Polar Opposites

Happy Juneteenth? Critical Race Theory, Kevin Hart Cancel Culture, Trans In Hollywood

Episode Summary

Welcome, welcome, welcome as Justin would say! In today’s episode, we drag the great state of Texas in “Off My Chest.” We talk about Kevin Hart vs cancel culture and the “haters." We discuss Critical Race Theory and why people get it so wrong. Is Juneteenth being a national holiday the change we were asking for? There are interesting allegations being thrown towards Drake; is texting a teenager when you’re in your 30’s suspect? Finally, our main topic is Juneteenth! To celebrate, Justin and I discussed things Black people need to leave OUT of our community. As always like, share, & subscribe. Thanks for listening! If you have a question to ask us please use this link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform  Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ https://www.instagram.com/justin_alzi/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTÉ https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ LEAVE A REVIEW & SEND LETTERS! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

Welcome, welcome, welcome as Justin would say! In today’s episode, we drag the great state of Texas in “Off My Chest.” We talk about Kevin Hart vs cancel culture and the “haters." We discuss Critical Race Theory and why people get it so wrong. Is Juneteenth being a national holiday the change we were asking for? There are interesting allegations being thrown towards Drake; is texting a teenager when you’re in your 30’s suspect? Finally, our main topic is Juneteenth! To celebrate, Justin and I discussed things Black people need to leave OUT of our community.


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Episode Transcription

we are back with another episode new week new heat new episode we love to see it always great to come on here and talk to you guys if any of you guys are new to the show this show is called polar opposites because me and my co-host dante we agree we disagree but most importantly we come together to discuss topics relating to pop culture entertainment politics all of it it's always a good episode every single time that's why you guys are here and we're happy that you're joining us so if you're new and you love the show after hearing it hit the following button on spotify follow us on apple podcast we know that they updated their system so be sure to do what you need to do to support the show also we have a link in the description where you guys can follow us on social media and we have an anonymous link where you guys can send in anonymous questions so if you have a question comment concern if you want to stir stuff up for the show feel free to send stuff in we love to see it we love interacting with you guys and it makes this show and doing this every week that much funner i guess that wasn't proper english but you know i'm not gonna edit that but um thank you guys for listening dante new week how are you doing this week if it's up right you know like cardi said then it's stuck hey listen the power of positivity man that's all i try to do um we got a lot to talk about i'm not going to waste a lot of time on me people don't give a [ __ ] about how i'm doing how are you doing um it's hot out here in texas i'm glad to be inside hate to see it but it is what it is it is what it is you guys out there how are y'all doing as you're listening in your car or in the shower or whatever and however you choose to listen how are y'all doing i know that i don't even know what to say anyway dante what are we talking about this week we have so much to cover this week we have a lot of news stories to get to you we got a lot of uh twitter [ __ ] to talk about like y'all got to strap in you only had an episode like this in a while we have some heat and we're not teasing that just to tease it this is actually like a content filled episode so why don't we start with off my chest justin's chest dante


all right thank you julia so this week dante actually wrote a couple things down for off my chest i guess we're doing a duel off my chest this week so when people talk about being pro-life and i know we haven't really dug deep into abortion on this show but when people talk about being pro-life and usually those people come from the right side of the aisle i just love to call [ __ ] right you want to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies but hey free reign on guns you know we have a mass shooting it's it's not the gun's fault it's the people's fault but you're not doing anything to improve this situation so texas you want to whitewash history you want to lie to kids and tell them what happened in the history of this country in the history of your state you want to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies governor greg abbott signing a bill wednesday banning abortions in most cases where a fetal heartbeat is detected potentially as early as six weeks into pregnancy before many women even know they're pregnant in texas we work to save those lives similar heartbeat bans passed by other states have so far failed to hold up in court the texas bill is unique permitting almost anyone to sue any person or provider who may have helped someone get an abortion after the limit so you're so busy taking away people's rights that you can't make sure that your [ __ ] power grid is functioning correctly there i digress justin you can talk about your home state to be honest i'm not sure what the permit law even does what is the point of that people that own guns have they been complaining that they don't like having to carry a permit around to prove that it's a registered gun i don't understand it like we have to carry our driver's license it's not some burdensome thing that we have to do it's just normalized and i think that permits should continue to be normalized i don't know why they're saying that if you have a registered gun you don't have to have a permit i don't really think that much good can come from that and then with the abortion bill y'all know i think that a woman is a hard choice to make but ultimately i don't think that it's my place or any man's place to tell a woman what she should and shouldn't do with her body abortion is a touchy subject for everybody and just because you are pro-choice doesn't mean that you think abortion should be just everywhere and that you love it like it's complicated for everybody even people that are pro-choice still struggle with the idea of abortion it's not something that's easy to grasp but at the end of the day in this country we separate our personal beliefs for the good of everybody else for the collective so if your religious views don't necessarily align with abortion some people are able to compartmentalize and say that hey i might not agree with this myself but it's not my religions right it's not a man's right to say what a woman should and shouldn't do with her body and i think that that's how it should be agreed 100 that's where i stand on it you can't tell a woman what to do with her body it should be her choice right i mean there have been wars fought over this there's amendments in the constitution drafted about life liberty and pursuit of happiness you know um i don't know and what's gets so hypocritical about is when they put these provisions in there like oh you know everything's banned over six weeks most women don't know they're pregnant by six weeks um in certain states they have you know there's no if ands or buts about it you know in cases of rape and incest there's still no abortion allowed and it's like well what would so male governor who's telling women what they can do with their body what happens if that's your daughter who gets raped or is in an in sexual relationship is she allowed to get that abortion would you make a a case for it then i think a lot of times some of the more stupid things that happen in our society could be uh solved by a little empathy and putting yourself in somebody else's shoes and i agree as well but with critical race theory i know a couple months ago we were talking about the whole term uh defund the police and people were saying that you know i agree with the stance of limiting police budgets and allocating those resources elsewhere maybe the term critical race theory needs to be looked at maybe it sounds weird and scientific and people don't understand it because people think that critical race theory is basically the idea of saying that white people are evil and white people are to blame for all of the world's problems people think that's what it is so it's easy for them to hear critical race theory and be like no we don't want our kids learning that i think that maybe instead of critical race theory they should just call it the truth or maybe history i don't know i feel like that works much better than calling it critical race theory i feel like sometimes the intellectual side of the left likes to come up with all these terms that might make sense to us but for other people it's weird or they don't understand it let's make things easy call it the truth and call it history there you go agree 100 and like you said it's not the critical race here is not saying hey white people are evil so critical race theory is a framework it's a theoretical framework that was developed in the 1980s by legal scholars to help us understand um how it is that structural and racial disparities endure in our society and how that is actually engendered in some of our laws and policies and so the idea was to get us to think uh systemically as opposed to just thinking that racism manifests by individuals just mistreating each other that there are actual structures in our society that create these different kinds of racial gaps and racial disparities economically in terms of housing in terms of education and so that's what they do is that they actually show us how the law um how laws that are supposed to be mutual uh neutral actually can promulgate or support racial disparities that's a theoretical framework i think what we're talking about today though is some contestation and conflict over how you teach about race racial hierarchies um critically racism in schools and society and so the two are being conflated um during black history month where they're not just handing out peanut butter cookies the kids and being like hey black people no they're talking about the the good the bad the ugly and the perseverance of african americans in this country and also how being white has historically given you some advantages over your lifetime and your ancestors lifetime it's kind of hard to be on a level playing field when you weren't giving access to uh education it was illegal for you to re learn how to read and write um when you couldn't own property and you're disenfranchised financially so right just saying it's because we're not even going to get into separate but equal going to a black school going to a white school with lower resources make that make sense but since this is not the episode for that i digress we have more things to cover but we felt the need to talk about that because it's very very important but uh and to transition out of that happy juneteenth everybody yes look at dante happy juneteenth well this episode is a couple days after juneteenth but happy juneteenth to you dante um it looks like our government decided to finally recognize juneteenth as a federal holiday so from now on if you guys are in college and you're taking summer classes you will have off on june 19th we'd love to see it with the stroke of a pen today juneteenth became the first new federal holiday since martin luther king day in 1983. happy juneteenth everybody june 19 1865 was the day a union general arrived in galveston texas to inform enslaved people they were free two months after the end of the civil war and two years after the signing of the emancipation proclamation is this the change that we wanted oh see i don't want to go there with you let's just talk about juneteenth a little bit though from you being from texas that's been a state holiday there for a long time correct right so you grew up with an understanding of juneteenth more than most people on national stage have correct that's not true actually really yeah i never knew what juneteenth was until like last year so did you not have all from school for it no we've never gotten off for juneteenth ever it might have been listed in a google calendar but it's never been recognized in school and i've never even heard about it being talked about ever until like last year honestly okay here's the sparks notes version of juneteenth after uh the south surrendered because the confederacy was a bunch of [ __ ] losers and should not have statues a general rode into galveston texas and let the slaves know that slavery had been abolished the south lost the war and they are now free people the ex slaves decided hey this should be a holiday and they celebrated juneteenth now the [ __ ] up part about this is that lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation in 1863 this event didn't take place until 1865. so for two years these people didn't know that legally they should have been free people but it's a national holiday first federal holiday since 1982 when they uh made mlk junior day a holiday it's a big deal um it's a big deal because it's being recognized by a government but in the grand scheme of everything this is nothing we get recognition but this is not policy policy is what changes things as great as this is i'm not satisfied and i don't think that anybody should be satisfied because i equate this to people doing black lives matter avenue and painting the streets with black lives matter that's cute and everything but that does nothing it makes people feel good but at the end of the day there's no policy that's being enacted reparations have not been served as far as i'm concerned we're still at square one until we have actual policies in place that will do something this does nothing for me i agree with you that it's a symbolic win and not a policy one you know look we've had plenty of hours of dialogue and discussion on and off this podcast about we need to have policy wins that creates change like you said right so yes to me yeah it's a it's a big deal and it's nice that it's being uh federally recognized as a holiday and it would it will spark more people to have an understanding of what juneteenth is and what it means and the struggle for for freedom but we have a voting rights bill that we need to pass because it got gutted in 2013. there's infrastructure plans that they need to pass there's so much policy that needs to be passed there's been a lot of inaction on it so i agree with you that hey this is fine but it's it's a it's a footnote there's bigger prizes to be won and honestly it's not even a prize at this point it's our [ __ ] democracy that is on the line right beautiful gowns beautiful gowns but honestly it does nothing for me so i'm looking forward to the policy joe biden kamala i'm waiting for the policy taylor swift okay great great gowns beautiful gowns black people are waiting for the policy we want to jump in here for a second i gotta jump in here and play devil's advocate and be fair they have proposed a lot of policy you have a senator who is now the most powerful politician in washington regardless of joe biden and joe manchin who was really a republican in in democratic clothing is saying hey we shouldn't pass anything unless the minority has a say did mitch mcconnell give a [ __ ] about your opinion joe manchin the past four years when they were in power this is i thought this was a democracy this isn't uh a land of hey you lose the presidency the senate and the house and you still get to determine what bills get passed that's not how it works that's why we have elections right we have elections to send people to congress to represent our thoughts and what we believe should be the agenda in the policies past so i hope that in 2022 that they can pick up some more seats and that guy can just change his party to republican and he doesn't matter anymore but he's really holding hostage a lot of what uh the biden harris administration is trying to get done here right i don't know i'm just gonna say that democrats are weak and our inaction is the reason why people question the need to vote in the first place when they see people that are elected to pass policies not doing anything stifling votes so policies don't get passed that doesn't entice me to want to vote it's like more of the same all the time every two years when y'all tell us to get out and vote this is the result so it makes it harder on us when we're telling people to vote and this is what they're seeing in congress we look like fools at the end of the day they're making themselves look stupid and they're not doing anything that's gonna materially affect the lives of other people so i don't know it's tough because every year it's the same old talking points and nothing ever gets done if the democrats don't want to be perceived as weak get stuff done when you're given the power because let me tell you when the republicans get in there they start moving and shaking and twerking their tax cuts they get it through they gut out all these voting rights policies they get everything that they want but democrats go in and they start being nice and oh we need bipartisanship we need to work together reach across the aisle don't reach across anywhere because if you reach across they will snap your arm off so don't even try it stop wasting your time and get stuff done because this juneteenth stuff y'all are singing in the white house and ooh yeah that is cute and everything but that does nothing so continue to sing but how about we sing about some policies okay can you print out the lyrics can we get on a genius and figure out what it means yeah we need to do that because i don't know what they were thinking about i know that they were happy but i wish that a piece of policy about policing was passed and they were singing about that or voting rights policy was passed and they were singing about that until then i wouldn't be singing anything well it looks like we stand in solidarity on that one yes my brother list of righteousness up in the air so kevin hart kevin hart kevin hart so over the weekend or i don't even know when this happened but a few days ago kevin hart made some news because in response to cancel culture supporters he said shut the f up so a lot of people were tweeting at him and saying that he's not funny this and that and whatever people were saying on twitter got under kevin hart's skin and this is what he had to say sometimes you gotta sit back and laugh at some of the [ __ ] you hear and i hear all of it the he's not funny slander is best this is for you i have three stand up comedy specials that fall in the top 10 highest grossing comedy specials of all time two of my specials are in the top three of all time i have been the highest grossing comedian in entertainment for years now i've also been the highest grossing comedian in the box office with four billion dollars in earnings i've also turned my comedic talent into a place of business and branding and radio and other revenue streams the hate and slander fuels me to do more you guys are what makes this business fun because it's not about getting to the top it's about doing your best to stay on top after you get there i rarely talk mess but i feel the need to today stop believing these headlines and read the actual articles you guys fall for the banana and the tailpipe trick every damn time j cole said it best if you're laughing at a millionaire the joke's on you now back to your regularly scheduled program live love and laugh alright so obviously that's kevin hart's response to critics that told him that he's not funny um somebody tweeted it's interesting to hear kevin hart say f cancel culture when he had the perfect opportunity to actually take a stand against it at a time when he was being confronted with it and yet he opted instead to buckle and apologize then somebody else said that eddie murphy cat williams are two guys that are funnier than kevin hart and basically they're saying that eddie murphy has admitted that he can understand how what he was doing with his comedy specials in the past was harmful and he said kevin hart is dying on the same hill so what do you have to say to everything well that was a lot i'll start from the back and work my way to the forward eddie murphy and cat williams are it's not even close how much more funny they are than him um yes if you listen to eddie murphy's two specials from the 80s raw and delirious um that doesn't a lot of that does not age well like he says a lot of stuff about people that are homosexual that it's not funny it's cringe and it was even cringed back in the day and if kevin horse is signing to die on that hill well good for him because that sounds like a losing battle to me you know i'm a firm believer that it's okay to talk your [ __ ] sometime but the thing is nobody was talking about the money that he's grossing yeah we know that you make money they're talking about your skills as a comedian i've said plenty of times and that's just an unpopular opinion so what like that's where i think that and i beat my chest for this all the time that's why i think that he doesn't get about this people are still allowed to have opinions in 2021. i don't find his stand-up specials funny i don't find his movies funny i respect his work ethic the man has built a kingdom so there's a talent in that in itself like you are great at marketing yourself and your skills because i'm not going to say that you're unskilled you're great at doing this and you know good for you but yes there are people that are more that are funnier than you it's just what it is nobody you know when people start throwing money out there it sounds insecure to me because it's like we're talking about a craft we ain't talking about earning you know you know what i'm saying are you following me here right and then you know telling my stand up against council culture that person made a great point he had a couple times where he could have done that right he decided not to so you know people like to talk but when the rubber meets the road a lot of people get real quiet don't they right that's just interesting it's interesting because i too i don't think that kevin hart is funny and this isn't a personal attack or anything on kevin hart i really don't find much stand-up comedy funny that's not really my go-to for a laugh i don't like sit on the couch and watch comedy specials and get my laugh on that's just not me but for other people that's their thing and that's fine my thing is that i feel like people that feel the need to boast about their accomplishments when nobody asked it's a sign of insecurity to be honest because whatever that they were saying triggered him in some way and rather than defending how funny he is he started resorting to his box office he started resorting to how much money he's making nobody asked about that people just said that you're not funny and i feel like that's a defense mechanism and that's an insecurity that he might feel that he's not funny so to back up the fact that he's on top he feels the need to boast about his numbers when that's not what people were arguing about people are allowed to have their opinions and sometimes we don't agree with every single opinion that comes our way there are people that might not like this podcast and that's fine there are people that might not like me and that's also fine but i don't care i know who i am i know that this show is not for everybody and it says that in the description this podcast is not for everybody but it's for anybody if you're willing to listen to people you know talk about interesting topics and try and do so in an intelligent way this podcast might be for you but i'm not going to market it and say that oh you should listen to this this is for you because i know that it's not for everybody and that's fine so honestly kevin hart should understand that this is comedy some people find your stuff funny some people don't you're successful you're making a lot of money and i think that that speaks for itself so clearly you're doing something right even if you're the nicest person in the world people will find something negative to bring up and there's nothing you can really do about that honestly especially when you're a big figure in the public eye now that's a fact and no matter how nice you are no matter how many good things you do how many positive things you do somebody will always find a reason to say something negative about you or find something negative about you i said it on here like a month ago right you could be the sweetest peach in the tree but don't everybody like peaches man a man amen but that's our message to kevin hart kevin hart i assume he's a good guy i think that he cheated on his wife but i don't know but other than i think he's a good guy but he's a cheater i i mean i that's what i heard i can only go on conjecture allegedly can we stay here for a second yes allegedly because we ain't getting sued right here for a second i so i was on the podcast ig and i saw justin going back and forth with somebody in a comment on something and he said cheating is not is a choice sir and i don't remember can you explain what the full context of the conversation was i just saw your comment yeah so my podcast buddy dewey he has a podcast let me give it a shout out it's called prescribed with dr so here's a podcast and he posted a question on his feed talking about if your um significant other that you live with pays all of the bills and you caught them cheating would you say something or since they're paying all the bills would you keep it to yourself and people have some interesting responses i responded to a comment about somebody cheating and i noticed that he didn't say anything about it and i was like dewey cheating is a choice it's not a mistake and then dewey was like i don't know it's a mistake every time i do it and i was like you're annoying and i had to laugh see in a world full of futures we need more russell wilson's you know that's you come come save the day dante hey listen i'm delivered i believe in the team sir you know what i'm saying deliberate with a t


as some will say maybe we can talk about that in a future episode if you're living with somebody but you're not paying the bills but they cheated are you gonna say something what would you do because if it was me if i didn't have a job i'd find me a job and then move out on my own because i'm not living under those circumstances okay well this is a little complex so did the person cheat on you in your own place that you guys are living because like that's unforgivable like you can't come back from that i mean personally i would never be in a situation where i'm dependent on somebody like that right like i have my thing i have my finances in the situation where something happens i can get up and leave i mean like it's all right it's going to be okay um but you talk about depending on somewhere it's like hey if this person cheats if you want to leave this person you can't because you won't have a place to live or no money in your account yeah you you [ __ ] up you made bad life choices like you had weak parents in my opinion just saying well i think i think that's why people always preach about having your own you know didn't destiny's child have a song the shoes on my feet i bought it the car i'm driving i bought it the house i live in i bought it because i depend on me i depend on me so that's a message for well this that's kind of sexist to say that because men your woman could be paying the bills as well and you know you don't have your own money so men get your stuff together as well i think that's a message that have your own money have your own thing so if something arises you're not trapped because that's a scary situation to be in where you hate the person because they cheated but you have no place to go that sounds like you didn't make some good choices i think that was a bad song to reference because they do have a song called cater to you just putting it out there guys you know what i mean like we want to get problematic let's do it but that's so funny i mean it's funny because i think that that has been blowing up on social media people took a deep dive into the lyrics of destiny's child's song it's called cater to you it's has the lyrics that i'll put your do-rag on i'll have your meal ready to you i'll do everything for you let me cater to you i thought y'all were independent women and now you're doing all this stuff for your man interesting are you not allowed to do something to make somebody feel good like they ain't talking about being a slave to somebody like that sounded like slavery to me


um that sounded like slavery to me as we know as you admitted on here you guys didn't have the best education on that out in texas so oh my god though i didn't know i went to a good school not when it comes to race right right i don't know man art is art i don't know i don't want to spend time talking about cater to you if somebody has a question about you you write us in and we'll talk about it but i don't want to spend time on that the last story that we have and it's about drake drake what's going on dre drake drake drake drake the [ __ ] that got bited by pusha t the [ __ ] did hiding his kid from the world but his world went high from the kids aubry graham and the wheelchair drake yes the one that's hidden the world from the kids but the kids want to hide from the world


drake what's going on i mean i just seen on uh black twitter and on reddit you know people have been saying that he has a lot of allegedly a legend allegedly has a lot of uh tendencies which would lean towards that he likes underage women um talking about his friendship with uh millie bobby brown from stranger things i'm talking about him taking pictures like he's on a date with girls other girls who are underage so it's adjusting some stuff and uh you can kind of dig into a little bit further somebody on reddit gave us some more information and they said at the 2018 emmy awards millie bobby brown famously spoke openly about her friendship with drake she said i love him i met him in australia and he's honestly a great friend and a great role model you know we text we just texted each other the other day and he was like i miss you so much and i was like i miss you more he's great he's coming to atlanta so i'm definitely going to go and see him i'm so excited she gushed when she was asked about what they chat about she responded we talk about boys he helps me he's great um he's wonderful i love him so that's what she said when referencing her friendship with drake and i found this very strange because in 2018 millie bobby brown was 14. so i don't know why a grown 20-something late 20-something year old man is texting with a 14 year old i don't understand it there there's honestly nothing to understand it's just creepy and weird it does sound like he's grooming this girl like you're telling a 14 year old that's not your family your kid or you know your i mean even i mean i guess it'd be even weird like if one of my coaches text me back and they told me hey i miss you like [ __ ] i'm telling my dad what right weird um yeah i mean it just sounds like predatory behavior it's it's really odd and strange that you're having text conversations with a 14 year old you're giving her boy advice like what's up with you man like that's strange you're not her parents like or her friends like that's weird a grown man i would never i'm not interested in talking to a 14 year old what are we gonna talk about la la land like what are we talking about like so are you still going to listen to drake's music yeah he hasn't been accused of anything yet if that time comes and i'm listening to this this music so it's like the r kelly thing right like you could draw some parallels here one there hasn't been a serious accusation against the man um that day comes we gotta look at the evidence and let it all bear out if in my heart in my mind i'm listening to these songs i'm like yo he's talking about little ass girls same thing that happened with me with our kelly before it was cool to be like oh i don't [ __ ] with r kelly like i i i'll never forget man i'm listening in the car one day seems like your ready comes on i'm like this is about a little girl i am disgusted i never want to hear this again and delete all his music off my phone if that same thing happens with drake then no i will never listen to him again just can't do it i don't know this isn't the first time i don't know that's weird behavior i'm getting off scot-free in this situation because i don't even listen to drake like that anyway so it's not going to be a conflict of interest for me to be calling him out and calling him problematic for talking to a 14 year old while still listening to his music i don't really care about drake so i'm free from this so y'all don't pin anything on me i don't listen to him like that anyway so look into it y'all look into it look at your faves look at your faves because i know some of y'all that are calling him problematic will be the first ones listening to his certified lover boy album when it comes out first week so just letting y'all know calling out your faves allegedly allegedly you're better off listening to the weekend oh no we're just saying we're good um for the one taxi for the one time can you just tell people what your aversion is to abel i don't hate him i just don't think that he's a legend i think that he hasn't had enough years in the game for people to be proclaiming him a legend the people that listen to the show that voted in the poll said that the weeknd is not a legend and i stand by my opinion and the listeners are speaking as well so we've heard you i've heard you there's nothing much to be said the guy is not a legend that doesn't mean that he can't be a legend in the future but right now he's not a legend so um i wish saturday and sunday well he's a great guy great music apparently so allegedly there you go this guy's the shade king over here he's i wish saturday and sunday well oh my god he's a cool dude i mean he almost gave your fave selena a kidney so just saying oh selena gomez is your fave that's your favorite i will not listen to real you slander my good name like that i listen to real artists she's besties with your new fave taylor swift so you all have something in common actually i want to go on a silent protest the rest of this podcast now cause you out here slandering my good name i am not a selena gomez fan she doesn't make music i don't care nobody say she hums and whispers i think that's artistry in some way all right anyway moving on let's get into our main topic so this week's main topic was inspired by a tweet i don't have a twitter but if i did i would be distracted because there's so much that goes on and a lot of people are comedians with no avatar we love to see it but anyway so somebody tweeted black people what is something that you want our community freed from in the year 2021 so dante and i took screenshots of several things that people were saying and we're going to talk about each one so we have our own individual lists so we'll read ours out and then we'll talk about it dante you are up first what does the black community need to get rid of in 2021 do we want to start lighthearted or do we want to go heavy i don't care i'm down for anything let's all right i'll start light-hearted i don't you know you can you can go heavy if you want i'm sorry light-hearted some black people the black community can be done with in uh 2021 well done steaks i co-sign this completely listen you do not get a steak well done okay if if that's your mo just order chicken order something else but you don't need to be wasting a perfectly good steak chewing on it like cardboard well done steaks is not the look you know what if you have the coins do what you want to do i'm all for people being happy in their lives life is short it'll be real short when you choke on that [ __ ] steak too oh my god you know what if a well-done rubbery steak makes you happy who am i to judge you i feel like with snake or i said snakes some people eat that too sometimes with steaks they're snobbery there's really a lot of snobbery when it comes to people eating steaks there are people that like it cut from the animal and then put on the plate immediately not even cooked with blood coming out some people like it rubberized like a hockey puck you know to each their own you know do what you want to do personally for me i like flavor you know i like taste i like my steak to taste good so i feel like always ordering my steak medium that's my go-to medium there's just enough gushing out but it's still cooked you know so you're getting the best of both worlds there but that's me but if you want to eat a hockey puck that's on you if you want to eat slaughterhouse blood and meat that's on you as well to each their own all right what do you got for us all right so something that the black community needs to get rid of saying i'm 10 minutes away when they ain't even left the house yet that's what somebody said this is me it's me too it's me too there's been situations where everybody's expecting me to be there people have already arrived and then i text somebody oh i'm almost there but i'm still in my bed i haven't even haven't even taken a shower i haven't even put on my clothes but i'm texting people because i want them to think that i'm coming and then i end up being late usually to important events i try and get there on time but it fits to an outing i always find myself running late and i hate it and a lot of black people are on what we call colored people time um i'm nigerian so we have african time and it's worse than colored people time so you can't even imagine i have been very guilty of this throughout my life but i have i have to admit over the past two or three years i've gotten a lot better with my time management and being on time places because it's really just disrespectful um professionally you know if i have meetings with people and stuff and they show up late i'm like yo you must not value my time like you think i'm that's what the hood in me says right like you must think right um but the professional me is like so you just don't care about my time like you think that i just get paid to do nothing to just sit here and wait for you you know something my brother said to me one time when i was younger he was like if you tell somebody you're gonna be there always show up man like that's just what it is like all you have is your word and that really resonated with me so shout out to you justin um so yeah i i do my best to be on time man like i don't tell nobody i left until i actually did leave the crib but we do need to do better as a people with this my friends know like i said i'm almost there i'm 10 minutes away then 30 minutes later i'm still not there oh traffic traffic things happen y'all things happen but i always try and be better it's good to be on time because you respect everybody's time it's not just your time you're on everybody's dime as well so be on time yeah so what i have next is uh elders thinking it's disrespectful for people to back talk you know anybody that's younger than them to defend themselves when they just got disrespected themselves um that sounded kind of confusing so talking back to your elders and defending yourself if they came at you a certain way yeah they need to let that go cause i'm a grown-ass man i pay taxes you know i mean like if you say something that's wrong or hurtful especially if it's aimed at me or minds i'ma let you know about it i don't care that you old i don't care that you used to break bread with my grandma like that don't mean [ __ ] to me you disrespect me and minds you're gonna hear about if you're wrong and you're sitting here talking about like it's a fact i don't care how old you are unless you're like a toddler i ain't gonna sit there arguing with a toddler right stupid but you older than me i don't care we gonna talk about it back talking air quotes i don't believe in it i believe in having a conversation and if you're wrong you're wrong and i'm gonna let you know you're wrong but i'm gonna back it up with facts if you just tell me well not this is just what i think okay that's an opinion we can agree that as an opinion but i ain't gonna see him take it as fact just because you're older than me you said it there's one thing i've learned growing up and bec being an adult in that transition of becoming an adult there's a lot of stupid [ __ ] people out here i don't know how a lot of these people have survived this long to be completely honest with you and i'm not just going to take some dumb opinion on something and take it as fact no it's true and i think that a lot of older people feel like because they're older they deserve to speak and never be challenged in any way and i think that's an antiquated way of thinking nobody is beyond you know being talked to nobody is beyond being told that they're wrong in a situation and i feel like that's dangerous especially in the african community like we were raised with not talking back to your parents at all your parents can say whatever they want to you but at the end of the day you're never allowed to defend yourself even if your parents are wrong you just sit there be quiet and take everything that they're saying to you and i think that kind of clouds our relationship with our parents because it's almost sad because i see a lot of you know relationships with my friends parents and how they treat their kid and it's very different there's open communication you know the parents take accountability when they're wrong but sometimes when my parents are wrong they do not take accountability they just move on and act like nothing happened without ever apologizing or acknowledging when they're wrong in a situation everybody can be wrong and just because you're older it doesn't mean that you've never made a mistake or that you're perfect nobody's perfect and we do ourself an injustice by not recognizing that but it's important to have clear communication i think kids in the future hopefully with parents you know not wanting to repeat the same traumas that they went through they're gonna try and you know have a good relationship with their child because that's how it starts so at the same time you still have to have a level of respect for everybody i do believe that elders deserve respect but i deserve respect as well and we should never forget that agreed 100 what you got for us this one is interesting so somebody said the black community needs to rid itself from parents steering their kids away from creativity slash physical talents to focus solely on academic subjects um both can co-exist and i definitely you know relate to that i don't think i've ever talked about this on the show but you know growing up my parents wanted all three of us my siblings my older sister and my younger brother to be doctors and we weren't ever allowed to explore the stuff that we liked or the stuff that we're good at my dad just said you know education and the pathway of medicine is clear and direct if you just follow the path you will be a doctor but we were never really allowed to explore what we liked and that's the case for a lot of nigerian kids we're basically given three options of a engineer a lawyer or a doctor and if you're not one of those you're a failure or whatever and i don't think that's fair there's so many people that are good at art and can make a lot of money doing art there's so many kids that are talented physically whether that's track and field because the olympics are coming up whether that's basketball or whatever but because their parents always push them into their books they can never you know see their talents and i don't think that's fair my younger brother i think is six foot he's taller than me he you know would have been good at basketball he had a passion for it he kept telling my parents to buy a basketball hoop so we can practice at home and my parents never did that because he it was expected that he was gonna just go through school and you know make his money that way but you know i feel like my parents in a way did him a disservice because you never know what talent and what gifts will come from your child when you let them be who they are who knows if my brother would have earned you know a basketball scholarship and paid his way through school rather than paying out of pocket to go to school you know allow your kids to be good at what they're good at allow their talents to flourish and don't stifle it by leading them down a path that yes is financially stable but at the end of the day the child is not realizing their full potential i agree with you um i can say you know thankfully that my parents never tried to push any career path on me or dissuade me from pursuing my interest but that is a very common theme i've seen in other people's households um i think it's okay to want the best for your child and try to give them advice on you know what may be good for them in the long term right and but i think it's wrong to tell them not to pursue their interests as long as they're not hurting themselves or ruining their lives right they're like hey my interest is doing heroin then yeah i would tell my kid nah that ain't your [ __ ] interest no more i don't know who's interested in that you'd be surprised wow um but no i think it's wrong to try to hamper or put out the fire that they have for something you should support them as long as it's you know constructive and good for them you should support that and you shouldn't ever tell them that they're a failure because they didn't go into a certain line of work that's that has that could have so much lasting damage on somebody that could [ __ ] up your relationship with your kid forever um so i don't believe in that no it's it's harmful but that's something that the black community the african community everybody needs to rid themselves from um somebody said the black community needs to rid itself of doing interviews on the street with iphones as microphones sitting at tables and couches with bad opinions and calling it a podcast listening to the breakfast club frias from charlemagne in general actually that had me cackling i thought that was so funny because actually i'm not going to judge anybody you know if you want to make content with the cell phone go ahead and do it there's so many avenues these days to put out content whether that's a youtube channel or whatever whatever equipment that you have make the best out of it as long as you're making good content i'm all for it that's what i'm going to say because i'm not going to judge everybody because everybody's budget is different so if that's you know how you do your podcast if it's good i hope that it's successful we talked about this on the episode you guys heard about the q a right i'm never going not nobody's hustle or what you do um and the way that you the resources that you have to do it everybody has to start somewhere in terms of like charlemagne the breakfast club and all that like i don't give a [ __ ] about celebrity lives and gossip and stuff like that so like i unfollowed them i invited the shade room all that stuff because i really truly don't care if that's what you're into if you like that kind of stuff sure if you like you know other people's messiness i know a ton of people that like other people's messiness you know what i mean if that's what you know gets you off great good for you we all have the pursuit of happiness in the constitution just not black people until 1980 i mean until 1865. um but you know no shade no shady when it was all shade all shade it got 10 degrees cooler in here when i said that


do you have something up next here's the last one i have i believe justin has some more but here's the last one i have here's what some uh actually her at on twitter is big bogusbitch on twitter so good at her not me okay um she said in honor of juneteenth something that she wants our community to leave in 2021 is supporting and babying all black men


justin you want to go first do you want me to to take this i mean it feels like you're jumping at the bit to talk so you can say it so who has been supporting and babying these black men have you big bogus [ __ ] been taken advantage of by some black men and you were paying for that you were paying their bills and letting them borrow your car and babying them like the like the movie baby boy with tyrese and taraji is that what you've been doing are you speaking from personal experience because you sound hurt sis and i appreciate if you let that hurt go because there's a ton of black men out there like justin and myself and the people i associate with that ain't nobody babying us ain't nobody supporting me financially i can tell you that for a [ __ ] fact so i take offense to this saying all black men i don't know the type of lame low quality [ __ ] that you dealing with maybe it's a problem with you baby girl maybe you need to step your game up what the [ __ ] are you bringing to the table that you attract these kind of men so it's hard for p it's hard for people to look in the mirror sometimes with sometimes the problem is you because it sounds like you have been through a lot of men that you've been in the same situation with so what is it about you do you have the word mark written on your forehead where people know oh they about to hit a lick with you i don't know i'm just saying don't don't group us all in the same category i feel like you are awfully very triggered by this i will say that just because somebody is putting an opinion on there doesn't mean that they necessarily believe that i feel like you owe this woman an apology because i feel like not everybody is speaking for themselves there might be speaking for people that they know personally so i don't know if it's fair to go in on this girl just because she had that opinion the reality is that some men do get babies so it's not like she's lying by saying that in 2021 stop babying black men in cats it says all black men so all black men includes me and you no i mean all black men all black men who are babied that's who she's talking about because i'm not babied and you're not baby so it sounds like you want to attack this person no um no not really listen you said my her apology list and and sometimes a shootout like that that that is a war statement right there there's casualties of wars all the time there's some strays that get caught if this was if this bullet wasn't meant for her this truth bullet and this heat wasn't meant for her oh well i apologize to you i guess what do you got next for us justin somebody said we've talked about this before somebody said inviting non-black people to the cookout for doing it like respecting black people in our existence like the next person who says it is gonna get the dog mess slapped out of them for real y'all know my opinion on that it's juneteenth it's summertime so there actually is some cookouts going on so for any of y'all that are new to this show maybe y'all don't know what the proverbial cookout is the cookout is a hypothetical event where black people are celebrating themselves dante and i talk about this all the time i believe that we use people we should have yeah we used to but um i believe that black people should have a space for themselves to celebrate ourselves because in many spaces we aren't celebrated so the hypothetical cookout is there to celebrate our achievements our accomplishments to uplift each other to have fun eat grab a plate bring something of your own as long as it tastes good and we have a good time other people if you see on the internet they'll be like oh this person you know helped a black person they get a plate and they are invited to the hypothetical cookout and a lot of people are saying that we should put a stop to that because the kickout was never intended for people who aren't black so we shouldn't be inviting people that aren't black into the cookout when it's a black space that is the history of cookout discussions on this podcast so i think what the beautiful part about intelligent people like you and i having conversations is we can always say i understand what you're saying but sometimes we can understand what the what each other saying and disagree and in this instance what this person wrote yes i agree like nobody should be getting the the imaginary invite for doing the bare minimum right like if you turned your profile if you posted a black square that day like oh you're allowed to cook out now like nah that's that's that's never what i was defending when it came to these cookout invitations so yeah i agree with this person for the people that are new like what is your caveat i under like i said i understand and i you know the more i think on it i agree with i'm not there 100 but i agree with what you said like hey a spot a space to celebrate ourselves like we could do a separate event where everybody's allowed right all the allies in air quote or allowed so yeah i'm with you on this now the more i think about it there could be a separate event like let's call it a barbecue or kickback or something i don't know we love the evolution that's interesting but yeah that's our opinion when it comes to i mean go ahead when you frame it like that where it's like hey it's a space for us to celebrate us then yes it should be us i i when you frame it like that yeah i agree with you 100 but dante have always framed it like that this is the first time i'm hearing you frame it no go back and listen i've always framed it like when after the episode give me the time stamps no i'm not messing with messing with you i'm gaslighting you i'm i'm gaslighting you i'm gaslighting okay it's okay because i was like i've always had this opinion and that's why i was always confused because it's not a hard opinion to agree with not that you have to agree but i'm like i don't know another person tweeted what is something that black people need to get rid of in 2021 and they said people of color and i felt some type of way about this because i kind of feel strongly about this i'm not a person of color i am black i feel like some people try and group us all together anybody that's not why oh they're a person of color but that is not really a great term because we need to look at everybody as individuals i am black if somebody addresses me as a person of color i'll politely tell them no you know i'm black it's okay to call me black some people think that black is a bad word it's not i am black you can refer to me as black it doesn't hurt my feelings i'm not a person of color i'm black um i don't feel as sort of like this you're a nicer man than me when it comes to my like if somebody walked up to me and said oh yeah you're colored ain't gonna be no polite anything like that's throwing hands territory right there it's like you walking up to me calling me a [ __ ] like yeah that's throwing hands territory you ain't gonna call me colored this ain't 1955. and even back then i think i took whatever came to me if you would call me [ __ ] color um i think people of color is a politically correct way that people have come up with people on the left side liberals trying to be inclusive and everything the best way that they think they could have come up with a politically correct way to group people who are not white but yes you're right like so sometimes you create a subcategory and the waters get too murky you know and i think that this can be our chance to criticize the left because even though i consider myself on the left i'm not radical left i'm not far left i'm left to center i think that sometimes the left goes too far in being inclusive i understand the need to be inclusive but i feel like sometimes as dante said it muddies the water like when representation comes up i feel like sometimes people go too far like especially when we talk about acting because i remember when me and dante were talking about acting and people were saying that a trans person should play a trans character in real life and i agree you know it kind of becomes complicated if you're saying that anybody that's trans has to be played by a trans person because at the end of the day the job is acting but i do understand that this community is so marginalized already and they're basically saying at least let us play ourselves if you're not going to give us roles as straight people at least let us play ourselves on film and i think that that's what they're saying but it can be scary because it can become a situation where it's like straight people can only play straight people gay people can only play gay people and we don't want that actors have the ability to act the issue is people in hollywood need to diversify who they're giving roles to so everybody can get a chance to take part in the craft i agree like it you said you know my example and my thought there it gets super complicated because it's like yeah i agree like you should have the chance to play somebody who was representing you on screen but do we have people that are able to do it right and this is what goes back to our affirmative action conversations that we have on here should somebody get that role just because they're trans what if there's a better actor who is not trans to play that role they play that role with more conviction they're just a better actor should the trans person still get that role that's the kind of questions that we will be asking about this am i wrong no you're not wrong to ask that um the thing is sometimes when we make arguments like that i know you didn't mean it like that but it can sound like the trans person isn't as good as an actor but you're just using a specific example yeah i'm using a very specific example i'm saying that if two people go for that role and the person who is not trans is clearly better should the trans person still get the role because that's the conversations that we will be having i'm not saying that a trans person is not qualified yeah if the trans person isn't as good as an actor as the straight person they shouldn't get the job because i think with casting you should cast the people that are best for that role right so if they're not as good they should get it but the issue is there are plenty of talented trans people that can play that role and the issue is they're not getting those roles if the person comes along and they're qualified they can act their ass off and they're trans give it to them i think this is the the evolution of this podcast and the most we've agreed when it comes to subjects like this because yeah the way you laid it out i'm with you on that right you're qualified yeah you should get it i mean perry point blank you know what i mean like there's no arguing that if you're qualified for it you should get it and i think that there are people out there that are trans that are great actors and they probably don't and they don't get there just do because it is a marginalized uh group of people and that's why they're like i'm a great actor at least let me play myself if you're going to create a role that is trans don't just give it to a straight person because you've always casted you know well i don't even know if i'm using the right terminology don't give it to like a a binary person this is hard we're all learning here so excuse me if i'm not getting this all correct but don't just give it to the typical person that you normally give it to if a trans person is talented you know give it to them but i don't want it to become a situation where it's like a trans role opens up and only a trans person can play no that's not true if a straight role opens up you know trans people should be just disqualified to play those roles as well and they are so give those people opportunities and bring them in i agree do you think now because you are a fan of you know film and that art form if a uh a straight actor played a trans role do you think that gives them a shoe in for being uh nominated and winning an award you know i.e jared leto for dallas buyers club even though i know he was not trans in that film i'm just saying use it as an example there um no because just because you play you think i'm sorry for interrupting you do you think that there would be straight actors going out for these roles in hopes of winning an award because you know transformation has been a big theme into winning awards at the oscars of course i think the actors go for certain roles so they can get awards and sometimes whenever they play somebody who is trans or somebody who is you know non-binary they feel like in a way that's a shoe-in to get nominations but the movie still has to be good the script has to be good and your performance still has to be good so it's not a shoe and for a nomination just because you played a trans person all the other elements of proper filmmaking still have to be completed in order for you to get a nomination but there are actors that do go for certain roles that they can get nominated like i think hillary swank in a movie called i think boys don't cry or something like that i think she played a woman that transitioned to a boy and i think she won an oscar for that eddie redeme he was in a movie called the danish girl and i think he played the first trans you know person and he got an oscar nomination for that so you know there has been evidence of straight people you know going for those roles and sometimes this work to their benefit but um i don't think it's a shoe-in just because a trans role opens up that it's going to be worthy of awards gotcha gotcha yeah because i mean that that would be my fear is that you know straight people start targeting these roles and even further locking people out who could play this role you know what i mean i mean it's happened because scarlett johansson i think she was set to play like a trans person i believe allegedly allegedly and people criticized her and i think the community came through and they were like why are you taking this role give it to a trans person or let a trans person you know take this role and then she got defensive and she's like i'm an actor i should be able to play a tree or whatever and she's right but i don't know i think that people need to give trans people opportunities that's the bottom line she's right that she's an actor and she should be able to play whatever she wants it's just hard when those few roles aren't going to trans people or few roles in general are going to trans people they don't get anything so they're like man i can't even get a single role and when a role opens up that happens to deal with my identity and i still don't get it it's like i can't win at all billy porter talking with the hollywood reporter about the difficulties of being cast in roles when you're a minority to double layer the layer of actually being a person of color in this industry and then the other layer of being a queen yup nobody can see you as anything else if flamboyantly dot dot dot wasn't in the description of the character no one would see me ever for anything um which wouldn't be so enraging if it went the other direction but it doesn't right because straight men playing gay everybody wants to give them an award thank you for gracing us with your straight presence so that gets tiresome yeah so here i sit i can't get the gay parts i can't get the straight parts i can't get nothing yeah i agree not any more uh twitter topics somebody said over seasoning or food is something that we need to get rid of um i agree i agree one time my roommate shout out to darius because he's a secret fan he's listening right now my roommate in college i remember he was making some kind of chicken dish or something he's like oh justin do you want to try some and then i tried some and then when he turned around i made a face and i could not believe the levels of sodium that was in whatever that he cooked up i was like this is a lot i don't think i ever told him that i think he was like was it good and i was like yeah it's really good


but it was so salty and i don't know what kind of seasonings he put in that but i was like i couldn't even eat one bite of that i couldn't imagine that he was eating that you know some people be over seasoning their food it's a fact this is true you know i've gone to some soul food restaurants where i'm like oh my god i see why people got the diabetes and [ __ ] and the high blood pressures out here the pressures the pressures and the sugars is what they call it they got the sugars um yes our people have been uh guilty of this but to be honest i think i'd rather have my stuff over season than under season because i don't want to eat imagine eating a chicken breast that has not been touched by a single spicer seasoning or herb that's not hard to imagine because some people they don't see it at all and i don't get it i think honestly let's just put a rest to this argument i think it's a cultural thing i think that black people season their food because we're always cooking we have all these fancy spices from all the different places that we come from we're used to that way but other communities i think it is a remnant of slavery as to why black people were seizing their food they were given the worst cuts of food they were given rancid food they were given the vegetables that were not desirable that might have been on the verge of spoiling so they had to season that [ __ ] up to make it edible you know i think that's what it what it comes down from and a lot of people learn how to cook from their elder who pass it down to them so if you have this chain and lineage of people passing these recipes down trace them back to slavery you know what i mean i think that's why we do season our food but some people always talk about the stereotype that you know white people don't seize in their food and we always talk about how there are some truths to stereotypes and i think it's definitely true i think that maybe as a culture like spices and seasonings is not available that's why they went to all these different places and colonized and traded and got all these different spices so it's all new for them because if you notice if you add anything that's a little bit spicy some of my friends would be like oh my god how spicy i'm like this is not spicy can you calm down it's like have you never had like semi-seasoned food before and i think it's a cultural thing like that's why in their community i think they have lower rates of hypertension and diabetes because they don't put all that in their food because when they talk about how black people have a lot of high levels of diabetes and heart disease is because of our culture and the foods that we eat i mean it's a fact like black people stop using so much sugar because i've seen i saw the video just from from philly a couple weeks ago this soul food restaurant these this lady put a five pound bag of sugar on top of her yams i said yo like what are you doing and one had one plate and one pan of yams baby girl five pounds of sugar i've seen people and i've been guilty of it in my younger years i hadn't seen making kool-aid you put the spoon in there stir that [ __ ] up and it's standing up straight because it's stuck in the sugar like yeah better we got to do better we do we do overseas and our food is real and whoever wrote that cares about the community because that's a problem because sometimes food can taste good with a little less you know they say less is mo less is mo so i believe in it i believe in it somebody said christianity we're not talking about that


these people are so funny so the black community needs to rid itself of luxury brands losing value once we become more aware of it i think that this is stupid hold on that doesn't make sense to me how can black people control that the brand lost value once black people became aware of it that doesn't make sense to me am i it's like interpreting this wrong it's like whenever a brand pops up and everybody is wearing it like it's more accessible or more affordable people think it's lesser than so they're basically basically saying that it's tiring when people are like oh a luxury brand has lost value because it's more accessible to everybody yeah that just comes from you know social constructs and elitism and all that stuff you want to feel better than somebody else so you go out there and hurt your pockets to prove a point and all that like listen there's a lot of people out there that's super broke trying to keep up with other [ __ ] that got a better financial situation than them um for wise that's dumb and i think that i've seen this in the reverse actually recently like when i was growing up like if you wore a champion you was a [ __ ] loser bro you could buy that [ __ ] at walmart for like five hours now a championship costs 50 dollars because people wearing it again you know what i mean so sad man i've seen the reverse too it's so sad because in reality as long as it looks good who cares i guess sometimes some of that branded material does look tacky and ugly when you have a big logo plastered on your chest or a big emblem on your jeans or whatever it looks tacky but if it looks good and nobody knows the brand like who cares wear what you want to wear that's one regret that i have when i look back at school like wanting to like keep up with the joneses and where the latest this and the greatest that you know in reality wear what you're comfortable in wear what you like and that's all that matters because when you grow up and you get older when you look back on your younger years you remember how much none of that matters you probably don't talk to any of those people anymore probably those people don't even remember you anymore so it's like i was caring this much about what other people think about me when in reality years in the future it doesn't even matter now that you're older and you have your own money you can buy what you want if you want name brands you can go for it if not it's whatever but it doesn't matter but it's hard because in school high school middle school wherever it's your world but there's a world beyond high school and it's much better honestly because i hated the high school that i went to and the people that i went to high school with it wasn't a great experience but high school is not my world i don't really talk to anybody from high school anymore and none of it matters so as long as you're happy in your own skin wearing what you want to wear that's all that matters because if somebody laughs at you for wearing fila or whatever they're stupid because they're bullying somebody because they're wearing clothes like at least they have clothes that's the biggest part about it yes it's clothes that they can afford you know i had a talk similar to this with my mom a couple weeks ago i took my parents out to to dinner or whatever and i was wearing a pair of jordans she never sold for she said how many pairs of shoes you have like man that's over 30 and but you know what like my bills are paid i can afford to do this you know i mean i could afford to buy all the js that i want because y'all y'all could buy me the jays back in the day when i wanted them but you weren't going to buy them at the rate that i wanted to buy them because you had other responsibilities right like yeah so there's another one if i want to do it i can do it you know what i mean and people will hate on you because they see that you have the ability to do stuff so if people hate on me because oh he got a nice car or oh look at he could wear a different pair of jays every week every day of the week guess what i got priorities my priorities taken care of this is expendable income and i can do what i want to do and that's not a flex that's just saying stay the [ __ ] out of people's pockets yeah because the thing is the bigger picture is that people will be jealous of you and your name brand stuff and people will hate on you for being in non-name brand stuff so in some respects you can't win so you're never gonna have the approval of everybody and i think that's a full circle moment for the pod because we were talking about kevin hart and how he can never get the approval of everybody it's impossible you cannot live life chasing the opinions of other people and especially people that don't matter to the grand scheme of your life surround yourself with people that love you wear what you want to wear life is short so enjoy it while you're here because every day is not promised so i'm not going to use my time to make fun of somebody else for wearing something if they want to wear that that's on them i might throw shade here and there but truly whenever i'm talking on this podcast it's never coming from a place of malice so it's all in good fun so my job is to make sure we're giving y'all entertaining content that's smart that's funny that's entertaining that's our goal and i feel like we're doing that i love doing the show so you know that's all that matters to me so hope you guys continue to remember that message because life is short all right guys um we gave you a full-fledged episode right there let us know what you think about some of these things that uh you know on twitter they're saying the black community should leave in 2021 you know if you have opinions on what the drake situation allegedly kevin hart everything that we covered today um texas texas you got opinions on any of that let us know we love it when you talk back to the show writing anonymous questions please we'll read them on air um hope you really enjoyed our q a episode like share subscribe leave a rating leave a review it all helps did you notice i don't know somebody gave us a rating and now we're at a 4.8 we went from a 5.0 to a 4.8 i saw that yesterday i was mad i did not but as soon as we get off of here i'm gonna go take a look on it so y'all counteract that counteract that make us four point nine and a five again make this podcast great again no that we're not gonna use that slogan we're not gonna exist but um yeah leave a random review go tell your friends to tell their friends about it but for justin i'm dante we're polaropsis thank you for listening we'll catch you next time bye guys

