Polar Opposites

Super Bowl Weeknd

Episode Summary

Welcome back! Today we discuss the recent events in country music surrounding racism and Morgan Wallen. (03:25) This leads to a larger debate about redemption. Does calling someone a racial slur once make you a racist forever? What is an adequate form of accountability for those who use the N-word? The Weeknd's halftime performance has garnered mixed reviews. We weren't here for it! We discuss his show in detail and make our selections for future halftime shows. (23:30) Which performers need to take the grandest stage? This is a juicy episode! Let us know your thoughts! Send us something spicy! Use this link to send an anonymous question for the show! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justin_alzi/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTÉ https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ LEAVE A REVIEW & SEND LETTERS! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

Welcome back! Today we discuss the recent events in country music surrounding racism and Morgan Wallen. (03:25) This leads to a larger debate about redemption. Does calling someone a racial slur once make you a racist forever? What is an adequate form of accountability for those who use the N-word? The Weeknd's halftime performance has garnered mixed reviews. We weren't here for it! We discuss his show in detail and make our selections for future halftime shows. (23:30) Which performers need to take the grandest stage? This is a juicy episode! Let us know your thoughts!

Send us something spicy! Use this link to send an anonymous question for the show!



Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening!
















If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Music: ‘There For Ya’ by Birocratic

Episode Transcription


welcome welcome to another episode of the show i feel good this week we have the super bowl y'all ate your fries your i don't even know what y'all ate greens beans potatoes tomatoes i hope y'all didn't have any covid parties cause kovit is on the rise and people are out here throwing super bowl parties speaking of that i'm actually mad at dante because he suggested that i was having a super bowl party don't try me this is kovitz season i can't wear my mask when i'm with you cause i got kovitz cause i got covered sing it i can't wear my mask when i'm with you


some of y'all can't wear your mask anywhere period but anyway we'll read people in a second but thank you guys for being here for another episode it means so much that y'all listen if you are new to this show this show is all about bringing together different perspectives we talk about music pop culture entertainment politics and it's always an interesting discussion every single time we have uncomfortable conversations but they're always important and i feel like it opens people's minds so whatever reason you choose to listen to this show i appreciate it continue to listen continue to subscribe continue to listen in secret because i know that dante and i have secret fans that listen to the show and i appreciate you guys because y'all are still listeners at the end of the day so i respect it so hopefully my goal this year is that y'all come out of the shadows come on out be a fan embrace the show love it publicly and yeah we love that so speaking of loving the show we have our instagram that is linked in the description so feel free to follow me follow dante follow the podcast page and feel free to interact with us i appreciate all of you guys that ask us questions segway king speaking of asking questions if you click the link in the description of this episode you'll see a link to ask us anonymous questions so if you've always wanted to tell us something if you wanted to ask a question for the show for us to cover please feel free to do that i love interacting with you guys and i love answering your questions so time permitting will always try and answer your questions so we have that for you guys subscribe follow on spotify get into the show dante the man of the hour how are you feeling this week you want to know how i'm feeling yeah how are you i always feel like somebody's watching me that's how i feel the fed's out here bro i know i know it's okay it's okay i love secret fans i love public and private fans however way you want to listen to the show listen to it we have so much to cover this week we have so much that we're not even going to do off my chest this week sorry julia you know we love we love playing that beautiful rendition of off my chest that you gave us


we have to forego it this week don't worry i have a boulder to get off my chest next week right we have a lot like dante said we have a lot this week so let's get into it normally weeks aren't like this normally we have slower weeks and there's not much to talk about this week that's not the case so there's been stupidity there's been some racism it's been another week in america let's talk about it so dante morgan wallen is a country singer i've never heard of him i heard of him for the first time when this controversy came out if you guys don't know there's a country singer named morgan wallin he's young and up and coming apparently he's a big deal in the country music scene and apparently he said the n word dun dun dun now the 27 year old singer has been suspended indefinitely from his record label and pulled from country radio after being caught on video using a racial slur all right take care of this [ __ ]


hey gracie take care of the [ __ ] you talk about it on every episode if you're not black don't say it obviously people feel differently about it so he decided to use the n-word it looks like he was drunkenly walking back to his house and the backlash surprisingly has been swift cmt country music television is also pulling the plug tweeting we do not tolerate or condone words and actions that are in direct opposition to our core values that celebrate diversity equity and inclusion the country music association who named wallin their new artist of the year in november 2020 is also removing any digital content of wallen from their platforms the record labels who signed wallen big loud and republic records suspended his recording contract indefinitely saying such behavior will not be tolerated a lot of people aren't playing his music anymore i'm surprised that country music is taking such a big stand on this issue what did you think about everything that happened like you said right i'm surprised that country music has taken a stand on this a lot of times you wonder like does change really happen do things really change you know it's something changing and i got to imagine if country music is standing up to one of their artists you know saying racist [ __ ] that i guess we are on the doorsteps of change right because usually when a company does stuff like this it's about how it affects their dollar country music don't market to black people in the first place so if they're taking this stance on this it's like yeah i guess some things are changing what a way to kill your career dude and like especially like if it's in country music and you decide to kill your career by saying that edward who would have thought i guess 2021 is different right like who would have thought the thing is you say kill his career but i really don't think that his career is gonna go anywhere because this whole idea of somebody being quote unquote cancelled is not a thing especially when you're a country star or especially when you're white you are held to a different standard like i feel like certain people are actually canceled and other people are able to walk away say their little apologies and that's it what annoyed me the most after this is that the naacp reached out to him and they offered to have a conversation about use of the n word with him and i hate this idea because people know right and wrong people know what not to say what is there to educate him about i don't understand this whole idea of coddling people that are racist or wanting to do kumbaya as if these people don't know any better he decided to say it whatever consequences that come his way that's what he deserves i don't think that we should have seminars and talks about oh the n word you come on to the naacp and we're going to sit you down and we're going to talk about race and racial slurs what is that going to accomplish i was talking to one of our listeners and we were having a good conversation and he said this whole thing about the n-word is not an external thing it's an internal thing what is it inside this morgan wallin dude that compelled him to freely say the n-word that's not something that needs to be solved externally because everybody knows that the n-word is a racist slur that should never be said if you're not black i just find it interesting how the coddling continues do you think it's necessary to have the seminar talks with him there's no way in 2021 that anybody's going to plead ignorance about the word and the impact that it has so i'm not here for those conversations i'm not here to talk about that or to be like hey man i didn't know the impact that it had i'm so sorry if i hurt anybody i deeply apologize i can grow from this and learn but not here for none of that man you know what you were saying what i think is interesting is that so apparently his parent label like he's on a country label but the label that owns his label is the same label that gospel singer the black people that listen to this no name b.b winans right they had b.b wines reach out to him to talk to him about all this and i'm like if they would have called me to ask me to reach out to somebody about some [ __ ] i'd be like yeah no why am i reaching out this should be the other way around yeah shouldn't he be the one coming to the community and saying i apologize what can i do to learn from this and the thing is i hate when people apologize if they offended people obviously what you said offended people so just own up to it i feel like that's such a cop-out apology but anyway in a statement to tmz he said i'm embarrassed and sorry i used an unacceptable and inappropriate racial slur that i wish i could take back there are no excuses for this type of language ever so interestingly his sister took to social media and she came up with a whole diatribe she said and quote cancel culture is the worst thing that has come out of our digital world it leaves no room for forgiveness and growth someone who is truly sorry should be forgiven not continuously bashed and that's an interesting thing to say because forgiveness and sympathy it comes with you showing how you've changed then it's up to the community to say okay we accept your apology let's move on i don't think a white person should be telling a black person to get over it and just forgive this person i don't think that's how it works i agree with you that's not how it works it's just so funny like you cannot be the aggressor in a situation and tell people hey you gotta get over it's like punching somebody in the mouth and being like well it's over now i already punched you like get over it let's move past it that doesn't make any sense and what she said was even worse than what i read she said the world we live in thrives off of drama and bringing others down i refuse to be a part of that if my family or my friends make a mistake and apologize i'm going to listen accept it accept them and learn from their mistake while our digital world connects us in a wonderful way it also does the opposite it gives many people a platform to spew hate at others even those they don't know personally it is easy to say something behind the safety of a screen anyone can do it but those receiving the comments are people too i know my brother he is my best friend and although what he said was completely unacceptable i know in my heart that it did not come from a place of hate or malicious intent should he have said it no but should he be given the opportunity to correct his mistake and learn from it yes morgan has one of the biggest hearts of anyone i've ever seen or met it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from he will welcome you with open arms and show you kindness and say the n-word he is not the kind of person who would ever want to hurt you but contrary to popular belief he's also human and sometimes humans make big mistakes she said a whole lot more but i'm not going to read the rest of her message but i don't know i disagree with a lot of what she said i feel like she's doing damage control for her brother and she's using the dog whistle of cancer culture so people can have a reason to not hold somebody accountable for making a mistake cancer culture is its own problem the thing is i'm not gonna not hold somebody accountable just because there's a larger issue of cancel culture this is all isolated incidents that we should all treat it that way we can still hold him accountable for what he said and address cancer culture you know at another time and now he's dealing with the consequences of that and i feel like the consequences are fair let me ask you something so because he said this right do you think he's a racist yes because you said something about isolated incidents right so somebody says it one time does that make them a racist in the moment and forever if you hit your girlfriend does that make you an abuser there's levels to this [ __ ] that's not what i asked it's the same thing it's the same thing physically committing domestic violence against your girlfriend is the same as saying the n word it is it's the same in the sense that it's a one-time thing somebody ushers a verbal attack a racial slur at that and somebody striking somebody yeah this is where we gotta agree to disagree but i'm gonna listen to your argument on it obviously the two situations are different does somebody striking somebody make them an abuser that's my question to you yes then the same applies to saying the n-word somebody's saying the n-word that makes them a racist i don't know how you can see it any different yeah we couldn't agree to like well what are you disagreeing about is my question like how does that not make you a racist if you say the n-word we talk about all the time about how like everything's not black and white and there's levels to this [ __ ] right so there's no level yes there is there's levels to everything so if you called a female a [ __ ] does that mean you were misogynistic the rest of your life


you people can change people can change you probably did that but you wouldn't do that now because you've changed there's growth there hey you accusing me of dropping the bee bomb what are you doing sir i have nothing but the utmost respect for the female delegation the thing is i think that does make you a racist if striking somebody makes you an abuser saying the n word makes you a racist like how can it not make you a racist are they very fine people on both sides like what are you talking about but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides you see what he's doing right now guys this is called spin and gaslighting he should teach a class i love this i love this about you justin we can agree to disagree um i'm not sticking up for the guy trust me i'm not at all i just asked a question i wanted to get the conversation flowing and be polar opposites well you haven't even answered your question like how does saying the n word not make you a racist the same way somebody hitting somebody makes them an abuser how does it not work the same way i didn't say that it doesn't make him a racist i said like is he a racist forever because he did that is somebody an abuser forever because they decided to hit somebody that's where i keep coming back to this level [ __ ] man but you're not you're not giving any levels though saying levels without further expanding your argument is not doing anything yes so let me ask you then right is chris brown forever a woman beater because he beat the [ __ ] out of rihanna just once that we know of yes it was a mistake that he'll live with for the rest of his life the same way someone's saying the n-word and them being held accountable for it that's something that they're gonna have to live with for the rest of their life they can do better and be better but they still committed the act if i murder somebody just because i'm doing better does that make me not a murderer murder and saying the n word is not the same thing i know that's why it's called an analogy or comparison you doing something to somebody else that thing that you did to them doesn't go away just because you're on the good road and you're doing good deeds you still did it that's what you're not seeing about me saying this level [ __ ] like you just said about a murderer right like if you murder somebody you are forever a murderer if you rape somebody you're forever a rapist saying verbal words once that we know of and listen i'm not defending the guy i can't stress that enough to you and to the listeners i'm not defending the guy but saying a word once that you got caught saying it once does that forever make you a racist that's what i'm trying to get to here somebody can learn from their mistakes but they were still racist at one point they might decide to do better and be better but they still said what they said i said what i said okay well what you said was some bull but you don't like it you don't like i think that you can reform that type of thing for sure there's a story about the black officer who used to work in the fbi or cia i can't remember he collects the robes of all the clansmen that he got to stop being in the clan and he's friends with these people i believe in reform for that for sure your argument is not really making sense yes you're still a racist but you change you're no longer you know exhibiting those behaviors so your race is for okay all right just wanted to know please guys let us know what you think about this look at him running away from the conversation i'm not running at all i agree to disagree with you but what do you disagree like what do you how does that not make you a racist forever it seems like you want to forgive somebody and absolve them for what they did but they still did it at the end of the day yeah i believe you can be held accountable for things but i don't think that one mistake that you make defines who you are the rest of your life but it's still something that you did it defines it if you could never do the work the rest of your life yeah okay if you never do the work to change then it defines you you're making two different arguments and you're trying to make it sound like i'm not making a strong argument if somebody does the work to change then they are doing the right thing you shouldn't be able to say hey you did something now you are labeled as this the rest of your life no matter how much you've done to change and right that wrong and educate other people you're still this person i don't think that's fair i don't think you should be able to be labeled as something the rest of your life for one mistake that you made that's interesting because with chris brown you always label him as an abuser he did that one time you continue to call him a woman beater and all this you're using that one moment to taint his reputation forever i don't think that's fair like i said levels to this [ __ ] but what are the levels no no putting your hands on a woman versus saying something verbal completely different things we're talking about the physical anger no it's not it's the same thing because those words hurt there might not be physical damage from saying the n word to somebody but those words still hurt the black community do you know the power of the n-word that's a word that's been hurled at people for years to degrade black people that's painful it's not physical pain but that emotional pain and trauma is still pain it's different i get that but it works the same way it is different of course i know what the impact that that word has of course i do i'm a black man i've been called it so i get it i'm saying there's differences in these two acts as what i'm saying somebody can change i'm not saying that they can't change but that doesn't negate the fact that you still did those things in the past you're like what it seems like you're doing but your legacy is everything that you did in your life both good and bad when people remember who you are they remember everything when kobe passed away what did they start bringing up his rape allegations because guess what it's part of his legacy michael jackson when he passed away what did they bring up the child molestation allegations because guess what that's part of his legacy that's what people do people can grow and change beyond what they were accused of in the past but at the end of the day people are going to remember all of what somebody is not just the good parts how often does that happen how how often do people get eulogized when they die and no matter if they were a piece of [ __ ] person they talk about the good maybe in that like you said about kobe and michael jackson right maybe in that moment people bring it up but you think five years from now and anniversary is kobe's death people are going to talk about that rape allegation not every single time but that's never going to go away it's still on kobe's wikipedia page it's a part of his life it's still up for people to debate and speculate and that's their fault for being in certain situations and if you're going to say the n word of course you can change you can know better and be better but the fact is you still said that the same way somebody murdered somebody the same way somebody abused somebody you still did those things that's interesting that's very interesting so the argument that you were making before we got onto this when you brought up chris brown right and you said well you always paint him as this blah blah blah that's the same thing you're doing to this dude then right you're saying if i'm saying that if you're saying that i'm saying he chris brown's always going to be a woman beater right you're saying that this guy's always going to be a racist right i sure am because what change has morgan wallin showed you he hasn't shown me anything you know his legacy up to this point he's somebody that's a racist no no you're you're taking it somewhere i don't want to go i don't care i don't care about his legacy or whatever he's not showing me [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] about the guy i was just asking is this what we're equating it to you said yeah and that's fine because i'm not standing up for this guy what i will say the last thing i'll say about this topic that we're talking about in this debate that we're having is at a certain point i'm a person that believes in redemption and believes that you can work towards changing and being a better person because i've done it in my own life so that's all i was that's all i was getting at with this so i'd be really interested to hear what you guys have to say about it i'm not disagreeing that you can be redeemed but up until this point what redemption has he shown us beside a written apology that's not good enough for me if somebody's willing to apologize for the n word fine you're going to get forgiveness from me when you show years of dedication of being the opposite of what you were painted to be that's how i'll change my opinion to say that you've changed that doesn't negate the fact that you still said it but forgiveness for me and reconciliation comes with you acknowledging the wrong and working to be better not going on red table talk with jada and saying that you have a new mindset i'm not trying to victimize myself i don't want pity i don't deserve pity we messed up i just want a second chance to be like i recognize i messed up and for so long i wasn't able to talk about this because of the legalities behind it i never got to say i'm really sorry that this happened or i really own that this was a big mess up on everybody's part not making a video or doing a duet with another black artist at an award show show that you're a changed person building your legacy rebranding yourself and showing that change that's the only way that you'll gain forgiveness from me you're going to be mad as hell when he hit the bt awards next year because you're laughing because he's going to be there you're going to be mad as hell i can't wait for that episode it's going to happen he's laughing y'all because it's going to happen they're going to give him a plate invite him into the bet awards and have him do a duet with roddy rich or some other black artist and say look he's changed he's no longer racist and of course because i always say a lot of black people are easily impressed they'll be clapping big yes yes yes look at he did that racism is over hate to see it but it's gonna happen yeah um but you know back to the original topic we were talking about um you know there's a lot of other country artists we're calling them out there's actually this black female country singer her name's mickey guyton and she has a song called black like me i suggest you check it out it's actually really good and she was talking about the people who have helped her out in the industry and she was tagging them all on tweets but then she like went in on morgan wildin in response to wallen's recent actions country artists like mickey guyton have taken to social media to call the singer out mickey tweeted asking how many passes will you continue to give adding no one deserves to be cancelled but this is unacceptable maren morris also tweeting in part we all know it wasn't his first time using that word we keep them rich and protected at all costs with no recourse and uh another country singer luke combs who put out some song about like unity and we're a nation divided right now and then other countries like other verified on twitter country singers for whatever that means we're dragging them then they put up pictures of him like with the confederate flag and him flashing a white power symbol during a televised event and everything so i guess we're going to keep an eye on nashville right now guys and see what's coming out country music is in shambles y'all who would have thought who would have thought um i'd be interested to see what's going to happen with that accountability is something that we shouldn't run from embrace it own up to your mistakes if i make a mistake and y'all know about it i'll own up to it as best i can it is what it is if we want to be forgiven for the mistakes that we made we have to show that we're contrite and we have to build a path towards continuing to do good things not just apologizing and moving on like it didn't happen because there's no growth there well said let's move on to the next topic because we spent 26 minutes on these people what's the next topic as you all are aware sunday there was a super bowl from a small local venue in toronto to the world stage i'm continuing this journey with my fans taking them into the next chapter of our story as your 55th pepsi super bowl halftime show performer


justin's fave the weeknd was the halftime performer so let's talk about it justin give me your thoughts um well y'all know i'm not the biggest weakened fan i don't have an issue with him he makes music that's just not for me and that's okay do i recognize that he's talented of course does he have hits of course did i think that he was the right pick for the super bowl before he even performed no i didn't i think the weeknd makes like emo type music that's not really fit for the super bowl the super bowl is about entertainment it's about dancing it's about electricity it's about getting people excited it's about building a legacy


because believe it or not being asked to perform at the super bowl is the biggest highlight of any artist's career usually only legends get asked to perform i went into it with an open mind because i knew that i was going to talk about it on the show but i just wanted to give him a chance i had a set of expectations for his performance and he delivered exactly what i thought he would deliver an uninspired performance i loved the lights you know i liked the set that was cool cheray what'd you think um of the performance i thought they did good together i thought definitely i thought it was fun i like the beat but the performance itself it was lacking and i think that a lot of people might say justin you're a hater but i don't think being honest is being a hater i don't have anything against him i don't have a reason to just bash him for no reason i don't have a reason to do that but i'm just gonna be honest because this is my opinion and we're all free you know to share our opinions on here i didn't like the performance i think that it left something to be desired on social media i saw that a lot of his fans love it generally i feel like most people are mixed on the performance they think it's okay and super bowl performances should never be just okay those are my initial thoughts i'll let you go what did you think um so i only watched it because i knew we were going to talk about it so like this podcast is kind of like our job so i have to do my work for the podcast his homework um basically listen anybody who knows me knows i love the weekend like when we start talking about my favorite artist of all time like it wouldn't take long before i got to the weekend but that's his old stuff right like i think this la i didn't like this last album he's actually been letting me down as of recently except for my dear melancholy that was dope before he dropped the album but anyway it's a it's a shame watching that is how i felt right i've seen him in concert twice the weekend gives an amazing concert and i thought the visuals of everything was really great right same i don't think that somebody that's a great singer like the i'm not debating with anybody by the weekend is an amazing singer but i don't think that somebody who is an amazing singer is set up to succeed under those circumstances because they're doing this running around they're trying to entertain so there's at times he sounded like he was trying to catch his breath and trying to still perform and everything and um and also the songs the set list wasn't feeling it he needed to bring out some more i mean like the trilogy is really depressing that's probably why i love it because you know i'm a weirdo but like you could you could have brought out some like trilogy era weekend music or i thought the best thing that i heard from him all night is when he did uh earned it but like you said there's a lot of mixed reaction to it right now there's people out there saying hey that's up there in the pantheon of super bowl performances with uh prince and there's other people like justin were like yeah no i'm good on that mm-hmm yeah i think it was better than justin timberlake's performance i think it was better than the red hot chili peppers performance agreed um i don't think it was anywhere near bruno's like i said to justin jokingly in a texas week i was like yo just let bruno do it every year for all i care at this point like [ __ ] it it was great like we had bruno and beyonce those are two stick off top of my head in the past like i don't know six seven years i thought were great like do i think this was better than shakira and jlo maybe because i like the weeknd but i don't know i don't think it was better than shakira and jlo's they embodied the essence of what a super bowl performance is supposed to be you can not like their music you cannot like them but you have to admit that that was a fantastic performance they included all elements of what a super bowl halftime show is supposed to be and they did the




um because you all know how i feel about j.lo i'm not even going to get into that but you know they delivered they delivered the weekend did not deliver and we have to be honest as well the weeknd is not a performer he's a vocalist when you're doing the super bowl you need somebody that's going to entertain the masses and i think that one thing i don't like about him i feel like he was very over confident and cocky about this performance it was hype that he spent seven million dollars so people were expecting to see okay where's the seven million and i heard crickets literally i heard crickets i'm like where's the seven million and also i found it interesting that he leaked that because that was leaked other artists also put their own money into their halftime show so that's not a surprise to me so i was expecting something great and it was it was lacking it really was there were some elements of it that were great i loved when he did house of balloons and transitioned into blinding lights personally for me i thought that that was the best part when the dancers are in formation shaking and giving me thriller vibes i was like this is what i wanted i was yelling at the tv this is what i wanted dancing but then when it came to what the weeknd was actually doing he was just standing in the middle of the field like a scarecrow i was like what's going on i was like i didn't know if i was watching a halftime show or a scene from the movie us i was like what's going on oh my god that's what those people with the band just look like they look like the the people from us that's exactly what they look like be careful


but here's where i gotta give some pushback to you and where i disagree uh also shout out to you talking about the house of balloons transition here because only real weekend fans know about that i'm gonna go on a tangent here justin i apologize it's okay to me it's sad that there are some people out there who only know weekend from i can't feel my face era on up that have no idea about the trilogy and have no idea about kisslane if you're one of those people i'm not judging you right like i put one of my friends on the house of balloons last night but do yourself a favor and go listen to house of balloons thursday and echoes of silence because i spent all day today in preparation for this podcast and i knew i was going to be put in the corners i have to defend the weekend listening to the trilogy and i'm telling you house of balloons is some of the finest work i've ever listened to and at the end of this episode i'm going to take you all on a 10 week journey and i'm going to give you 10 of my favorite albums one a week but back to the weekend yeah off the top of the doom but back to the weekend it was fine i think it's it's interesting right it's kind of like i don't know like you know how like when you just grow apart from people that's kind of how i feel with the weekend like i loved this man's music at one point in my life it got me through some [ __ ] like it was there like loved it and i was like hey man like because of what how i felt about his music in the past like i'll always give it a chance he's earned that for me y'all catch that pun there earned it um


yeah i was about to break out in the song i ain't gonna do it to y'all


so i don't know it was fine let's talk about the larger picture here right uh-huh justin thinks that having the super bowl halftime performance is a legacy flex and an award of hey you've been killing the game for decades i assume is what your criteria is and please correct me if i'm wrong and that it's only given to people that you know have a certain stature and here's the flip side of it maybe a halftime performance could be a king making or a queen making thing where it's like hey we see this person is up on the rise we're going to hop on this now and this could be the thing that solidifies them and cements them and straps the rocket [ __ ] to their back and puts them in the stratosphere maybe that's how some people look at it because like you said you thought bruno got it too early you think the weekend got it too early not listen and then one more thing one more thing before you respond i want to give you a lot to respond to one more thing you said that it's about entertainment you don't think it's a singer's type of performance it's about entertaining there's no doubt in my mind that they could give that to they could give mariah carey or adele a half-time show and it would still be it would still be good that's just my opinion but uh i will let you respond well lots to respond to first of all i do think that when somebody is asked to do the halftime show it's supposed to be the pinnacle of their career these people are supposed to put in work in the music industry build a legacy and earn a chance to perform for over a hundred million people at the super bowl the largest stage of them all that would be the highlight of anybody's career do i think the weeknd got it too early yeah somewhat early but i think that had he not released blinding lights they would have never asked him to do the super bowl that was such an undeniable hit and he's also been having such an incredible year that they thought that this is perfect timing he has some hits he has some gravitas to him so they thought that he'd be the perfect contemporary choice to headline a halftime show so i see the thought process with the weeknd but overall like when you look at him perform that's not a halftime show to prep for this episode i watched his coachella performance and i was not impressed he was just standing there he i get it he's a vocalist he's not a dancer i get it but we should be saying dancing we should be seeing entertainment for a halftime show we should be seeing fireworks and we didn't get that with males the bar is so low when it comes to our expectations a guy can just wear the same outfit for the entire performance they can just stand there and people heat praise on it if it's a woman they expect several costume changes several set design changes and the expectation level is a lot more for women than it is for men and that's just in general in life and i think that that's unfair if a woman was just doing a half-time show the way the weeknd did it people would say it's boring that it's lacking that that person's not fit for a half-time show so with the weekend i'm just gonna be honest i don't think that that was a great performance was it good i think it was good for him i think that with this super bowl halftime show this is the peak of the weekend's career and anything after this is all downhill and that's not a bad thing it's just the truth i'm looking at the grand scheme of this guy's career and this is the pinnacle of his career he will never have a peak this high in his career again so he should be happy and proud of this moment he earned it he earned it yay he earned it so good for him on that adele or mariah carey doing a halftime show i don't think that they fit for a halftime show because i was talking to my friend about this idea of being overrated or over hyped and i think adele i love her don't don't get me wrong i love her oh man oh man hold on baby dump trucks are warming up i i hear it


adele is not overrated but i do think that she's over hyped we understand that she's a great vocalist and she gets makes songs that put us in our feelings and we love her she sells a lot but the amount of acclaim that she gets can be too much sometimes to wear anybody that has something to say about her they demonize they get the baby dump trucks out about to charge them and use them like come on it can be a lot i would say the same about frank ocean frank ocean is great i don't think he's overrated but i do think that he's over hyped he's somebody that people lot all this attention and praise on and sometimes it's unwarranted because it's like how much have you really done he's released two albums and people like oh my god i'm amazing like oh and i get it because i do think he's amazing but sometimes i feel like those two get too much praise and those are the examples that come into my mind at this moment so who don't get enough praise then i would have to do some research i can't think of any at the top of my head you said too much praise or not enough praise not enough because you out here slandering the dull and frank ocean so let's hear who who needs that who needs some of their shine then i think janelle monae doesn't get enough praise i think her doesn't get enough praise oh i'm here for that her is the best artist on the planet i think miguel doesn't get enough praise big facts here you go justin now you brought me back to your side now exactly that's what i'm trying to say does not get enough freeze are just as great but they don't get the same amount of acclaim as an adele or a frank ocean and it can be unfair here's a different i think there's a big difference between adele and frank ocean though like she has two grammys for album of the year like she's earned it adele is the [ __ ] perry point blank freak ocean he gave you channel orange classic classic classic classic blonde there's people out there will fight me over saying this but like i didn't think blonde was great so i don't know i don't want to spend too much time on it so let me ask you then since you are in the camp of believing it's a legacy award and it's a career maker who do you think are some people that could be halftime performers coming up here give me like three or four or five i have six or seven i think drake has enough hits i think he has enough relevancy i think he has enough commercial appeal to definitely do a halftime show i think he's more than qualified in that regard drake easy decision rihanna i also feel the same way now with rihanna she's not the greatest performer but her catalog alone is more than worthy of a halftime show so many people have been clamoring for her to perform and i'm with that um another one i wrote down is taylor swift you all know i'm not the biggest fan of taylor swift but she meets the criteria to do a halftime show we love to hear it she would crush a halftime show another one is uh pink y'all might not like her music but i think that pink has met the threshold to do a halftime show her ability to do the trapeze stuff up in the air she has the hits she has the longevity to warrant a super bowl performance green day i think that green day has enough hits i think that if they can release like one more like relevant album in 2021 they could definitely headline a super bowl and it'd be something different because it's not the pop that we're used to seeing it's somebody that's more rock that still has you know commercial appeal i think green day can definitely kill you know a halftime show ariana i think in four or five years ariana definitely will be a headliner for the super bowl justin bieber justin bieber is somebody that i too think in a couple years can headline the super bowl he meets it and lastly chris brown chris brown had he not hit rihanna would be doing a super bowl had he not had that incident with rihanna when he hit her he has the talent the dancing ability the hits he has more than enough capability to do the halftime show the hits he has the hits he does okay okay hold on before we get into that let me give you the people who i thought of that i think can do it and then we're going to talk about this hit [ __ ] that you're talking about this blasphemy so of course taylor swift is number one i think for sure she could do it i think i can see mariah carey doing it like i mentioned earlier um i like your green day one i would say i could totally see them given fallout boy one i think gwen stefani could do it because of her hits by herself and her stuff with no doubt she has commercial appeal um those are just the ones off the top of my head that green day one is really good like i could totally see that happening i actually would and i would like to see that happen but those are just the ones i could think of off the top of my head so those are what i'll say and drake yeah i don't know why he hasn't done it yet to be honest with you but anyway you're talking about hits right so just to give you all some behind the scenes here justin i had like a three hour conversation last week after we recorded about hits and forever songs and what makes somebody a legend and all that stuff and no chris brown does not have a forever song forever song was a song that would be played in any function with any race of people at like a barbecue a cookout a wedding reception things like that let me just give you all a couple examples right bruno mars uptown funk it's a forever song it'd be played at weddings forever ed sheeran has two forever songs they'll be played at weddings and [ __ ] like that forever john legend has two of them adele has like three or four of them what's chris brown's forever song what is going to be played forever i don't think he really has i'd be stretching to say kiss kiss is a forever song it's a song that everybody enjoys i honestly i really do think that that incident with rihanna happened at the worst time for chris brown's career because he was so young he's only 30 or 31 years old and that happened in 2009 he was 18 i believe so that happened at the worst time for because he's just getting into his stride i promise had he been able to get through that situation and not have that incident occur he would have had the hits to possibly have a forever song like you're talking about but unfortunately i don't think that he really has one he would put on a better show than the week and i know that for sure a lot of agreeing to disagree on this show so let's let's talk about it then right what are who are some people that you think have those forever songs and that are what we would consider a legend out of like the list i just mentioned sure yeah we could take it there let's do that then i think green day is legendary yeah they have a bunch of forever songs i think taylor swift what goes without saying but i think that she is legendary the what she did in country and what she did with crossing over to pop her ability to songwrite her ability to have big hits her ability to sell out stadiums not arenas stadiums three times over um i think that she's a legend drake i think is a legend rihanna um i don't know i think she's icon i don't think she's a legend what does she do that's great uh be a be a bad [ __ ] i guess i heard crickets yeah that's not that's not really i think she's an icon but i think that we can make the case for her being a legend it's hard for me to just say that she's a legend i know rihanna stands or listening or like she's a legend she's a legend my criteria detector is not dinging when it comes to rihanna who else pink i would say is a legend what's her forever song uh so what get this party started oh just give me a reason i think that she has like three right there okay but yeah i think that those are my choices for the halftime show it's something that people really have to build to people are so afraid to just be honest because the weeknd's fans they'll attack you they've attacked me before i remember when i posted something on the polar opposites instagram a weekend stan that stalks the hashtag for hashtag the weeknd saw that i did a hashtag of the weekend and came into my comments and said yeah hater you're jealous you are fake and whatever and i'm like you're crazy you're literally crazy stalking hashtags to find out who's saying bad things about the weekend get alive that really had me shook because i'm like people are stalking hashtags to see somebody talking bad about the weekend and when i talk bad about somebody it's not to be nasty in any way i'm just being honest and critical in the most respectful way possible i made sure to give the weekend his props but at the same time we made note of his limitations he's not a performer at least for the halftime show what he did at the super bowl would be fine for the vmas it would be fine for the amas but when we're talking half time shows you have to deliver and he did not deliver in my opinion get it off your chest i thought we didn't have nothing to get off our chest this week but damn all right get us to get it off your chest


everybody get out your bed cloth dab it dab it dab it off your head i take this seriously because the broader part of our discussion on this episode is the state of the music industry i feel like we're running out of legends or people that are up and coming that are going to make a name for themselves in the future and it's sad the state of music you can easily see that the weeknd was inspired by michael jackson you can see that beyonce was inspired by michael jackson so many of our current icons of today were inspired by the legends of the past whether that be prince madonna lady gaga was heavily inspired by madonna who are the next legends that are coming up i feel like we don't have any especially when it comes to males uh yeah i mean if you look outside of the weekend in bruno you know what's there wait did you say the weeknd yeah man he's a legend man he's not a legend he has his forever songs he has a super bowl he's a legend we talked about this we said that just because you have a forever song that doesn't make you a legend the weeknd hasn't done anything legendary he did the super bowl you just said that's legend right you got to be a legend to get a super bowl you said that y'all said i just get asked to do the super bowl but i said that they made the wrong choice in selecting him don't try and twist my words because i said what i said he's a legend he's done a super bowl if the weeknd is a legend then post malone is a legend because post malone is the white version of the weeknd yo get the [ __ ] out of here justin no i'm being serious right now yes post malone is the white version of the weekend they have just as many hits we're going to lose get stop it what i'm being serious what you don't you don't want to murder no you're reaching i'm so we talk about accountability on this podcast and we're good enough friends i can tell you when you're reaching you reach him right now like post i can't even finish that sentence man we won't lose listeners the super bowl then the post malone should be the next headliner if we're going to use the logic of the nfl and pepsi all right the way they're picking halftime shows now go ahead and put post malone up there nobody's going to care that that man lived five years from now the weekend i don't know the way he's moving i don't know he might get a super bowl in the next couple years the way he's moving by the time he's 30 he might have a super bowl the way they're just picking halftime performers oh my gosh i don't have anything to say to that i don't have anything to say to that


you'll hear it and you'll be like oh man this is dope this dope then two years later you're like they're on the radio and you're like everybody knows about that's how it was when i got into the weekend there wasn't nobody [ __ ] with the weekend and i'm sitting there beating my form like yo this guy is the [ __ ] and then now everybody's like i can't feel my face or blinding lights and it's like nah man that's that's not the weekend bruh it is the weekend or like i mean that's him now right but like anderson pack too same thing with him like i was listening to him like yo you all got to hear about this guy and you know i think it's weird how you feel have you ever gone through that where you feel possessive over ours because you knew about them and were a fan of them before they ever made it big and you're like yeah like that's my guy and now everybody else likes me like yo it goes into that entitlement that a lot of people feel when it comes to certain artists they want them to stay underground forever they want them only to themselves but artists want to blow up artists want to eat and make money and be successful and you wanting them to be a certain way is unfair because like we always say people are allowed to grow and people are allowed to change so i think as fans we should also allow our faves to grow change expand and i think with the weekend that's a perfect example because people love his older work but my opinion is that you know he's still the same artist he's just making a different genre of music he's appealing to more people now and i think that that's okay i don't think that makes him any less of an artist because there's people that are still enjoying his music let people grow let people change and expand their horizons because that's what they want to do at the end of the day yeah i mean i'm just still flabbergasted by the slander that you talked about with post malone in the weekend so you know all right i don't know what do you guys think do you guys think that post malone is the white version of the weekend because i think i think i think that he is i feel like the listeners are like yeah now that i think about it yes i can see cressida and natalie and florida and all these people listening to like yeah justin's onto something justin is right i'm like i told y'all it's okay i've truly honestly as we're sitting here recording this live right now that when this episode comes back and people give us feedback on it they're going to be like i think this is going to be one of those episodes where people like overwhelmingly agree with me oh man oh my god that's rare who do you guys tend to agree with more when y'all listen to these episodes who do y'all agree with more because we did a poll recently asking i don't know what we were asking but somebody gave a great answer and they said that dante responds based on emotion and i respond on practicality and i agree with that i feel like dante his emotions get him worked up and the emotions are attached to whatever he's talking about but for me i'm devoid of emotions i don't care whatever i think is the truth i'll just say it he trying to sound like a hipster i don't have emotions i don't feel nothing no you sound like a hipster saying i know all of this music and other people are just catching the wave let them catch the wave let people get exposed to new music it doesn't make you a bigger fan just because you found them earlier no i didn't say that i'm just saying like it's interesting to see the rise of somebody when you saw them when they first started and to see them now when they have like this global attention as opposed to when you see them in concert uh with i don't know 200 seats and now he's performing at halftime it's cool interesting i love the progress you want to run down some uh some quick news notes some stupid [ __ ] yeah so a lot of people are stupid i'm just gonna say that right off the bat a lot of people are really dumb so i don't know if you saw this there was this black woman that i don't know what she was looking for she was looking for a cream or something for her hair to slick down her ponytail for whatever reason she couldn't find whatever hair product she was looking for i think it was like hair glue she couldn't find hair glue so she was like you know what let me use gorilla glue that seems like the next best thing so she gets a gorilla glue rubs it together and smears it and slicks back her ponytail or whatever hairstyle that she has and then she said for a month her hair has not moved i wash my hair


times and it don't move what have you used to try to get it out um we did the baby oil we did cooking oil olive oil she also tried washing it out with shampoo nothing got rid of the glue so jessica posted this video on tick tock hoping for advice instead she was ridiculed first of all why would you do that and then second of all why are you recording yourself doing that and the world is seeing how dumb you are it doesn't make any sense to me i don't know if you saw this story and people started to go fund me for her i did it's insane it's ridiculous why would you do that to yourself baby like like i say all the time right play stupid games win stupid prizes she played a very stupid game and other [ __ ] news about stupid people since that's the train we own right now stupid people um some of y'all's fave rapper uh little uzi vert got a 24 million dollar diamond implanted in his forehead so here are some things about that right that guy doesn't have 24 million dollars so he's stupid for doing that but whoever financed that the the company that gave him the loan to get a 24 million dollar diamond and playing in squared please email dm justin or myself because we have a way better business plan than whatever the [ __ ] you just did with that 24 million dollars there especially in the times we are now financially in the middle of a pandemic and people don't have enough food to put on table you want to go get a diamond and plant in your forehead i hope he has top-notch security because somebody will grip his little ass up and rip that out his [ __ ] skull


i think that's stupid i think that a lot of these celebrities when all of your basic needs are taken care of to the point where money doesn't even matter anymore i think that's when people do stupid stuff like this and i'm not saying every wealthy person is a stupid decision maker like lil uzi vert i just don't get it and this is why there's always calls to tax the rich because these people have so much money i feel like if you're really that wealthy what is more taxes to you it's nothing especially when there's people that are suffering but it's like whenever you're like a billionaire come on at that point do you really need all of that money and there's this thing called i think the giving pledge where billionaires pledge to give i think at least half of their wealth up by the time they pass away for the people that are not signing that what are you keeping all of that money for you're hoarding wealth for what if i was in that position i feel like if i have so much money to take care of my future generation the least i can do is do something great for somebody else or society you know as a whole that's just me though and not everybody thinks like that bury me with my [ __ ] like screws mcduck [ __ ] out of here talk about that say no i'm kidding i i agree with you i agree with you i mean i'm not rich and i try to support things that i believe in financially so you know it is what it is maybe to i think like maybe to become a billionaire you have to be like super uh shrewd to reach a certain level of success i believe you truly have to be like a psychopath and a sociopath like michael jordan is not a normal person tom brady's not a normal person i truly believe there has to be something a little off about you to reach a certain level of greatness y'all read the book outliers the story of success by malcolm gladwell i promise you your perception of success and all of the top celebrities will shift i promise you that so much of success is being at the right place at the right time being born in a certain era being extremely gifted in some way harnessing those talents and being successful in that way that's a lot of what success is at least the people that we see serena had her father not instilled that my daughters are going to be great tennis players if serena wasn't naturally gifted with the abilities that she had she wouldn't be where she is it's not all about hard work it's also about luck and just being at the right place at the right time it goes with anything football players tennis players athletes if you can just harness your abilities that's why i always preach that with african parents there's this preconceived notion that the only way to be successful is if you're a lawyer a doctor an engineer those are the only methods of success i understand why they think like that but so many of us nigerians are gifted in extreme ways and if we were given the support we would be performing at the super bowl we would be doing other things but because a lot of us don't get to see our dreams come true we have to sacrifice that in order to appease our parents and i think that it's unfair


give yourself a round of applause for that to end to uh other stupid [ __ ] of the week i saw on twitter some lady was trying to flex and she was like my car payment is 750 a month and yours is 200 we are not the same who the [ __ ] flex is about paying more money and bills you're a [ __ ] idiot it's actually a bad thing yeah a car is not an asset it has no it has it depreciates value every single day but we're not going to get into a finance talk but yeah she's a [ __ ] idiot um what else you got justin you know the super bowl is a big event a lot of people pay attention to the commercials but a quick note on commercials i feel like i don't know if it's me just getting older but i'm noticing that they debut the super bowl commercials ahead of the super bowl so we're not actually seeing it for the first time when it airs during the telecast i'm noticing that have you noticed that yeah for some of them for sure i miss back in the day when you would see the commercials for the first time so it made it more of an event but this year i wasn't really paying attention to the commercials but one really caught my attention and it was the shaggy commercial where i think it was doritos no it wasn't doritos it was cheetahs right yeah it wasn't me loved it i thought it was genius just tell him it wasn't you but i cut you at the counter it wasn't me you snacking on the sofa it wasn't me


you even had them in the shower it wasn't me i even caught you on camera loved that was a great commercial that was my favorite one that's only one i really remember so yeah we're on the same page with that that was such a good one such a good commercial shaggy's probably probably got a lot of play on spotify and apple music today and uh yesterday right because think about it there's kids watching a super bowl that heard that for the first time yesterday don't remind me of how we're getting older i don't like that i don't know i'm out here aging like wine i don't care a me too fine wine not that fine wine we talked about a lot in this episode who would you all like to see perform at the super bowl do you agree with our takes do you agree with our opinions about forgiveness do you agree with our opinions about post malone and the weeknd a lot of spicy stuff on this episode i will say but saturday and sunday did a good job i mean the weekend sorry i forget his name sometimes he did a really good job for him he killed it for his fans they loved it general audiences not so much but who cares you know people like me are gonna talk that's what people do but the important thing is that we all have an opinion we're all entitled to it and we can agree and disagree like me and dante did on this week's episode right this is what happens when you let a beyonce stand talk about somebody else doing the super bowl halftime show but well he likes to call me a beyonce stan which i'm really not a stan of anyone i think that she's the best artist of this generation and everybody agrees i don't need to stand it's just speaking facts okay like i said earlier right guys um we don't even got to talk about it


like i said like i said earlier guys over these next 10 weeks i'm going to give you an album a week of 10 of my favorite albums of all time that i just love that you know do something for me i should preface this by telling you that and me and justin talked about this also like when it comes to music like yeah i'm a music snob i like something that makes me feel so that's why i'm listening to the radio and under the pop [ __ ] on there like that's why it's a lot of music on the radio whatever it just doesn't move me like i like stuff that makes me feel i like people that have been through some [ __ ] because i've been through some [ __ ] so i like stuff that makes me feel first album i'll tell you i'll go check out is back to black by amy winehouse um one of my favorite albums of all time obviously because it's on this 10 week countdown everybody knows the hits like uh rehab and tears dry on their own but let me give you two b-sides to go listen to wake up alone and just friends go check them out let me know what you think about it i'm here to have amy whitehouse conversation with you guys so amy winehouse we love amy winehouse y'all respect well i was gonna say respect your legends but i don't think she's a legend but anyway um i like this actually uh me and dante were talking he has a list of 10 albums that he loves it's hard for me to like list all of my favorite albums and compile it into a list of 10 because i think music is music so it's hard for me to categorize i appreciate dante for his ability to do that because i can't do that so props to him i love this because we'll week to week hear what dante considers his top 10 favorite albums of all time and then you all will get to see if you all have similar tastes to dante so interesting interesting interesting i'll always remind you guys to continue to support the show continue to subscribe continue to share the show with a friend as much as i appreciate everybody who already listens to the show i would appreciate it even more if y'all shared it with somebody that you think could also love the show the same way you do so share it you know subscribe tell your memo your people your wawas and nanas to listen keep this podcast growing because we're just cranking out episodes for you guys and as long as y'all continue to listen we'll continue to produce for you guys so i appreciate you guys and to follow up on that i already told y'all like don't don't be shy when it comes to me like i love interacting and engaging with you guys so thank you to the people who reach out to me about the podcast to all our listeners new old indifferent secret public whatever nah seriously because i justin has a serious beef with secret fans guys and like one day we'll talk about it get to the root of all of it but that's besides the point thank you for listening thank you for supporting us go listen to the episode download it subscribe unsubscribe download it listen to it again all the way through tell a friend to tell a friend about it but that's it for polaropsis thank you guys new music by bureaucratic i hope you guys like it you'll have a good rest of your week and as always we will catch you guys on the next one

