven't talked about that and if they haven't their problems and their issues it's deeper than race it's about communication if you don't have communication you don't have anything that's something that they should look into first in terms of how you can help look if it's your friend i think you did enough by offering an alternative like hey i don't want to do a video series for you with you but here's a book where you can uh further educate yourself or you know maybe me and you just have private conversations about it you have questions let's talk it out you know i'll try and help you as much as i can that i think that's a good alternative i think the youtube series is a bad idea because through the conversations you guys are having somebody might slip up and say something that they didn't mean to say or didn't want to say or came from a place of ignorance and that's out there forever so now you're embarrassed your wife's embarrassed by proxy that your families are embarrassed like it's just something that can snowball and turn a bad situation worse you know in terms of like the kids and everything i mean there's a a ton of uh successful interracial marriages and their kids are thriving i and i agree like if you're not black you'll never know what it feels like to be black just like me and you were both men never know what it feels like to be a woman but you can educate yourself and try to be there for those kids and you know in that situation and um you know raise your kids and lean on your black partner or what if it's any interracial relationship lean on that other person so those kids can uh know about those experience and teach them and you can learn along the way i would suggest avoiding the video series i think reading the book is a good idea and i think you know youtube meeting up or having weekly calls about it might be a good idea you can vent to him and he can ask you questions but i really think that advice that he needs is they need to have more communication him and his wife it's honestly kind of scary that they haven't had deeper conversations at least that's what this letter is letting on that they haven't had those deep combos but the thing is i think that it might be necessary to have a conversation with keisha as well if she felt disrespected that she gave her husband or significant other a book to educate himself tell her where you were coming from with that tell her the reason why you gave him the book and maybe she'll understand and maybe she'll be open to allowing phil to understand for himself if they're not having that communication in their own relationship because it might make things better whenever he reads whatever's written in that book he might come to the table with different perspectives that he didn't have before and likewise with keisha when they start having those serious conversations you know it'll be better to have that healthy communication and it'll be good for both parties so i think that you went about it you know the best way you could the thing that i would suggest against i guess inserting yourself in this situation because anybody can ask you for advice and all you're doing as a friend is giving that advice anything more you don't want to you know get in the middle of their relationship they have to handle their own stuff you know friends give support and then you don't want to dig your claws in any further you brought up it i don't want to spend too much more time on this i think we went pretty in-depth but you brought up an interesting point maybe keisha is defensive about the book thing because phil has not talked to her about about any of this so i think it's a communication thing that needs to uh be worked on and happen here but if i can give you any advice whoever wrote this in like justin just said do not get in the middle of these people's relationship because you might be doing it with the best of intentions trying to be a good friend and you could be the one that gets turned into the lightning rod for all of this right they still have [ __ ] communication and they're blaming all their problems on you and you don't want that avoid it avoid it please but what is the next listener question dante all right here's our last one for this week another anonymous one our digital age has made us crave instant gratification and a constant stream of entertainment whether that be checking our phone during an awkward silence or listening to music podcasts while driving or doing chores or whatever it's so rare for me to sit alone with my thoughts and i think i would personally be a lot more mindful and in tune with myself if i did but honestly maybe it's human nature not to be comfortable with ourselves before smartphones i'm sure people distract themselves with books tv or even convos with other people i don't know i feel like nobody prioritizes genuine alone time and praising through our own internal [ __ ] and emotions what are your thoughts oh that's very layered i love that question see you guys are so smart one thing i have to say about the listeners of this show they're very smart you guys are some of the smartest people and y'all ask really good questions so my answer to that question i agree with you and you made very valid statements i do think that sometimes we can get caught up with technology worrying about the wrong things and i really do feel like a lot of us don't spend enough time alone with our thoughts we have a phone to distract us from awkward moments when we're in public we have our phone to distract us when we're in public in general who don't want to judge either because sometimes somebody may appear to be on their phone i might appear to be on my phone but i'm actually reading i have like over 220 ebooks in my phone so sometimes to pass the time if you ever see me in public i'm probably reading something i'm not just you know perusing on my phone but you know i think that it's can be an unhealthy thing when we have a crutch and we use our phone as our crutch i think that there's so many things that we could be spending time with rather than just being glued to a phone but i think that's a reflection on where society is today like you said in the letter maybe in the past people use other distractions and this is our distraction for this current time frame in this generation that doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing but the biggest thing that you said that i definitely agree with is that we should definitely spend more time with our thoughts more time to think i think it's healthy we all get the notice on our phones about how much screen time we're using i'm not going to say mine because it's crazy but we all see the notification and i think that it would be good for our mental health if we detached ourselves from the phone and looked into ourselves inwardly and reflected it's almost like therapy some people go to therapy being alone with your thoughts is therapy enough so maybe some of us should try that if we're too attached to our phones but that's my take on what you said yeah that is a very layered question and like justin i i love that and i enjoy that um so i'll pick apart some different parts of this but i do agree that it seems like we do not prioritize genuine alone time and just working through our mind and our thoughts and maybe that's people running from you know reality like you said about instant gratification online with you know social media and everything like that you know that's a world that you can create i was on here the past two weeks talking about you control that world like if you're into marvel and [ __ ] like that's your mcu you can control everything that happens there you control who you follow what you see the type of things you interact with but your real life once you put that phone down there's a lot less control over that and you know that can be scary you're doing yourself a huge favor if sometimes you just sit there and you know reflect and think and taking your words from this question praise to our own internal [ __ ] yeah i think that's very healthy and very helpful and sometimes whenever you're alone in your bed maybe that's that time to you know be silent be still sit on your back look up at your ceiling be quiet think about your day and reflect treat yourself it's all about self-care and self-love that's what we'll be preaching on this podcast but that's it for this week thank you so much for the listener letters keep writing in we're going to keep reading them i kind of love this segment i do too i like hearing from you guys you guys are so smart like i said keep sending stuff in because we love to read it and hopefully when y'all hear that your letter has been read it'll encourage more of you guys to reach out and send us what you think so we can read it on the show but we appreciate you guys but you know with that being said i feel like we got some stuff off our chest justin's got a key


dante has got to get


justin and dante


all right thank you julia so this week and off my chest dante do you have something that you're desperately trying to get off your chest um it's not desperate but it's something that i do want to get off my chest if you'll indulge me for a little bit here go for it so i want to talk about the episode that we released last week while me and justin were debating the effectiveness and the merits and everything that goes along with diversity inclusion affirmative action i never once said that by nature or by proxy that people of color or people that aren't basically white men or less qualified i was using that as an example honestly and obviously i do not believe that you are inherently less qualified because you're not white or because you're not a man that doesn't make any sense i know i'm qualified and i know you guys are too that are listening so if anybody interpreted that the wrong way i just wanted to make sure that you understood where i'm coming from and what i believe in because character and integrity is very important to me and i'll never ever let a chance go by if that's ever being questioned not to defend and stand up for myself so that's what i had to get off my chest okay you heard it from him um my off my chest this week so my friend one of my friends that listens to the show she's a nurse and she has a tick tock and occasionally she'll send me random tick tocks so she sent me this one tick tock of this i guess registered pharmacist who makes it her duty to expose people that work in health care who are being negligent who are going against what they swore to on their license when they became a professional so she was sending me some tick tocks and she sent me this one where there was this i believe he was a pharmacist that purposely spoiled 500 doses of a moderna vaccine because he didn't believe in vaccines so this woman showed us his name showed us his picture told us what he was in trouble for in the hopes that he'll be held responsible and he'll be held accountable so i think that this is a great thing that she's doing because people need to be exposed especially in healthcare where you know there's so many things that go unnoticed but due to social media people are being exposed if you do stupid stuff and social media hears about it people are gonna find a way to make sure that you're held accountable for it so i agree with holding people that are doing wrong accountable now my issue is her method i think there's a way to go about doing things the right way do i think that she's doing it the right way by exposing people on tick tock i don't because once she's showing her face she's kind of like loading about how she exposed them and how they're gonna get in trouble you can do whatever you want but how people decide to react to it is another thing in this day and age people are crazy um you don't know who's trying to find your address and then expose you for exposing somebody that they love and getting them fired especially if you have kids i think that you're also endangering your kids and your family by exposing people and who knows who's going to come after you now i think that maybe the best way to go about exposing people is to expose them but don't show your face don't incriminate yourself because you don't want to get people that have nothing to do with it hurt or in trouble in some way if you have a kid they might be put in harm's way because you exposed somebody they decided to get violent and take their anger out on you there's a right way to go about doing things and expose people all you want but be smart because there's other people that could be affected and that's what i needed to get off my chest i like that i will say about those videos she actually exposed somebody from the town over from me and that video was hilarious i i can't add anything else to that but i like your off my chest and i agree with you you know putting people that you care about in harm's way because somebody wants to retaliate against you for holding them accountable it doesn't make sense but that's the world that we live in and that's what happens so i agree with you there yeah but keep exposing people fight the good fight and make sure people are held accountable but you have to also protect yourself too but that's it that's it for off my chest so dante addison ray addison ray addison ray so addison ray i've heard this name before apparently she's one of the most popular people on tik tok i guess she's one of these gen z trend setters that does tick tock dances and they're super popular so recently she went and made an appearance on jimmy fallon's late night show and he had a segment where he had some cue cards and on each cue card it had the name of a popular tick tock dance so as the cue cards changed she would do a different dance people thought it was great other people were upset and they were upset because addison ray is a white woman and everybody knows that on tick tock there's been a lot of white creators that are taking credit for black innovation black people will create a dance they don't get it popping but once another popular white creator does it they take credit for that they popularize it even more and they seldom ever give credit to the originators of that dance and people were like here's yet another example of somebody taking credit for black creation there was some backlash on twitter and after the backlash happened then she came out with a statement saying that oh i credit these people jimmy fallon i think made a tweet you know highlighting and adding all the black creators that were the innovators of those dances so it was interesting that once you know the fire was brewing then that's when they decided to credit the people as they should i don't know if you had anything to say about this story just some basic thoughts on it it's like being in school right you have to cite your sources you gotta give that uh that citation paper and show hey this is where i got this thought from her this is where i researched this at how hard would it have been for and the only reason i watched that stupid-ass segment on jimmy fallon's because we wrote it down in the notes for us to talk about this week because i don't give a damn about addison ray and what she does on tick tock like she can't dance i don't care about none of that so i watched this and um how hard would it have been on those cue cards for them to put at and whoever the originator of it is you know of the dance give those people some shine or bring them on the show or that too but i'm saying if you didn't want to do that because she's this you know social media superstar and you want to get buzz because you're having her on your show cool i get it but cite your sources you know what you're right bring those people on the show to dance with her so then they could get something out of this too easiest way that you could have avoided this problem and done the right thing imagine honestly imagine if somebody like stole our topics for the podcast went on a late night show and acted like they were the originators of that topic without giving us credit i would feel some type of way just because i'm not a dancer just because i'm not a tick talker doesn't mean that i should not relate to this at all i definitely relate to this because i'm putting myself in their shoes i would definitely feel some type of way if some white girl is dancing horribly and acting like she did this dance and to her credit i don't think that she's saying i did these dances and this was all me with all me i don't think she's doing that like you said when you don't cite your sources it's plagiarism and it doesn't matter what your intent was if you don't cite it it's plagiarism so don't plagiarize this show and don't plagiarize don't plagiarize people's dances give credit to those you know creators that are killing it coming up with dances that get so popular on the forum but um my last question oh go ahead it is it is a real thing to plagiarize intellectual property so you should probably watch out for that and actually on my old show we had a famous podcast i won't name you because i want you to get no uh buzz off for this but we had a famous podcast that used to steal from us they stole two episodes from us talked about the same exact topics two weeks in a row so interesting you know the vultures are out there so cite your sources you know who else is out there the secret fans they love the show shout out to the secret fans i try and mention y'all every single week y'all think that we forget about y'all but i don't thank yous thank you so much for listening to the show thank you for supporting thank you for sharing it with your friends in secret we know that y'all can't get enough of this show i just had to mention you guys because y'all love the show and i appreciate it but um my last follow-up to this question or this topic is do you think that people are doing too much do you think that this outrage culture has gone too far do you think that this is a big deal or do you think that the backlash that addison ray faced is warranted i mean that was that was more than one question if we were keeping track there but i'm just messing with you i think that initially more if people are going to be outraged and have backlash it should have been more towards the jimmy fallon show than to her they run the show they have a say over what happens she don't she's just a guest she's a as you said you sounded you you sounded pretty old they're a tick tocker right um so she'll got no say or no power on what happens on that show but i was reading about her response to everything and like she kind of handled it poorly so you know i don't know i don't necessarily feel bad for you i don't really care about it but like i said cite your sources because too many people have gone uncredited throughout history for starting something or creating something and somebody else does it and now it's the hottest thing in the world little richard recorded a song one year in the 50s right and it barely charted they trimmed it down and did a real vanilla version with a white singer named pat boone and it was the number one song in the country little richard didn't get paid for any of it that's why we have copyright laws now just a little history lesson in there for you no more stealing no more stealing cite your sources guys but um next story so you had a story about the mlb and then moving the all-star game as a response to georgia's new voting laws what are your thoughts on this major league baseball was going to have the all-star game this year in georgia and they were going to honor hank aaron who for a period of about 30 years was the major league baseball all-time home runs leader did a lot of civil rights work played for the atlanta braves so he just passed away this past year so what better way than to honor him in the stadium where he hit a majority of his home runs well last week brian kemp signed into law the for the people act in georgia restricting voting rights and making it illegal to give people waiting in line water and food and cutting down on the hours that polling places are open and i tell you all every single time nothing happens until the money gets upset so when people said yo we're not flying delta no more delta comes out and says we're against this law we tried to speak up and they went and listened to us people said we're boycotting coca-cola they said this whole thing is abhorrent we don't support it once the money started saying that major league baseball said hey everybody has the right to vote and this law is restrictive of that we're moving the all-star game so you're going to see a real tug of war in a lot of these places that are trying to pass these laws to restrict voting access and georgia is the test case for all of this right now because that's a lot of money that george is losing out on by the mlb moving the all-star game but this is not unsimilar to what we saw in north carolina when they passed a restrictive uh transgender transgender law about bathrooms and the nba said well we're not holding an all-star game there so how hard is it to be on the side or right this is interesting because i've seen some people say that this is actually not the best way to go about punishing georgia for their controversial voting law people were saying that every year major league baseball brings so much money and new jobs into the city and by honestly having this law in place with the voting rights and also removing the all-star game from georgia you're double jeopardizing the people of atlanta who need those jobs and i see where they're coming from because they're right maybe there's different ways to go about doing this without harming the people of georgia twice so i hear that argument it makes sense but when you look into it it's not creating jobs like it's a long-lasting job like you're talking about event staffing so you're talking about people working over a weekend um and a lot of that money does not trickle down to the people who are actually residents of atlanta in the surrounding areas while this event's in town so to me a lot of their the argument about that is a mute point um i don't think so i think that you're speaking from a place of privilege put yourself in the people's shoes who depend on the money coming in for that i'm i'm not speaking from place person i'm speaking from i'm speaking from a point of i've listened to the people who live in atlanta that have seen this happen that are talking about hey the money never trickles down to the people who actually need it here and then who is it trickling down to there's no such thing as trickle-down economics the rich keep the money we both know this but there's still jobs that are being lost at the end of the day you know there's a weekend for the all-star game but it takes prep in order for that to happen it's not just a weekend and that's it there's cleanup as well there's not an all-star game there every year and i'm pretty sure they would use most of the staff that they have there already doing these braves games because it would be at the braves field so you'd hire an extra you know extra workforce to uh pull off this event so it's not like permanent jobs being created i mean i never said it i understand that it's not permanent jobs but it's still helped nonetheless just like the stimulus check is not a forever check that you're getting every month but it's still help is it not


sure it is but i don't think that you're you're getting the point that i'm making about it no i'm i'm getting your point loud and clear the same way the stimulus check is not a forever thing you get it once these jobs for some people the money that they get from doing these small jobs for this short amount of time that the all-star game is here is still help for them and it's still help that's needed just because it's not an every year thing doesn't mean that it's less helpful to receive the money that you're going to gain from working during all-star weekend so i've done a lot of research on this you know i can't argue that i agree with you help is help but where i'm coming from is that the mlb taking a moral stand on this might be better in the long term for the people there if this law gets reversed if they take this law off the books because they're losing money these big corporations like delta coca-cola and this law gets reversed and you restore people's voting rights that sounds like a win in my book i mean it worked out for the people in north carolina so hopefully the same thing can happen with the people of georgia as well hopefully they feel the pressure and nobody ends up being harmed the people that work the all-star game don't get harmed and the people of georgia don't get harmed with discriminatory voting laws so hopefully can become a win-win but for now i feel for the people who are feeling the effects of the all-star game being moved but i also see the intent of major league baseball and actually applaud them for taking a stand ultimately they'll be on the right side of history can't say the same for the georgia lawmakers no we can't no we can't that's why it's so important to get out and vote i'll keep stressing that to you guys i'm moving on to the next thing so bad baby y'all might know her as bad baby she's a rapper um she's also known as catch me outside girl she went on dr phil and made a fool of herself exhibiting bad behavior for i think a 13 year old i don't know how old she was at the time but she instantly became famous after that whole catch me outside episode of dr phil aired and then she got signed to a record label then she started making music and she's still you know gaining followers and then still pretty popular among young people i guess because i don't know who else is listening to her she just turned 18 years old and she decided to make and only fans and the second it was available in just six hours she reached 1 million dollars worth of money that she gained from subscribers to her only fans is this predatory behavior are you concerned that so many people wanted to subscribe to her only fans and if anybody doesn't know what only fans is only fans is a website that allows you to post explicit stuff for your subscribers so your subscribers can pay a monthly fee to get access to pictures and videos of you doing sexually suggestive things so there's anything ranging from feet on there to nudity and stuff like that so you'll get the gist of what only fans is so is this predatory behavior that she gained one million dollars in just six hours from people that were willing to see her only fans so wow so you said a lot there um she made one million dollars you said in six hours it sounds to me like she was hustling now i think those people are creepy so does she launch this like on her 18th birthday like hey i just turned 18. i think maybe one week or so afterwards well that's creepy because that means people were preying on her when she was 17 turn 18 to then become legal to see her naked body that's creepy that is predatory behavior on her end she's a grown woman now in the eyes of the law she's 18. if she wants to go and post her nudes on only fans and get money for this like you said a million dollars in six hours good for her because she willingly made that choice it's not like somebody hacked her icloud and posted her nude somewhere she put this content out there for the world and if people are being sick and depraved and paying for it you know if she's okay with that because she put that content out there good on her for making that money [ __ ] a million dollars in six hours is a lot of money um i agree if she wants to do that go ahead and do it people are paying her for it so it's not like she's doing it for free so if people are willing to pay for it that's on them but at the end of the day she's laughing to the bank y'all already made her an internet star and now she's laughing to the bank even more because y'all are paying to see you know what may be fake pictures for all that we know whenever people subscribe to only fans you don't know what's behind the paywall so what's behind the paywall could be just a regular selfie and she made you subscribe to her only fans just to see that when you were wanting to see nudity so she might be trolling too i don't know what's behind the paywall i'm not interested in seeing that so you know that's that but you know she might be fooling people she might be smarter than we think but if not it's her decision it's her body and i really don't have a say in that because she's now legal and you know if it's legal it is what it is yeah i mean if you get trolled and like you you just said behind the paywall you can't see what happens and you pay fifty dollars and it's a picture of her giving you the finger you a simple you deserve that like you deserve that that's god's plan right there so that is so funny i hope that that's actually what's happening who knows but if that's happening people will be so mad oh i waited i wanted 18 months for this that's your problem that's your problem so we'll end on reviews so we have a new review that we received and we wanted to read this one because whoever sent this sent a long review so i feel like we should grace this person with the decency to read it on air so somebody sent us a review and they quoted it by saying respectfully disagree so they said love the podcast but would like to push back on your weekend grammys take while i do think the weekend came off as whiny about his boycotting of the grammys i do think it's hypocritical given what beyonce and jay-z did and how positively they were received no slander towards them but given how this year's grammys were so rock nation focused it's hard to not see what was going on behind the scenes when it came to who won the awards i get that it's the music game but isn't it hypocritical of them to bash the grammys for not recognizing the best artists and awarding people just based on connections then strong-arming the grammys into doing the same thing for their own artists can't fight corruption then be an active participant in corrupting the voting process at least i think so anyways sorry for the long review love the show hold on well for you before you respond because that was all to you was this a five star it was a five star all right then i'm cool with it i want you to address this person that did this review right to you okay that's only fair i want to give justin on this show the chance listen i would stand up for justin if i needed to but i don't need to because he's a grown man can speak for himself of course i think that first of all thank you for leaving a review it means a lot thank you for loving the show um i think that whoever sent this is black because they're talking about conspiracies um i think they're black is there to talk about conspiracies second um i disagree if you think beyonce and jay-z strong-armed the grammys into allowing megan the stallion to win all the awards that she won why can't they strong on the grammys to win awards in the big categories for themselves um i don't think that there's any power that beyonce and jay-z has when it comes to the people winning certain awards otherwise they would rig it for themselves every single time you don't think that jay-z would rig it to win album of the year you don't think that beyonce would rig it for herself to win album of the year all the times that she's been nominated so if she can rig it don't you think she would have rigged it already so i don't think that beyonce and jay-z have any power when it comes to the people who vote on these awards and who actually wins the awards otherwise they would have won in the big categories so this person is talking about the fact that megan the stallion is a rock nation artist i think she's managed by roc nation so whoever sent this is basically saying that because she's on jay-z's label jay-z somehow strong-armed voters into making sure that megan the stallion wins the awards that she won i disagree i think that the voters voted for that i don't think jay-z had any influence on that otherwise he would influence himself and his wife that's what i think about it i don't think there's corruption in that sense i think the corruption stems from the people that actually run the show and the people who actually vote on it because we know there's secret committees on the grammys who see the nominations that people voted for and then they take a couple people out move a couple people up and then corrupt the voting process in that way that's why when you saw the grammy nominations list this year you didn't see the weekend on there for blinding lights you didn't see the weekend on there for after hours because somebody he pissed off in the committee decided hey f this guy we're going to put our people on there and we're going to snatch down all his nominations because he decided to perform at the halftime show so that's a clear example of the corruption of the grammys do i think beyonce and jay-z you know participated in any corruption absolutely not because they would have done so for themselves just to piggyback on what you said there um and i i like the way that you approached your response yeah if jay-z had power there if they gave a [ __ ] about what jay-z thought then he would have won a lot more awards and his wife would have won a lot more awards so i don't think they really have that much sway or power or say there just my observation from it yeah but thank you for your thoughts on that thank you for pushing back on what i said i love when you'll push back and call me out and you know give me something to think about it's definitely something to think about but no i personally don't think that there's any corruption that beyonce and jay-z participate in um otherwise more people would win grammys honestly that's why i don't believe in this whole thing of industry plant and oh their label is doing this and manipulating that the people are the ones who are streaming the music we saw lil nos x go number one this week and people like he's an industry plant and all this y'all were the ones running up the streams on his video youtube counts towards the billboard charts so the more people watching a video and the more people streaming a song it'll impact the charts in that way and it's no surprise that lonos x went number one for that single that he released so i'm i personally don't believe in peyola and all these people rigging it so their artists can go number one otherwise the people that don't have number ones would just rig it so they can get that achievement because not everybody has a number one agreed justin anything else you want to say get off your chest before we get out of here nothing to get off my chest i'll just say um i appreciate you guys sending more reviews and send in more questions and yeah more content coming we have you know a couple surprises in store for you guys so keep a lookout for that watch the live on i think it's next monday at this point right we are going live april 12th after we record so we will closer to that date we'll give you all daily reminders of the time that we're going live so y'all can come and join in the fun ask us some questions you know really get to interact with us a little bit get to know us a little bit more um it's popping we might party all night if there's two or three people in there we appreciate your love and your support but we ain't never doing it again yo join join so we can do it more often and interact with you guys it'll be fun i'm looking forward to it so whether or not there's one person two people 30 people either way i'll have fun and make the most out of the situation so hope to see you guys there but that's it for me dante take us out all right we are polar opposites thank you for listening what you can do for us is download rate subscribe listen to our episodes tell your friends to tell their friends about it leave an anonymous question join us on our live next monday april 12th for justin dante polarosis thanks for listening we'll catch you on the next one peace

