Polar Opposites

Emergency Episode: The Insurrection & The Day Democracy Died

Episode Summary

On today’s episode, Justin and Dontè address the radical insurrection that took place on Wednesday, January 6th 2021. We witnessed one of the darkest days of our nation and we have a few things to get off our chest. The MAGA gang won’t like this episode and we don’t care. If you have a question to ask us PLEASE use this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justin_alzi/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTE: https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ LEAVE A REVIEW & SEND LETTERS! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

On today’s episode, Justin and Dontè address the radical insurrection that took place on Wednesday, January 6th 2021. We witnessed one of the darkest days of our nation and we have a few things to get off our chest. The MAGA gang won’t like this episode and we don’t care.


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If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Transcription

ma'am what what happened to you i got an ace you got mates by the place


and what happened you were trying to go inside the capitol oh i made it like a foot inside and they pushed me out and they maced me what's your what's your name where are you from my name is elizabeth i'm from knoxville tennessee and why did you want to go in we're storming the capitol it's a revolution thank you and we're here obviously it's not wednesday but typically when things like this happen in the world we have to discuss it we have to talk about it we have some things to get off our chest so dante and i are here to obviously address the elephant in the room which is the fact that terrorists anarchists decided to take it upon themselves to attack one of the pillars of our democracy the capital i have a lot to say first of all before we even say anything i just have to say that this podcast is all about being honest and telling the truth through our life experiences and what we go through and i've never been one to hold my tongue on any issue whether that's race whether that's white people i really don't care because i'm here to be honest i'm here living my truth if you get offended by any of the things we say obviously that's not my intention but this might not be the podcast for you you can listen to call her daddy you can listen to the read or whatever other podcasts you like but as for being honest that's something that i'm never going to hold my tongue back on i think that's what y'all appreciate you know about this podcast so i'll just say that before we start dante and i we wanted to do this episode because we have some things to get off our chest so this episode is an emergency episode to address everything that happened and it's basically an extended off my chest i know dante has been thinking this past couple of days about what happened dante how are you feeling you know after what happened yesterday i don't know how i'm feeling i feel i can tell you that before we get into everything what we're going to say right because this is not going to be a light-hearted podcast you probably won't enjoy it it probably will just stimulate your mind and hopefully open up to some new perspectives because i think that's why people like this podcast you know thank you to everybody who celebrated our new rollout by the way it is official and everything that i you know i have joined the family and you i hope you all like the new logo you will be we will be having a lot more interaction with you guys we're going to be doing a lot of polls asking you questions asking your opinions if you want to interact with the show please uh record video of you answering one of our questions or asking us a question and send it to the ig so we can review it you know and maybe it can end up into the episode who knows right right on a positive note georgia you did the [ __ ] thing they did i don't think people understand the gravity of what happened there a black man won a statewide race in georgia that hasn't happened since reconstruction we're talking the 1870s a 33 year old jewish man won a statewide race in georgia and all the work that stacey abrams and people like her did there to register voters they registered something like 80 000 voters who didn't vote in the presidential election two months before it that cannot go unnoticed and unpraised so congratulations to the pastor senator elect rafael warnock congratulations to senator elect john ossoff biden has a trifecta and we need to see that change that you talked about the word of this episode the overall theme of this episode and justin correct me if i'm wrong i know you will and you'll always step in and tell me if i'm saying something that's incorrect is accountability we will get into that but biden we have to hold you accountable now because you have the majority in the senate you have the majority in the house and you can get legislation john you can jam it down their [ __ ] throats and chuck schumer do not be you treat mitch mcconnell the way he treated you oh the republicans have an idea to do xyz let us sit on your desk for 400 days like mitch mcconnell did for the voting rights at the john lewis voting rights act i don't want to hear anything else about well you know we have to be the better people we saw yesterday what the better people are right i'll let justin take it back but i do want to say congratulations georgia you guys did the [ __ ] thing and it's so important that you did back to you justin yeah i'm glad you said that because that's my first bullet point i wanted to start out this episode congratulating both rafael warnock and john ossoff for winning a tight senate race that night when the results were being announced i didn't know what was going to happen it didn't look too good but surely georgia delivered and i think that the reality that we're having to come to is that georgia might be the new blue state as long as voter turnout is high and as long as there's people on the ground running grassroots campaigns to make sure that people not only register but vote this might be the new normal where georgia is now going to be considered a blue state moving forward like this is a big deal what happened and i'm thankful to everybody that worked hard to ensure that this was the result that we got because there's a lot at stake if they did not win a lot of the stuff that everybody wants whether that's your loans being cancelled there's so many things to list but there's a lot of things that possibly would not be possible had they lost but i'm glad that we're not talking about a loss we're talking about a victory a well-deserved victory so oh the senate is now 50 50 and kamala harris will be the deciding tiebreaker in any decision that the senate makes the thing with politics is that you can promise the sky you can promise whatever you want but if you don't have the senate to enact those policies those promises don't mean anything so i just want to congratulate them for winning and that should have been what we're talking about on this episode but obviously that was overshadowed by the mess and the chaos that we saw yesterday um wait wait wait yeah before you get into yesterday right because we're going to get into that but let's just talk about what you said about georgia possibly in the new blue state you know if i'm the democrats right putting my hat on as an operative how about you invest heavily in georgia right let florida go it breaks your heart every single time let florida go invest heavily in georgia invest heavily in arizona which you just won for the first time since 96 right those are two states that you should probably be focusing on texas will come around after that [ __ ] yesterday ted cruz you did all this for power you sold your soul for power you let a man call your wife ugly compared to a dog and then he kissed his ass and it backfired you you played you played your hand and you crapped out so maybe texas is a new you know is the next one to uh to turn for us and ted cruz i've been doing some research man this guy was born in canada how is he running for president all you little queuing honors out there and look at that up for me where's his birth certificate i think one of his parents has citizenship somehow so i think that he gets birthright citizenship through that technicality that should sound like daca to me that sound like daca to me i thought they were trying to end that ted cruz one worst human beings walking face to earth right now i'm embarrassed that he's one of our senators here in texas like we have the two worst senators john cornyn and ted cruz you can't get any any worse than that at least yes you can how uh who kentucky has rand paul and [ __ ] mitch mcconnell yeah you're right you can't get any worse than that that's the bottom of the barrel yeah dante i i agree with what you said in your first point about biden and now he basically he has no excuse if you have the power the people put these people in power in order for you to get stuff done not the status quo i think that this biden presidency is going to be one of the most pivotal presidencies we've seen in a long time we need to see some progress we need to see some stuff done because the people like we're seeing are not taking it anymore the littlest thing you'll have riots and you'll have people really giving it to him because enough is enough we're electing you to get stuff done biden wasn't my first choice but now that he has the power now that they did all this campaigning to make sure that he has the senate it's on you to write some legislation pass it through that's the point and i think you made a good point in saying that because if biden doesn't deliver oh we are in trouble we are in trouble i'm ready to get it all off my chest right now listen what we saw yesterday at the capitol i i need everybody to understand these people are treasonous they are insurrectionist and they are terrorists okay let's let's go through a little history lesson here everybody that's listening to this should look up what insurrection laws are and when insurrection laws were enforced was established to deal with slave uprisings you know what happened to those slaves they were killed publicly what we saw yesterday was an insurrection why weren't those people treated the same way democracy is under attack like never before and those scenes look like hitler's germany not what we have been led to believe that the usa is this election was not stolen from you what you're trying to do is steal an election and overturn the will of the people seven more million people cast their ballots for joe biden okay we need to stop relitigating the past he lost i'm not even going to say the man's name no more he lost and what i cannot still figure out for the life of me is why you put all your faith in your trust in your belief in this one person that they have signs out there saying that jesus bows down to that man why what is he a subject matter expert in honestly you should drink bleach like he said right let god's plan work itself out we spend 750 billion annually on defense and the center of american government fell in two hours let that sink into you no room for excuses anymore call things for what they are i can't believe honestly i'm not surprised let me stop pretending that i was surprised about what happened yesterday because i wasn't you know trump has been stoking the flames encouraging this type of behavior he even said that he wanted this to happen in a speech he was like you'll have to be strong and take back your country what else could he be talking about i wasn't surprised so i was just so dumbfounded to see that there wasn't enough police presence there obviously they see this as the last chance to interrupt our democracy their last chance to stop joe biden from becoming the next president of the united states so they're like we need to take back our country this is a stolen election and this just goes to show you the power of lies and the power of fake news in this world there's a lot of people who aren't that smart and these people you know are gullible they'll believe anything that trump tells them they'll believe anything that fox news or any far-right outlet tells them and it warps their sense of reality how would we react if we thought legitimately that they stole an election we might react the same way i'm not saying i would react that way but that's a natural reaction if you rightfully feel that the election was taken from under you so the fact that there's so many people out here that believe it is dangerous and a lot of these senators that are playing this game with objecting to the confirmation of joe and kamala as the next president and vp history is not going to be kind to them i think that oftentimes we get so caught up in the now and we never look towards the future history is always the best indicator of who was right and who was wrong and a lot of these people are going to be on the wrong side of history you're on the side of anarchy you're on the side of the confederacy you're on the side of white supremacy that's not a good look and a lot of them don't care just as long as their own personal agenda is fulfilled josh hawley probably wants to run for president in the future so he's playing this game along with trump to try and you know curry favor with trump supporters and it's going to backfire and he's going to be on the wrong side of history along with all the other people that were playing that charade you know it took that violence that we saw at the capitol for some of them to renounce their claim and say hey i'm no longer playing this game there's too much at stake here joe biden and kamala harris are the next elected vp and president if accountability is a real thing in this country because if you don't punish things that are wrong they will continue to occur if accountability is real in this country ted cruz needs to be expelled from the senate josh hawley needs to be expelled from the senate right because that's accountability they were inciting a riot the crazy thing you you're so right about people's minds being warped right you got to understand you guys are not patriots right patriots are the [ __ ] soldiers who storm normandy you're not patriots you're not the same as them patriots are the men who died in vietnam patriots are the men and women who are serving overseas right now patriots are the first responders who responded and risked their lives and lost their lives on 9 11. patriots are people who fought back at pearl harbor when our nation was under attack you're sore losers you're treasonous the crazy thing about is you talk all this america [ __ ] right this is for our country country first people were taking down the american flag and putting up a trump flag and people are still carrying around a confederate flag you're not fighting that battle anymore you lost it was decided you got crushed sherman burned atlanta to the [ __ ] ground it's over


it's over stop carrying that loser flag you're so america first but you fly every flag but the american flag you fly that [ __ ] blue flag with the black bars it's not the american flag you fly a trump flag it's not the american flag you fly nazi flags not the american flag you fly the confederate flag that's a flag of losers you guys are [ __ ] losers you're flying nazi flags they lost confederacy lost so yes it makes sense that you would associate with these flags and let's call things for what they are this wasn't a protest this was an act of domestic terrorism call things for what they are could you imagine if muslims descended upon the capital the way these white supremacists did a lot of people would be dead could you imagine if black lives matter protesters descended upon the capital the way these white supremacists did a lot of people would die so it's just interesting the way you know these people are treated compared to people that are actually fighting for their humanity and they're fighting for their lives this is ridiculous at one point i was like where is the tear gas where are the rubber bullets the police in one clip that i saw opened up the gate and allowed these people to rush through so i'm like are you all on the same side whose side are you guys on and what's going on this is ridiculous this is just showing you guys white privilege you know at its finest you see how people take up arms against the country and you see an old lady escorted down a flight of stairs what is going on i just want to push back on something that you said you know hey if it was black lives matter protesters out there right now that that have been treated different it doesn't have to be black black lives matter protesters if black people were out there rioting and causing an insurrection the way that those people were yesterday let me tell you something those white hallways would have been littered with black or brown or people of color bodies and i'm not willing to have a debate with you on that what you saw yesterday if anybody ever asked or says that white privilege doesn't exist all you have to do is take a look at what happened yesterday if black people breached the capital do you know the military force that they would have been met with you would have seen tanks rolling down pennsylvania avenue if that were black people sitting at the uh speaker of the house desk stealing government property isn't that what the whole thing where they talking [ __ ] on that in portland right didn't trump try to pass this law that you get 10 years in prison you didn't hurt defacing federal property right you did so that guy who was smiling and walking out with the podium that that man he's a terrorist right because you got to call spade a spade in this country we have a problem calling people who are not of color terrorists what happened in nashville on christmas day was an act of domestic terror what happened yesterday was domestic terror if those people were muslim like you said if those people were people of color i want our listeners to look up something that happened in philly in the 80s called move it was a a group of black people and i i'm not going to get into the specifics of it but basically they overtook a federal building and guess what the government did the man don't play games when when it's people that don't look like the man dropped a bomb on them a bomb okay i think they would have found it in their budget to reconstruct that capital bill if that would have been people of color or muslim storm in that place and they would not have been escorted in i could tell you that much you saw how they lined up on the lincoln memorial in all their [ __ ] militarized gear when they were peaceful black lives matter protest out there right in in rose four or five deep now you mean to tell me that you knew this was coming on the sixth you knew this was taking place and you weren't prepared for it but but shout out to larry hogan the republican governor of maryland who called for the removal of office of the current occupant of the white house he came out and laid out some facts about and said maryland was ready to send our national guard you know who is in charge of federal services like that who has to give that order the president he said i was waiting for 90 minutes to activate these people the reason why i wasn't activated is because trump wanted this to happen he stoked the fires in speech after speech after speech told people to be brave and to be strong and to fight back and take the country back so he fully expected this to happen so he would be the last person that's going to call the national guard until he really had to but a lot of people just have been lied to i don't know if you saw the congressman that said that this was antifa dressed up as trump supporters trying to invade the capital they're continuing to lie whenever trump got into office in 2016 i knew it would be bad but i didn't imagine that this one person would erode our democracy the way he has our trust in science our belief in the system our belief in government our belief in the truth and accuracy and what we're being fed i didn't know that one man in the span of four years would destroy all of this on his way out then the fact that so many people reelected this man you know you guys have no excuse anymore i don't have any words for you i really don't it takes selfishness or ignorance or racism to support a man like this you know there's so many people that could truly benefit from having somebody that actually cares about them in office but you choose this guy because your taxes are more important than humanity your hatred of black and brown people is more important than humanity i think the history is also not going to be kind to trump supporters as well these are people that are willing to turn a blind eye to all of the things that we're seeing in favor of their own personal rights and i think that history is not going to be kind we're just a laughingstock at this point i'm just imagining the other countries that are watching our democracy crumble before our very eyes people running in to the house floors sitting on the chair of the president and putting their feet up on the table it's stupidity and a lot of these people really are stupid because if you were smart you would at least cover your face but the fact that you showed your face so the fbi can track you down so people can know exactly who you are where you work that's on you and you're gonna get a call or knock at the door in a couple days and you guys are gonna go to prison and that's the whole you know you didn't have problems wearing a mask when you were burning crosses on our yards but you have a problem wearing a mask during a [ __ ] pandemic to stop the spread because it's hard for you to think about anybody outside of yourself any little inconvenience you think is they're infringing on my rights you know that's the only time that these people talk about that they're pro-choice right i don't it's my body i don't want to wear a mask but you don't agree with other women saying hey it's my body i can get an abortion if i want to i'm tired of debating the hypocrisy i know i've come on here many times and said hey like listen if you are on the other side i'm willing to have a conversation with you and not after yesterday if you're still on that train after what we saw yesterday like listen you can be a republican right like you can be a a republican like hey i'm conservative on these issues blah blah blah sure we can do that but there has been so many republicans over the past four years who have put country over party and said hey this isn't the guy that represents my party i'd rather be independent or i'd rather just vote blue to get him out of office i'll talk to you but the maggots i don't have any words for you no more i don't i don't there's no i'm not wasting my time we marched because we were getting killed and you guys are rioting because you didn't get your way we're not the same these causes are not the same don't bring bring up uh people marching for peace and racial justice and equality and equity this summer to what we saw when they stormed the state capital in michigan or what we saw yesterday that was anarchy you made really good points honestly you made really fantastic points it was anarchy and i think that with trump obviously trump has been one of the worst president probably the worst modern president that we've had he has in a way exposed the republican party for what it is a lot of people have been exposed the fact that trump has done all this and there's still people out there that support him i have a lot of questions to ask but i think that if somebody after all this still supports trump it says a lot about them they've really been exposed people that you thought that you could trust people that you were cool with your co-workers or whatever can't really be trusted you don't feel comfortable around people that think this way and i think that he made people feel comfortable enough to express their bigotry publicly and i think that's great because it's like unveiling a mask we see you for who you are it is what it is you said i have so many questions i don't have questions no more anybody that knows me heard on a personal level knows that i'm very good at not giving a [ __ ] once i don't give a [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] i ain't going to spend no oxygen no brain cells or emotion on it i don't have questions don't give a [ __ ] no more i'm done hearing about healing and reaching out to the other side those people chose their side and should be dealt with accordingly please treat them the way that you would have treated black people in that situation shoot first ask questions later right that's what they would say when the luton starts the shooting starts right kill em all let god sort them out because let me tell you something if that were to have occurred when john lewis and reverend king marched on washington we would have witnessed a massacre on national tv and imagine if there wasn't cameras to capture what these crazy people were doing banging chairs and breaking into the capitol this is crazy it's almost like i was watching the end of the world or one of the purge movies that's what it looked like if you told people you have 24 hours to do what you want and chaos ensues that's the image that pops into my mind people taking to the streets going to the capitol sitting on the chairs going into senators and you know representatives office putting your feet up stealing documents you guys are stupid and the fbi has your image the fact that you showed your full face on there shows how smart you really are and it's just shameful it's embarrassing honestly when people from around the world are looking at this and they're like this is america this is the great beacon of hope of opportunity and this is how these people are acting it says a lot it really is not stupidity on their part for showing their face that is comfortability they know that we are white we are privileged these police are not going to shoot us and attack us on the scale that they with somebody else here's the thing right as a black person your thought isn't hey what is everything i can do what's what can i do that's where you start your baseline at right what can i do not what can i do we live in two different americas so much of being black is you know being told to move on and forgive and adapt and look to your better angels like i'm out of angels man like it's demon time i don't have any more angels for you you're right the thing is also we need to mention how people get so mad that colin kaepernick decided to take a knee and people were so up and arms like oh you're a disgrace you get out of this country and then look at what these people are doing in the name of this is our country and one thing that we need to address is why like i always say on this show nothing is ever black and white there are shades of gray to everything and we need to address the elephant in the room when it comes to why these people are acting like this obviously they see a joe biden and a kamala harris regime as a threat honestly a lot of white people out there are afraid of a changing country they are afraid of losing their privilege they're afraid of equality a lot of people really truly don't want equality they might quote mlk and non-violence and all this but equality is the worst thing that they can imagine because that means their privilege goes away that means the systematic advantages that they've been given since this country started will go away and when you have something that you didn't deserve and it gets taken away you feel like you are owed something so the fact that they say this is our country whose country whose country is it because if we really want to break it down this is the natives country they were slaughtered you know a genocide occurred this country was taken over by people that were not born here you know this is a country of immigrants and a lot of white people believe that this is their country and that everything they got they earned that's not the truth you have to be honest and i think we have to address the fact that a changing country is what these people fear the most georgia a traditionally red deep red state mind you has two democratic senators and for the first time in a long time has turned blue this will not be the first time this happens other states will also experience this and a lot of white people are losing their minds and an example is what we saw yesterday they are losing their minds and they're taking to the capitol to take back quote unquote their country


yeah i mean i can't say it any better than what you said and how you said it right like i don't know how much more i can keep talking about i mean i never what i never will stop talking about it right because this is what the reality i live in but at a certain point we have to understand that certain people are unreachable right like one thing that you know i keep in mind and i've been told to keep in mind like hey if you ever run for any public office you need to be open to working with the other side and that's completely true but we gotta like you said right being honest about things there's probably about 30 percent of people in this country that no matter what i say or do would never support me or or have any good faith conversation with me i don't care about them people rightly i don't care i just want people held accountable those people are treasonous and they attack the capitol building united states what if britain people from britain came over here and attacked the capital united states do you think they would have been handled with great dispatch yes like we said before if it was black people oh my god the amount of black bodies that you would have seen littered around the capitol building yesterday you would have thought you were in the 1800s the way you would have seen them black bodies piled up it's just i think this is one of the worst days in our country's history and it's sad because in 2021 we had good thoughts positive vibes and then on the sixth day of the new year this happened this is gonna be a moment in the history books we're living through history and that's why you know i'm lucky that i have this platform where we can discuss things like this because i think that it's important to speak out when you see something wrong so many people choose to stay quiet choose to continue living in their comfort but the world out there is uncomfortable for a lot of people a human being a fellow human being should see injustice and speak out about it because this stuff is wrong this stuff is wrong you can't treat anarchists and terrorists like this and then you treat people that are fighting for their humanity in a completely different way where were the tanks where were the rubber bullets where was the tear gas i didn't see enough of that it's not like whenever these people are protesting for their humanity they're going to the white house and trying to break down the doors of the white house they're marching in the streets and then they're met with tear gas and rubber bullets make it make sense to me make it make sense to me and on my previous point about people speaking out when they see certain injustices it seems like the black square instagram was quiet where were the black square people a lot of them were quiet part of being an ally is speaking up when stuff like this happens you know there's no difference between what we saw yesterday and the terribleness that we saw when it came to george floyd everybody was speaking up against that but we need to speak up against this as well so all those people that felt comfortable enough to do the minimum and post a black square i'm with you i stand in solidarity where were you yesterday a lot of people chose to be quiet and i have a lot of questions for them because you're not truly an ally if you're not going to speak up about injustices don't even post a black square show us how you really feel instead of pretending that you're an ally so people don't view you a certain way step out of your comfort and if you're not gonna care don't even post a black square because i don't care about your excuses let's talk about this to america things again real quick cause you brought up george floyd right so a man was killed by the police who may have been trying to use counterfeit money right killed by the police somebody kneeled on his neck for over eight minutes closer to nine minutes air gorner was selling loose cigarettes choked to death by police dylan roof went into a black church shot up the church killed eight people was peacefully apprehended walked out cops treated him the burger king before they took him to jail kyle rittenhouse shot three people walked past the cops went home that night this should be all we have to tell you about two americans don't tell me racism doesn't exist don't tell me why privilege doesn't exist because there's time and time again we can give you these examples i just gave you two just two and if you can't come to terms with the fact that what i just said is true and as a fact we have nothing to talk about because you live in an alternate reality and you're sick i'm not gonna waste my time but a lot of people are more divided than ever and that division is only going to continue just because trump is going to be out of office doesn't mean he's going to go away the media is going to continue to bring him up any little thing that he does they're going to report on it rather than reporting on the biden administration and the changes that they're trying to enact trump isn't going away anytime soon and he's probably gonna run again so we have to be vigilant we can't be you know scared we have to you know keep a lookout because when we go blind that's how we get another trump because the only reason we have trump is because to be honest we got a little bit too comfortable a lot of people thought that it was a foregone conclusion that hillary was gonna win so they didn't even bother to vote they thought that trump was a joke and you should always take things seriously no matter how silly it may be because a lot of us didn't i fall into that trap because i thought there was no way that trump could be elected even after he got the republican nomination i was like people will prevail there's a lot of smart people that are gonna know the right thing to do but i didn't also realize that there's equally if not more people who are not that smart that are deciding to roll some dice and take a gamble with the future of our country and our democracy to see how it plays out with trump well here's y'all's result i hope you're happy with this all of y'all that voted for trump look foolish now and you guys are not going to be on the right side of history because because of your throwaway vote because you decided to write in harambe in a bottle of hennessy or vote for trump now we're living with this so because a lot of us decided to joke and not take it seriously we're living with our actions or the consequence of our actions before the terrorists stormed the capital and there's one i i can't wait to see the reports and the dissection of what actually happened there if you're a foreign entity and you wanted to attack us and you could see that our capital fell in two minutes to some [ __ ] out of shape hicks what are you thinking with your military force right now but besides that before the capital was taken over by terrorists mitch mcconnell gave a speech on the senate floor urging republicans not to contest these results put that in perspective if mitch mcconnell is the good guy in any situation you know you've gone a step too far you know you're on the wrong side of history if mitch mcconnell is the voice of reason and the good guy and accountability you need to hold all those trump ass kissers and places of power accountable lindsey graham today saying hey we had a good run with the president but i haven't seen a single uh thing that would tell me that there's been fake votes cast you said there are sixty thousand i haven't seen one where was that energy at lindsay on november fifth in the weeks following these people have to pay these people have to pay i i think that it's ridiculous for them to hate trump before he becomes the nominee and then once he becomes the president then they're kissing his butt and saying oh trump we're going to do whatever we can to support you it's really funny lindsey graham is a joke mitch mcconnell is a joke none of these people have a spine they're choosing this moment now when our democracy is at risk to take a stand against trump once he's leaving office but when he was there they were his number one and number two enablers mitch mcconnell is not a joke he is a very calculated smart and evil man he ain't a joke lindsey graham's a joke marco rubio is a joke ted cruz is a joke josh hall is a joke mitch mcconnell ain't a joke he's great at what he did he's evil pure evil and he was great at it very smart very calculated man because before trump became the nominee he was one of the vocal critics of trump then once he was like man i'm gonna have to work with this man then he started condoning this behavior we shouldn't even give him a silver star whatever they call it for saying the obvious because it took him till the middle of december to even acknowledge that joe biden and kamala harris won the election he's a part of this just as much as trump so just because he's not out there giving the commands for people to attack the capital doesn't mean that he doesn't hold any blame because a lot of the blame falls on him for perpetuating this false idea that the election was somehow stolen that there were fake votes cast this is ridiculous because there's no evidence of this even the supreme court and the judges that trump put on this court threw out the case about looking into the election because there's no evidence of fraud the fact that these staunch conservatives are throwing it out it says a lot okay patriots let's talk some patriot [ __ ] real quick right you're the patriots you say you are mike pence need to invoke that 25th amendment or move him from office immediately be patriotic put country over party but y'all won't do it because it's all [ __ ] and the sooner you can admit to yourself that it's all [ __ ] the better we all would be as a country that's when we can unify and we can heal it's wrong to lie to other people right like we've learned that our whole lives right like it's wrong to lie to other people but it's sad to lie to yourself you said it he said it the pause you know speaks for itself the pause speaks for itself but you know you have to be careful what you wish for honestly a lot of people are calling for the 25th amendment to be invoked be careful what you wish for because if that happens and pence is the new president there's a few days before january 20th and he can easily give trump a pardon so if you truly want that to happen if trump gets a pardon we're gonna be to blame because we called for this if you're gonna impeach him fine send a message let it be in the history books that this is the president that has been impeached twice no other president has ever been impeached twice so if you want to go that route go that route but be careful what you wish for after the way that he threw pence under the bus people that get to those places in life are men of great ego find it hard to believe that he would part of him after he threw him under the bus like that and setting him up to be the fall guy i just think it's important that we're doing this episode because you have to speak if you have a platform if you have a voice it's important to you know speak up when injustices happen and we're doing just that so all of these people that are choosing to remain silent what are you silent for this is our country you have to speak out if you stand for nothing you fall for everything and we can't be blind anymore let this year be a reminder that anything is possible we hope for the best and expect the worst and you know this is the worst and the sad part is that it might only get worse a lot of people were saying that we're headed towards a civil war i don't want to like speak that into existence but the signs are there the signs are there i really doubted that before yesterday but now i don't think that it's that far-fetched just so you all know bayern will have control of the military in a couple weeks i know that all these right-wing terrorist extremists have all these weapons in these guns because they love their guns more than they love their moms and women in their lives rights but think about this those are the guns that the man let you have think about the guns the man don't have i would love to see you all starting up rising i would love it because the man wouldn't play around about that the full force of the military would be put upon you and that's god's plan if you're stupid enough to do something like that that's darwinism that's evolution that's god's plan let it happen let it happen and a lot of those people that were storming the capital did not have a mask on dante always says play stupid games win stupid prizes so if you end up with kovid it is what it is you saw herman kane talk about masks aren't essential he went to a trump rally i was there then the next couple weeks he ended up in the hospital and died due to covet play stupid games win stupid prizes so i just hope that all of those people that decided to partake in that insurrection get held accountable i hope they get prosecuted to the full extent of the law i hope the same thing happens to trump as well because i truly don't think that he's going to spend a day in prison i really truly doubt that he'll spend a day in prison there's going to be some technicality where he doesn't serve any jail time you know that's what's gonna happen and i know biden is gonna be like you know what me prosecuting trump is gonna just cause more division and this is about healing the nation that's what's gonna happen i hope it doesn't every american shouldn't be operating by two different playbooks if i commit a crime i go to prison a sitting president or a post president should also be under that same jurisdiction so that's my thoughts on it if not it will just happen again certain things deserve certain consequences right the way to teach people not to do something is you discipline them for it and it was an insurrection and they should be treated like the slaves that were murdered uh for insurrections accountability is what i always preach on this show and i think that we all need to be held accountable including all of these people so we'll see what happens with the fallout that comes next this is just a sad day we just needed to come on here and vent and talk about it i'd be curious to know what you guys think of what happened what needs to happen next will trump be held accountable will the 25th amendment be invoked um will he be impeached will he go to prison you know what's going to happen and how is this biden administration going to handle everything that's before them because they have a full plate and they have to finish all that food yeah listen to justin's psa i'm done talking about it this has been you know an emergency episode we feel like we had to get some things off of our chest and we know that people expect a certain level of intelligence clarity honesty and quality from us and how could we sit on it and wait another week before we talked about this you know so we felt compelled to give you our thoughts on this this is one of the first times i'm going to say after an episode and it's going to be rare that i ever do this as long as i'm a part of this podcast but look if you disagree with me i kind of don't want to hear what you have to say i don't give a [ __ ] just being honest with you you're a [ __ ] dullard so i'm not wasting my time on that i mean i'm the same waste issues like this is just not up for debate if you can't see what we see you're never gonna see it so there's no point in debating with you live on your island and we'll live on ours and everybody has eyes everybody is open to the truth and if you're not going to be honest with yourself i don't want to entertain that conversation at all and i'm not going to do that on this platform either this platform is all about honesty and having honest conversations and we're trying to do that with this episode so from time to time if something happens in the world where we cannot wait a week to talk about it on an episode we're just gonna upload you know another episode and talk about it so y'all can hear our immediate thoughts because we need to be part of this conversation of pushing things forward and doing our part to enact change and hold you know people accountable you know that's the point of the show and that's the point of this episode so that's why we're delivering an emergency episode for this week but that's it for me i feel like i got a lot off my chest dante do you have any last things to say empathy goes a long way i know you guys are probably tired hearing me talk about empathy but empathy goes a long way put yourself into somebody else's shoes and think about you know what their perspective might be stop being so [ __ ] selfish that's all i have to say that's it for this episode guys no no razzle dazzle on this episode just coming to you guys to talk about what happened so y'all be safe as always continue to listen to the show subscribe tell your friends to listen and we will catch you guys on the next one keep looking forward to what's coming next don't let the door hit you with a good lord split you right up your ass bye