Polar Opposites

J&J Vaccine Recall, Anti Transgender Athlete Legislation, Black Lives Matter Stealing Money?

Episode Summary

It’s Wednesday, which means a new Polar Opposites episode! We discuss the rise of anti-transgender legislation across the country (17:33). Johnson & Johnson pauses their vaccine out of caution and anti-vaxers lose their minds with new conspiracies (22:45). We read more listener letters (05:20) and dive into the Black Lives Matter organization to see where our money is going (30:43). Who is the better entertainer? Will Smith or Jamie Foxx (41:36)? Let’s hear your takes! As always like, share, & subscribe. Thanks for listening! SEND US SPICY QUESTIONS BELOW!! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform Tell a friend to tell a friend about the show! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justin_aiiz/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTÉ https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ LEAVE A REVIEW & SEND LETTERS! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

It’s Wednesday, which means a new Polar Opposites episode! We discuss the rise of anti-transgender legislation across the country (17:33).  Johnson & Johnson pauses their vaccine out of caution and anti-vaxers lose their minds with new conspiracies (22:45). We read more listener letters (05:20) and dive into the Black Lives Matter organization to see where our money is going (30:43). Who is the better entertainer? Will Smith or Jamie Foxx (41:36)? Let’s hear your takes! As always like, share, & subscribe. Thanks for listening!  






Tell a friend to tell a friend about the show! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening!
































If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com




Episode Transcription

i got it


all right all right we are back with another episode welcome to the show this show is called polar opposites because my co-host dante and i we agree we disagree most of the time it seems like we've been agreeing most of the time but i don't know dante do you feel different or the same i think that's called growth you know i don't know no we agree sometimes we disagree sometimes it's really about the topic i think one of the things that people might appreciate about this show is that you know if you're passionate about something you're not going back down and there ain't no back down to me so if i'm passionate about it i believe in what i'm saying then i'm not backing down on it i'm going to get my point across if we disagree great point of the show we're just going to disagree and move on exactly exactly so if you guys love to hear interesting discussions on topics relating to politics and music entertainment and pop culture this is the podcast for you if you're young if you're old republican or democrat radical left conservative whoever wherever you choose to listen this show is definitely for you so thank you for listening to this show we love you know working on the show every week if you want to continue to see us grow feel free to subscribe be sure to leave a rating leave a review tell your mom tell your dad tell everybody about this show it's the only way that we can grow and we truly do appreciate it so thank you for the reviews thank you for the word of mouth thank you for following us and interacting with us we appreciate it it's always fun when we look forward to your letters speaking of which we have a section in the description of this episode where you guys can send us listener letters so if you have a question comment concern scenario or all of the above and you want to send that to us we want to read it on air and we want to get to know what you guys think and we'll definitely give you our thoughts with that being said enjoy the show it's a good one as it always is and we're gonna keep cranking out these episodes dante how are you how was your weekend what's going on with you i'm doing the best i can man you know eagerly awaiting my second shot and we'll talk a little bit more about that later in the episode about vaccination and everything like that i did have a pleasant surprise so people have heard me on here talk about you know working out every day and being in the fitness and because two years ago i got fat like i got up to 240 so then i lost 20 pounds and i always start floated around like 220 ish and i thought okay cool that's what i'm at now and i weighed myself for the first time in a month yesterday and i'm at 208 i was like what is going on here i know i'm husky and looking lean but wow 208 so i'm a firm believer that every time you set a goal when you reach it set a new one keep pushing yourself further now i'm trying to get down to 200 see what happens that's good congrats we went live last week i wanted to talk about that for a little bit and it was fun i was talking to dante before we did it and i was like i'm nervous man you know doing a live and putting yourself out there it's kind of like throwing a party and sending out rsvps and nobody has told you whether or not they're coming or not the drinks have been purchased the balloons have been blown up the drinks are there the food is there but nobody has confirmed if they're coming or not so i was nervous beforehand but it turned out you know better than i thought it would turn out it was fun you guys came in with questions it was good to like interact with you guys and answer your questions and the banter in the comments was great it's tough because after the lives i save it but i'm not able to go back and look at everybody's comments so i really wish i could see all the stuff that i missed because so many comments would go by and it's impossible to read them all and give thought to each answer that we give on the live but it was fun i had a good time and you know we said that if it's good we're gonna do it again and it's pointing up you know we're gonna do it again at some point so y'all stay tuned for that but that was i guess the highlight for last week because we actually did the live as soon as we recorded last week's episode so you know it's something to look forward to maybe at the end of each month but it was fun so thank you guys if you joined for joining i guess i had a really good time and it was great to see you know all of our listeners of different backgrounds just interacting and we were having very thought-provoking and engaging conversation i mean then you know the people just stopping by and showing love like that was great too you know we had almost 100 people interact with us that day so it was great we'll do another one maybe we won't do it right after we record one day because that's a long night for the both of us it is it really is


i was tired y'all me too y'all saw i left and came back like jordan i was like i ain't gonna let him do it by himself i ain't gonna let him finish myself but i really had to pee so i had to get out of there for a second you know you could have like left your phone just propped up and then went to the bathroom and then just came back these are lessons and growth that we're learning you know didn't think about it at the time but yeah it's all good you live and you learn right exactly but no i appreciated everybody it was great it was a good time it was a really good time okay so um listener letters like we teased previously we have a method for you guys to send in questions feel free to send it our way so this week in listener questions this person actually sent this question in twice so that probably means that they definitely want us to read it on this week's episode so we are granting you your wish listener so send us more questions too so this person says hey guys okay i'm gonna try and make this as short as possible lol so basically i shot my shot at this guy and then i invited him out with my friends that weekend he actually showed up and we were totally vibing he didn't text me the whole next day and he messaged me the day after to say happy easter like i'm not the type of girl to play games but he was not reciprocating any of my energy in his defense he is super shy but i feel like he just wasn't putting in any effort so i guess my question is he's canceled right hmm


oh that is a tough one you want me to take the lead on this one go first yeah that's why i asked there's a little confusion i have in the way that it was written because you said you were vibing the whole time and it was a good time he didn't reciprocate any of your energy so are you saying that you text him the next day and there was no response and you didn't get a response until two days later saying happy easter so i have some follow-up questions but just reading it as it is taking it as it is if you are going to tell us that he's super shy and you talk about you don't play games or waste time then maybe you should just put it all on the table be like look i thought we had a good time i enjoyed your company i thought it was weird that you didn't text me back like how did you feel about it and see where you go from there it never hurts to ask questions like justin to tell you one thing about me right i'm always the person that i'm gonna ask for what i want because i already don't have it so the worst thing i can say to me is no so if this guy is shy and is you know trying to protect your feelings and not let you down wouldn't you rather know that answer than to get ghosted and just feel like he's an [ __ ] but that that's my opinion how do you feel about justin um i think that everybody communicates differently i'm always somebody that goes with their gut feeling because i'm always right most of the time like i said or like you said you said that he's shy so maybe texting is not his thing i feel like if you were vibing so much and you feel comfortable enough facetime why do people continue to text i think texting is so boring face time like see each other face to face if he's shy and doesn't know what to say through text face time that way see each other or plan out your next move or when you're gonna you know see each other next i'm not one to play games either i feel like if you feel a connection exploit the connection and see if there's something more there she said that he took a whole day after the date to message her and he messaged her happy easter and nothing else i don't know he could be a friendly person and even though you might be vibing with him you know he might have not been feeling the same way and that's okay i think that if that's the case maybe his way of being nice and maintaining the friendship is by keeping you at a friendly distance without giving you the complete cold shoulder because then i would think that you have the range to say that this guy is an [ __ ] or whatever but that's not the case so there's no harm in reaching out again and seeing what he has to say and then if he doesn't reach out the way you want to there's plenty of fish in the sea and you can find somebody that reciprocates the energy that you bring the happy easter text is hella weird the more i think about it like that's the first thing you gonna say like you didn't tell us this and i'm not gonna assume anything about you but you know y'all go on a date and then you don't hear from for two days god forbid if y'all have sex you might not hear her for a month and it'll be like hey happy earth day


to be fair it wasn't exclusively a date she invited him out with her friends and i guess they had some like alone time and they were like feeling each other and the connection was great so she thought and then nothing when it comes to any messages the next day i do think that's kind of weird because if he felt the same way he would reach out and tell you how much of a great time that he had and he didn't do that instead he waited the very next day and then wished you happy easter and then nothing else that's weird that is killing me that's killing me happy easter text maybe he doesn't know how to communicate and texting is not his thing but that's kind of strange but i don't know if you messaged him back how did that conversation afterwards go was it more of the same was it not really giving you the energy that you're putting in like let us know give us a follow-up send in another question please follow follow-up give us all the details tell us everything and we'll be better able to answer your question when we have more details so that goes for anybody sending us stuff the more details that you put into the letter the better your response will be from us because the more we know the more we can tell you you know oh and yeah anybody write in a fob question and to you specifically who asked this question write in your follow-up so we can have more details and give you more advice and share it with you know this community here also tell you this guy you went on that date with about the podcast have him listen and he can send in a question and we can give both you all anonymous answers if he can communicate with you through text the way you want maybe he can communicate with us via an anonymous link hey and we call that a shameless plug everybody ladies and gentlemen a shameless plug um but yeah i think that's great advice so hopefully we were able to somewhat give you some advice on this obviously it's not a perfect answer because we don't know all the details but definitely hit us up next week and we'll definitely be sure to answer your question so we normally do two questions each week but this week we want to keep it to one just because we have a lot to talk about on this episode so y'all we have seen your responses we're not ignoring you we will get to every single question that y'all wrote in because if you spent the time to write the question we want to spend the time to make sure it's heard on the show so don't feel afraid to reach out that's a fact we are not ignoring you all right so with that being said let's transition into off my chest justin's got a key


dante has got to get


justin and dante gotta get it


all right thank you julia so this weekend off my chest i'm all about the energy that you put in versus the energy that you get out so that goes with communication i'm really big on communication today actually i went to go pick up a camera at best buy before we started recording and you know the people there were really friendly they had some good customer service and that makes a huge difference because if you're nice to somebody they're going to be nice in return i find it hard to believe that you can be nice to somebody and then they're rude back to you i feel like the world doesn't work like that people are weird i know that but most people you know they'll reciprocate the energy that you give them so i think that this is a lesson for everybody is definitely continues to be a lesson for me you know the world is already so dark and gloomy already the best thing that you can do is be a light in somebody else's life and i know that's dramatic to say and everybody's like oh my god rolling their eyes just and shut up shut up but it's really true it's really true you don't know how much a smile might mean a lot you know the little things i think a lot of people appreciate so if you can just be friendly and be a good person that goes a long way do a random act of kindness to somebody you know tip somebody actually don't do that because i don't believe in that capitalism will not kill me but you know just be nice to somebody a nice gesture goes a long way so that's what i needed to get off my chest this week


thank you for that i i truly do believe in random acts of kindness and paying it forward a little gesture to you might mean the world to somebody if somebody's having a bad day and you do something little to make them smile you just change the course of their day and it could have a profound impact so thank you for that of course so with that being said dante did you have anything to get off your chest this week i'm going to double down on your off my chest yeah i didn't have anything that rose to the level of needing to get off my chest this week you know i lost some weight i'm feeling good so so with that being said we always want to give some positivity because sometimes the world can be doom and gloom so in keeping with what we've continued to do on this show we have a good news story of the week so what is that dante all right my home state shout out to new jersey an nj town raises nearly two thousand dollars for a server after diners leave no tip and a rude note a restaurant server in morristown new jersey has been given nearly two thousand dollars in donations after customer didn't leave a tip and complained about the establishment's covet 19 policies so that's enough information to give you guys that the patrons there were complaining to their waitress who has no say over this about the capacities and timing restrictions how long you're allowed to be in the restaurant because of covet 19. so they decided to take that out on their waitress and write a rude note to her and didn't leave a tip once this became known and went viral people out of the kind of so their heart started donating money to this waitress to make up for those people being rude to her and i know you mentioned earlier i think it's perfect that you mentioned earlier about tipping and everything and how capitalism won't kill you so what do you think about this what are your thoughts on this good news story i think that that's great that they're helping somebody out but i'll continue to be the person that says capitalism won't kill me and i don't think it should be killing any of us either i think that tipping is still something that remains very strange to me americans have accepted it as the american way and it's just strange how we're all like yep it's something we're supposed to do without questioning why that is the case whenever you go to a restaurant what you're paying for is your meal and that should be it if there are people there serving you those people should be paid a livable wage that's how it should be i don't think there's any reason why these big chains who can afford to pay their workers aren't paying their workers and are instead putting that bill on us to pay them and then we as the public get shamed for not wanting to tip and then people that don't have a lot of money also get shamed because it's like oh then don't come to a restaurant but that's not fair so because i don't have extra money to pay your workers means that i shouldn't be able to enjoy the benefits and the luxuries of life that doesn't seem right you shame these people for not tipping and at the same time you turn a blind eye to these rich corporations not wanting to pay their workers make that make sense stop being hard on the workers and make it harder on these corporations who are raking in millions because you are the ones paying their workers not them that's a backwards society and we need to reform that there's so many things that we need to reform this country police we need to reform you know institutions like capitalism and tipping we need to reform and take a second look at i always tell you guys to question your surroundings it's something that i'm very blessed that i have the ability to question things that have been you know just understood as normal for too long why are things the way they are if they're negative why can't we fix it versus just going along with it as if it's normal that's just what i have to say in regards to that did you break out your prayer cloth that was a prayer clothing moment right there it was a prayer cloth moment right before head off man right before head off that was good that was good you know i never thought about the tipping thing until you laid out that response to it when we first started uh working together and it makes perfect sense right pay people a livable wage so then the your staff is not relying on the kindness of strangers because it is kindness i'm glad that you said that because it's kindness it's not a law that says that people have to tip people just do it out of kindness or out of guilt whatever reason they choose to tip is up to them but we don't have to honestly no you're right but like you said it's been this way forever and it's become conditioned and ingrained into our culture that hey we're going to pay these people you know three dollars an hour and they're going to rely off the tips that they make from the kindness of other strangers you know let's try and be the change i guess i don't know what to say that like that's something that needs reforming pay people a livable wage yeah we say it almost on every episode but that's going to continue to be a tagline of the show until things are changed but until then capitalism won't kill me don't let it kill you either so um what's our first story of the week dante i wanted to talk about these laws being proposed and passed all over the south in regards to transgender people especially transgender minors a couple weeks ago the republican arkansas governor refused to sign a bill that would limit transgender use access to health care at the time he said this is a major overreach of the government into the lives of everyday americans and i won't sign it the republican government in place there overrode him and signed it into law north carolina is now proposing the most oppressive set of laws targeting uh transgender people that we've seen so far and in florida the governor just introduced laws restricting trans kids from playing sports and if someone is suspected of being trans would be subject to genital inspections i can't make that part up i i can't make that part up maybe matt gates was behind this bill or had some input on it since he allegedly likes underage girls but that's besides the point and i did say allegedly so you can't come for me i think we now have our new roe v wade this is what's going to end up going to the supreme court and being decided there laws of this nature but to me it's very rich that the party that pushed the idea of saving kids from molesters is now wanting to validate their gender by inspecting their genitals so that's that's the first news story this week justin i didn't know that that was included in the bill i didn't see anywhere about like inspections and stuff like that to see whether or not somebody is male or female um i think that that's you know going a bit too far what i have to say in regard to transgenders in general is that i don't even know if i should say transgender people in general is that this is kind of like an uncomfortable issue for both sides whether you're on the left or whether you're on the right and i think what the right is doing is that they're trying to paint this as the one issue that the left is super passionate about and they're one thing that they want to you know die on a hill about and that's not true we don't know everything and we don't have the answers to everything at the same time i feel like this is an issue that everybody's still trying to grasp because we don't know what the best thing to do is in regards to letting somebody play according to the gender that they align with i'm not going to pretend to know the answers either i will say though that i have not read all the literature about hormones and whether or not taking hormones will you know balance out the playing field a little bit because everybody knows on its surface men you know have higher testosterone levels and it's just different when competing competitively against women so there's an imbalance there at the same time i don't know what the right thing to do is these people want to play sports so how do you go about allowing them to play sports but making it fair for everybody some people have suggested them having their own leagues but i feel like that's kind of not great because i don't think there would be enough of them to even have a team but you never know it's definitely complicated and i'm not going to pretend to have all the answers but i will say being subject to general checks and all that stuff is too much what do you think should be done with you know trans students wanting to play sports according to their gender should they be allowed to is that a question for our listeners or for me because i'm at the same place that you are right like this is new so i think it should be all be dealt with with the most sense and compassion that could be offered at this time but i don't have an answer for that or what it is i think that you shouldn't hold these kids back from playing sports but like you said how do we determine where you play or i guess didn't know the organization or the group that you play with that's the hard question and i don't think it's something that should be decided overnight or rush judgment but i think something should be done because they deserve to be able to explore their passions and play the sports that they want to play i think it's all in the interest of fairness as well i would hope that most people aren't looking at it in a discriminatory way it's like oh you're biologically this nope you can't play with us it's like how can we level the playing field and make it easier and fair for everybody because that's the most important thing imagine training so hard and then somebody else has a competitive advantage you wouldn't like that so we have to make sure that everybody's treated fairly and treated with respect you can have a stance nobody's saying you can't have a stance but if you are you know going after these people and targeting them and harming them i think that that's when you've overstepped your bounds i think that we have to live in the society that we all you know feel comfortable living in and that goes with everybody not just you but that includes trans people as well they deserve to live in the society that respects them and how we go about you know adjusting everything to make sure that it's fair i don't know but if you guys know if you have a perspective that's different from us maybe we can take this topic into a live because a lot of our listeners are very very very smart and the conversations that we can have on this topic i think would be healthy for everybody because like i said on every episode if you do not talk about these things you cannot take the first step in solving these issues so it starts with the conversation and then after the conversation maybe we can move towards action very well said and very well put so thank you for that of course johnson johnson is next right yeah so the distribution of the johnson johnson single coronavirus vaccine shot was paused last week this was due to six people developing blood clots as a side effect to receiving the vaccine now you know we have conspiracy twitter and people saying see you shouldn't get the vaccine we told you so et cetera et cetera and i pride myself and pride this podcast on me in a podcast based on facts okay let's hit you with some facts and some numbers and this isn't fake news six people out of almost seven million people that got the shot developed blood clots that's point zero zero zero zero eight eight percent of people total that were vaccinated and to put that in perspective ladies birth control pills you have a point zero five percent to twelve percent chance of developing blood clots out of one million patients cigarette smokers eighteen percent chance of developing blood clots out of one million cases smokers right and the actual coronavirus infection sixteen point five percent out of one million developed blood clots so


i love this i love this so six people get blood clots and it automatically validates your dumb ass conspiracy theories but three thousand people were dying a day and he said oh it's not that serious it's like the flu it's like the cold selective outrageous selective use of data is a dangerous thing and i refuse to acknowledge bad faith arguments what are your thoughts justin well you said you got your first dose of your vaccination right yes i got pfizer would you be down to get a johnson johnson vaccine had you not gotten pfizer i so i did my research on new the ones that we have available johnson johnson modern and pfizer and from everything i saw pfizer seems like they won with the best uh results that we've studied so far so i was going to try and hold out and reschedule myself until i could get pfizer so you chose like in a way you made the decision to not go with johnson and johnson like if let's say the place that you got it at they didn't have pfizer or modern they had johnson and johnson would you get the johnson and johnson vaccine no i was going to get pfizer i made up my mind once i scheduled that i was getting pfizer no i'm i'm saying i'm giving you a hypothetical if those two majorana or pfizer were not available and only johnson and johnson was available would you get johnson and johnson yeah i wouldn't have an issue with it okay that's all i needed to say here's the thing we're talking point zero zero zero zero eight eight percent like i've done a lot of a lot more things that have risked my life you know what i mean than taking a coronavirus vaccine that there's a point zero zero zero zero eight eight percent chance of me developing a blood clot we're talking six people out of seven million i like those odds because like i said when three thousand people were dying today [ __ ] didn't want to put on a mask and stay six feet apart from their nasty ass friends i mean you have a point i think that it's just annoying because the people that want to believe in conspiracies will use this as validation that vaccines make you crazy or give you rashes or cause infertility all the stuff that they believe they feel validated because six people out of the millions that have taken the johnson johnson vaccine came down with those unfortunate you know symptoms but at the same time it's only six people out of millions and i feel like people shouldn't feel panicked but because of how the news is and how they sensationalize everything they're like oh my god side effects of johnson johnson so now it makes me sad because there was people that were signed up to get a vaccine and maybe it wasn't johnson and johnson and it was modern or pfizer and they're like you know what i don't have to get this vaccine why don't we wait a little bit and wait for more results to come in that's what i'm you know mad about because there's probably a lot of people that were on the waitlist to you know get the vaccine and a lot of people have dropped off i saw some reports saying that that is true that that is the case that is definitely those people's choice it doesn't help that you know it gets spun and put out there like it's a death shot that people are getting you know i i can't emphasize it to you enough six out of seven million the chances you have a better chance of winning the lottery but you know to each his own but i'm not yeah you know i'm not getting into the diff information tank and squabbling with those people i'm not either i don't have the time or energy for it it makes me tired just even talking about this but you know y'all i'm getting my vaccine next sunday so if i have any side effects or anything i'll let y'all know i'll y'all will be the first to know about my experience getting the vaccine but i'm excited the closer we get to all getting it herd immunity will be here and we'll go back to a sense of normalcy whatever that's supposed to mean but you know i'm happy i'm ready and hopefully you guys out there have already gotten it or you will receive it soon so keep us updated if you got your vaccine hit us up in the anonymous thing and let us know if you had any side effects or what your experience was with the vaccine we'd love to know yeah i get my second dose uh next next thursday so yeah i'll be able to tell y'all we'll both be able to on it on a following episode to tell you how we're feeling and what's going on exactly it's exciting it's exciting i'm so happy that you know we're even in a position to get vaccinated think of how privileged we are to have access to vaccines but choose not to get a vaccine you know anybody that says that you're privileged check your privilege if that's the case there's countries out there that are dying wishing that they had a vaccine and there's people out here with all the access that we have choosing not to get vaccinated when it's a good thing for not only yourself but for the whole population but we still get vaccinated for polio you know how big of a thing polio was back in the day and if you read the side effects of polio besides it putting you in a wheelchair and making you a a paraplegic the same it had the same sort of symptoms as coronavirus and they took it very serious back in the day the president had polio but and we still get those shots so i i just don't understand how we're at a place today where this becomes a political thing of oh man if you believe in this you know you're on this side and if you don't believe in it you're on this side like no it's it's it's humankind man listen if you think that over 550 000 people dead is you know a common fluid something that's just gonna happen anyway then i have to and i don't like casting dispersions on people but i have to think that you're kind of a [ __ ] idiot i didn't even get worked up about this this is not if y'all can see me on video right now i'm just like i have a glaze over my face i really do not care like if you don't want to take it that's on you um pfizer or i know who i think johnson i don't even know who came out and said this but i think the cdc said that we might have to get another booster dose so that information is making people go see it's because there wasn't enough of this in there and now they're trying to put more and i'm like you believe whatever you want to believe i already was of the belief that we were going to have to get this every single year so it's like what are you all so surprised about that's so foolish like yo every 10 years you got to go get your [ __ ] tetanus shot you got to get your tuberculosis shots like what are you talking about is inoculation is not new but you know i'm doing that thing where when you argue with fools you can't tell who was who so i'm going to stop arguing yeah yeah i apologize for taking up the time right now on the podcast i've been there done that i don't even have the energy to even get worked up about this stuff anymore i will say though that you know if you can take it go ahead and take it this is not endorsed by the cdc maybe they'll sponsor the show who knows but um this episode is not endorsed by the cdc you know the hate mail that we'll get people will be trying to find us if we could endorse it i don't care you guys are spreading fake information do we have any like country bumpkins that even listen to the show who knows i don't know if their wi-fi work good enough out there you know


i don't know i don't know but yeah that's all our talk on vaccines on this episode we have to talk about trump and black lives matter and accountability so this week there's a couple stories that caught my attention if you guys have been paying attention to the news one of the co-founders of the black lives matter organization because yes it is not only a slogan it is an actual organization one of the co-founders is under some fire because people looked into her records and saw that she is the purchaser of multi-million dollar homes and she claims to live this marxist lifestyle so people are like how can you be a marxist but then go out and buy all these million dollar homes it looks hypocritical and at the same time people are wondering you know what's happening with all our money so you know that's a valid question because a lot of people have been donating to black lives matter i think over the summer they said that they raised 90 million dollars from all the people contributing um money to their campaign and you know people are mad they're like what are you doing with this money did you use any of the money that was you know crowdfunded for your homes we want to know what's up so what do you think about the story and then what did you think of the trump campaign story you can give a little bit of insight about that yes so uh with the donations that 45 was receiving because we don't say that name on this show they have refunded around 122 million dollars um like i said i don't like to talk a lot about this guy but when he's scamming people that trusted him is something that we should bring up and we should talk about because we're not only holding people who we disagree with accountable but we can hold people that we agree with accountable too that's justin just read that story about blm when you signed up to donate there was a small section that automatically checked off recurring donations for the amount that you donated so if you did this and you didn't and you wanted to uncheck it so you didn't have to do a recurring payment of 500 or whatever the total amount is that you did it will say we have to tell beep that you were joining the radical democrats and you were not a patriot there are stories about recently deceased people continuing to be charged after their death and people fighting their banks about these uh charges and overdraft fees i mean you played stupid games and you won stupid prizes with that and with the i'll touch the blm thing first i think that's fair because you read your story first right yeah in terms of an organization i mean look in a lot of people's eyes they're the devil i don't i don't care to debate the organization when they buy i debate the sediment right if we can't agree that black lives matter then i don't want to have a conversation with you no more because you're saying that my life does not matter i'm not talking about the statement being tied to an organization and that's kind of where i'll stop and let you get back in there um i just think that when it comes to charitable organizations or organizations that say they're going to use the money for good there has to be a level of transparency there i think that people have a right to know where their money is going like that's why i was so mad whenever we saw stories about hurricane katrina and how the red cross was you know getting all this money from people making donations but then you know people were saying that a lot of the money they collected didn't even go where it was supposed to go so my question is how are these organizations spending the money i think that people have a right to know if you're supposed to be like a non-profit organization i feel like you should know where the money is going that's why if i'm ever in a position to have my own foundation there's going to be transparency there i want people to know exactly where their money is being used i think it's only fair you are using your hard earned money to fund something that you believe in and i think it's only fair that i reciprocate that energy and show you where your money is going organizations have a lot of power and i feel like with that power comes a great deal of responsibility for the people that donated and the people that is supposed to help it makes no sense to donate a lot of money and be okay with not knowing where that money went that's weird everybody should be curious where's all that money going and most importantly how is it being spent is it going to the salaries of these people so they can buy multi-million dollar homes is it going to actual organizations that fight for justice for everybody i think that's an important question and people have a right to know so whenever she was asked about it she was like yeah i i i i you know the thing that people do whenever they're caught in a trap yeah you got caught you got caught so you know knock knock uncle sam is coming the people that donate to black lives matter are coming and they have a right to know where that money went well here's the thing what you said was interesting that i agree with and i think they could take it a step further it's documented when you donate to somewhere they have to document that you donated i remember donating uh in 2020 to some of the campaigns right and they you know ask you where you're from and what you do for a living and things like that and they have your email address obviously so it's documented send me a statement back and let me know what my money went towards right if it was towards one of the commercials that you produced you know have a section where we can go look that up but you're right there needs to be follow-up about where this money is being how is this money is being used and what is being spent on because i'm not doing this to fund anybody's private life yeah i don't think any of us are honestly i think that you would be mad if you found out that somebody brought a private jet or bought a million dollar home with the money that's supposed to be used for justice and equality we want to know we want that's doubly bad because the the the movement had so much attention this summer and so many people are were on board with it that weren't on board with it before it's getting all this publicity and these people are just abusing it if that's the case right allegedly these people are abusing it so now people are going to turn their backs on it and turn their their their wallets away from it even more to like i said before i don't give a damn about the organization i care about the sentiment right if we can't agree on that statement then there's nothing else for us to talk about we don't have we don't have a conversation to be had there but bad publicity does not help our cause at all it really doesn't and that's why i feel like if they want to counteract this bad press that they're getting they need to be more transparent because it's not only like people that aren't black that are questioning i think everybody is questioning 90 million dollars is a lot of money donated to one organization where is the money going how is it being spent and how is it helping in situations you know like the ones we're seeing this past few weeks with people getting shot unjustly with people being arrested and tortured it's not fair it's not fair so if that money is supposed to go towards those things and preventing those things from happening and making sure we live in an equal society where the receipts where are the receipts and to you know bounce back on this topic they're not only questioning this co-founder of black lives matter they're questioning all of the leaders who come out with a statement and a tweet each time there's a police killing sean king tamika mallory um ben crump people have questions for them too because if y'all have noticed for every high-profile black person that gets killed you'll see the same black attorney there representing them his name is benjamin crump and he's a lawyer you know he fights for civil rights and he always settles in these cases with the city and he gets all these multi-million dollar settlements for these families but at the same time people are like are you in it for yourself or are you in it you know for justice and i think that's a fair question because why is this one person at the forefront of every high-profile police killing maybe he knows how to get a payment and i'm not saying that facetiously i'm not saying that to be funny maybe that's what he's good at maybe he's like i know enough to know that justice will not be served in a criminal courtroom so in a civil courtroom i'm going to get you monetary uh relief for whatever's going on i'm not saying i can agree with it is that not a defeatist attitude i mean sure you could view it as that i'm not saying that's attitude i have i'm saying but it could be right but the track record on this thing isn't too great we know we we talked about before off air what the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result i don't know you can look at him as a person that's one of those uh insurance attorneys that chase around car accident ambulances going to car accidents like oh man there's black pain let me go profit off of it that's how people want to view them that's that's you know that's their prerogative to view them that way too i haven't known too much about this guy until i was doing research uh for this episode i just think it's weird i think that people have a right to know where his intentions lie why are you always forefront in every single high-profile case i think that's weird because let's not kid ourselves here if you're gonna be these people's lawyers you're also getting a cut of that settlement so all these multi-million dollar settlements that he's breaking with all these families he's getting a percentage of that so it's like are you trying to cut a check for yourself or are you really about getting justice because it seems very self-serving from the outside looking in and sean king a lot of people have issues with him too people say that he likes to exploit trauma to his own benefit and that's what his brand is trauma posting that on his stories and doing all that you know i don't really have an opinion about him but it is interesting when people make those points about him people are like is he even black he's like pretending to be black and all this kind of stuff i found that very interesting as well i don't have an opinion on sean king one way or the other i can say that i notice that the man can raise money that's what i can say he can fundraise um i've seen him fundraise for people who have just gotten out of jail or trying to you know get people out of jail you know pay for medical bills after an incident things like that so i've seen the man in his fundraising power that's what i can say about sean king who is tamika mallory can you give the people some background on that because i don't know i've never heard of her she's another activist that's in the vein of sean king and ben crump and all these other people she's a black woman y'all have probably seen her at a lot of marches um if y'all watch the grammys actually one of the rappers that performed he highlighted her in his performance she was the one that was at a podium saying we want justice and we want this i thought that was very cringy but anyway she's always out there doing all that kind of stuff but she's one of those prominent black lives matter figures and activists but you know it is what it is um i think it's very weird and like i said earlier in the episode we need to question things that we're just accustomed to we always see ben crump you know in the middle of these cases why why is he always there he represented trayvon he represented george floyd like there's so many people that he represented and it's like why is this guy always the face of all of this and it's always a settlement behind the scenes and then at the end of the day the families never receive justice so i'm like whose side are you on are you on your own side or are you fighting for the people to get justice i don't think it's a fair question to ask i really do and i guess to cap off this episode on twitter y'all's favorite app so people were having a conversation about jamie foxx versus will smith they're very comparable in the sense that they're both prestige actors either they've won an oscar or if they've been nominated for multiple oscars um people are like who's better who's the better actor you know who has the better career whose side are you on when it comes to the discussion of jamie foxx versus will smith do you have a a horse in this fight no the only horse i have in a fight is my opinion but i ain't passionate about you know neither one of the you know to be like oh my god i can't believe you're saying this um if you're talking about in terms of who's a better actor i mean i think will smith is i think will smith is a better actor i hope you guys are paying attention cause i guarantee you if i would have said that i think jamie foxx is a better actor justin will be like have you ever seen bad boys one and two no i don't think that will smith is that good of an actor i'm being serious i don't think that he's that good of an actor to be honest i think that he's good at what he's good at and he plays to his strengths which is smart but when it comes to range i don't think that he has the range of jamie foxx because jamie foxx can do comedy he can do action he's very good at drama he has all the credentials that are there that make him you know a better actor and i say better it doesn't mean like he's that much better but if you're gonna pick one i would pick jamie foxx to start my drama versus will smith because will smith just gives like a corny vibe jamie foxx is the closest thing we have had to frank sinatra since frank sinatra and people don't want to make that correlation or that connection because he's black but like think about it the man can act he can sing he's won awards in both of these things he's charismatic as hell he started off as a comedian like he's the black frank sinatra j he's jamie foxx he's super talented and like you said he has the range and he could do whatever he wants to do but i think that's an interesting uh you know face off of two people and ranking you know their careers and movies and stuff against each other you know so you're saying the best jamie foxx performance is all is usually better than the best will smith performance um i i guess so it's hard to compare i'm just talking about skills cause people can argue that will smith has better movies and maybe i would give that to him but overall when it comes to skills and what they're capable of i feel like jamie foxx has more range because you know when it comes to movies i feel like nobody can really touch will smith because he was the top actor for a period of time and i don't think that anybody can say that jamie foxx was the top actor for a period of time jamie foxx does have an oscar though and will smith doesn't have an oscar that's a fact that and they both have it's hard to win an oscar it's very hard to win an oscar i mean will smith has two nominations and that's nothing to scoff at but when it comes to winning you know only the greats win and jamie foxx has won to be fair will smith should have won for pursuit of happiness and i don't think so and the year that jamie foxx won he got a bump and a boost from ray charles dying because that award should have went to don cheadle but i digress not taking anything away from yeah not taking any away from him though i don't think there's ever been a year where will smith should have won people say that he should have won for ali playing muhammad ali i was like i don't know i mean that was a great performance i feel like that was maybe a better performance than pursuit of happiness but one thing that i can't lie about when it comes to will smith is that whenever i see him in any movie i see will smith i don't see an actor whether that's seven pounds i am legend it's will smith playing an action person it's will smith playing some person like that's an amazing point he doesn't disappear into his roles yeah you know what the same argument i have with michael b jordan too that is an amazing point that you just made i never thought about that yeah every time i see him it's no different than looking at will in fresh prince versus will and babe boys like he's always will smith that is man you just won me over there that's good yeah that's good because if you look at if you look at uh jamie foxx and what he did in his oscar-winning performance for rey he disappeared completely into that role he really did um and he does that in a lot of movies he's in dream girls he disappears into that role like he's great like what jamie foxx did in dream girls will smith could not do like i don't know if it's his charisma and how corny he can be in real life he wouldn't disappear into this role he would take me out of the film i'd be like okay that's will smith playing a singer in the 60s like he doesn't disappear he's playing um serena williams father in an upcoming movie called king richard and i think that that movie is probably going to be a mess because they should have cast a dark-skinned actor to play that instead of putting will smith and blackface for that that bothers me so much it really does when people instead of casting a dark-skinned actor or actress will put somebody that's light-skinned there and then put them in darker makeup i feel like that's insulting like they did with zoe saldana and the nina simone movie exactly not okay they even did it um with will smith and concussion that person that he's portraying is a dark-skinned nigerian doctor and they put will smith in dark makeup and that was horrible and then he had the nerve to complain about not winning or getting nominated for an oscar for that role it wasn't good i'd rather honestly have you just not if you're going to still choose that person right let's say it's a dark-skinned person in real life but you hired a light skin a person whose skin is lighter for the role i rather you just totally ignore the fact if you're if your heart settle and hiring that person just ignore the fact that their skin's darker and just go with it don't darken their skin because that is insulting yeah because imagine for fred hampton when daniel kaluuya got that role fred hampton is a couple maybe three shades lighter than daniel kaluuya but they didn't feel the need to give him light makeup like yeah like i agree with what you said that would be weird just make the commitment and keep it at that justify why you chose this actor yeah i mean a lot of times when you're watching movies and things and you know any content sometimes you have to suspend this belief or use your imagination a little bit it wouldn't have been that hard if they just were like okay this is will smith in a concussion movie we don't need to put darker makeup on them just let them be let them act i mean will smith is not a bad actor i just don't think that he's like great his likableness is great or his likability is great but overall when it comes to skill i don't think anybody's like will smith is like top five greatest actor of all time because he's not in my top five he's not even in my top ten to be honest let the people hear your top five then my top five actors obviously have to put denzel in there um denzel is up there who else is up there jack nicholson is up there um johnny depp transforms into all of his roles my favorite young actor right now is daniel kaluuya there's so many you know great people i feel like honestly daniel kaluuya is a better actor than will smith i've liked the movies i've seen him in thus far but i have a soft spot in my heart for will smith i was like you know that's a nostalgia type thing i can give you guys my top five favorite off the top of my head of all time and this is in no particular order but definitely denzel tom hanks robert de niro and you know how we all like somebody and it's like i'm not saying that this person's amazing but they're just my one of my favorites i'll really watch anything vince vaughn is in i can't explain it i can't tell you why yeah i can't tell you why i really like uh vince vaughn and then number five and it wouldn't be him uh joe pesci i like i like those i like gangster casino movies i love all the scorsese stuff samuel jackson deserves him he's up there too because i love anything him anytime him and tarantino get together it's a great time yeah i'm not really into like mobster mafia type movies um i feel like they're all the same for the most part


i'm good on all that but i appreciate the acting like when it comes to acting i appreciate more women than i do men like y'all know francis mcdormand is probably my favorite actress and then you have angela bassett you can't go without mentioning her and i think somebody that's very underrated is elizabeth moss if y'all don't know who she is she's the one that plays the lead in the handmaid's tale if you saw the movie invisible man she was the lead in that i think that she's great in everything that she's in mad men she's the lead in that fantastic underrated actress and the handmaid's tale is about to come on so i'm about to get my fix so y'all stay tuned for that too oh since you're talking about watching stuff i just want to give you guys a little psa i watched the show on that's being advertised on amazon called them and it is one of the best tv shows i've ever seen but but i never want to see it again it's the most [ __ ] up thing i've ever seen as a tv show and it gave me nightmares i don't partake in recreational sadness and like there's nothing good about this show in the sense of feeling good like you you talk about black trauma for entertainment i mean that took it to another level that was black trauma on steroids and i have no desire to ever see it again but it's a great show i mean you're watching at your own risk but whatever i wouldn't give people a recommendation based on what i've been seeing people like with everything that we're experiencing in the world right now why put yourself in front of like more black trauma because people said that most of the writers on that show were white there's only one black writer and it's all about black trauma and exploiting that it seems like our pain is their entertainment and i don't want to support something like that people are like there's basically no point to the show besides you know trauma and i don't know that's not something that i'm interested in watching the trailers looked interesting but honestly it looked like a ripoff of what jordan peele does the font looks like jordan peele one of the actors is in one of jordan peel's movies so i thought it was something from him but it wasn't so i'm like i'm good there's so much other great tv out there i'm not going to subject myself to more black trauma for entertainment i'm good don't watch it then don't watch it yeah i'm not all the reviews are not good it has like a 60-something on raw tomatoes i'm like yeah i'll save my time you know i was sharing it with you i wasn't actually giving it a recommendation but if you liked love craft country then you know depending on how high your tolerance is you you'd get down with this it's like lovecraft country and the shining had a baby and then dropped the baby on his head that's what it is it's i don't know how to describe it's [ __ ] up man personally i don't even have time to watch tv anyway i wish i did but i think it's 10 episodes so if you have 10 hours to spare watch it at your own risk i guess i'll just say y'all continue to subscribe and tell your friends to subscribe and maybe once a month at the end of each month we'll do a live so hey you never know but um i appreciate you guys so much thank you guys for supporting the show and listening and we have some surprises coming your way so we're excited to reveal that to you soon but until then you know that's it for me you'll have a great rest of your week all right guys thank you so much don't forget to download subscribe leave a rating and review for justin i'm dante we're polar opposites and we'll catch you on the next one see ya bye guys