Polar Opposites

Tokyo Olympics Ban BLM, Michael Jackson & America's Problem w/ Accountability

Episode Summary

Did you miss us? We missed you! In this episode, we talk about what makes an artist overrated, the 2021 Olympics, and whether we should be allowed to protest in the workplace (20:35). Where do you stand? Would you risk your employment for a cause you’re passionate about? Our main: topic focuses on how we give celebrities & those we care about the benefit of the doubt and the difficulty separating an artist from their art (34:02). Is it okay to excuse Michael Jackson's inappropriate behavior just because he didn't have a childhood? There’s a lot going on in this episode; hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording it! Let us know your thoughts! Write us a question and don’t be afraid to reach out. As always like, share, & subscribe. Thanks for listening! PLEASE SEND US AN INTERESTING STORY OR QUESTION BELOW: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justin_aiiz/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTÉ https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ LEAVE A REVIEW & SEND LETTERS! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

Did you miss us? We missed you! In this episode, we talk about what makes an artist overrated, the 2021 Olympics, and whether we should be allowed to protest in the workplace (20:35). Where do you stand? Would you risk your employment for a cause you’re passionate about? Our main: topic focuses on how we give celebrities & those we care about the benefit of the doubt and the difficulty separating an artist from their art (34:02). Is it okay to excuse Michael Jackson's inappropriate behavior just because he didn't have a childhood? There’s a lot going on in this episode; hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording it! Let us know your thoughts! Write us a question and don’t be afraid to reach out. As always like, share, & subscribe. Thanks for listening!  






Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening!


















If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com





Episode Transcription



all right we are back we are back we are back did you guys miss us if you guys have been looking on the feed surprisingly there was no episode last week technical difficulties always try and mess us up but you know the secret fans cannot stop us we have to release another episode we have to keep the content coming and we are back refreshed we're ready we're ready i'm ready for this episode dante my co-host how are you you don't gotta get ready when you stay ready that's all i gotta say we we're ready to bring y'all some fire yes sir yes sir if you guys are new to this show this show is called polar opposites because dante and i agree we disagree but most importantly we come together to discuss topics relating to pop culture music entertainment and politics and it's always a good discussion every single week oh this episode is going to be another one but i'm happy that you guys are here if you're new subscribe follow us on instagram all of that is linked in the description and we also have a method for you guys to leave us anonymous questions so you guys did leave us some questions we're happy to see it we love to see it send us more we love it you guys ask us very excellent questions and like we always say the more details you include in the letter the better it is for us because we can give you the best advice when we have more context and you guys are delivering so thank you so much if you wrote one in we are gonna address one of them on this week's episode so if we don't get to your letter this week keep the faith because we will address your letter at some point in the future so i hope you guys missed us absence makes the heart grow fonder and we're back back like we never left back like we never left this week was pretty chill nothing too much happened dante do you have anything interesting mother's day was yesterday at the time of this recording how was that for you did you do anything special for your mom man you always gotta make sure you take care of your mama and let her know that she's loved and appreciated and i do my best to do that and you know i truly believe that it takes a village right so like my aunties i got them flowers and all that stuff like yeah i'm about that so i took my mom out to dinner made sure she enjoyed her day got everything that she wanted because women are magic they're super heroes man yeah i agree with you i did the same for my mom you always have to make sure you celebrate your mom because without moms i don't know i don't know what we would do without our moms but um as a family it was our first time like going out to eat since the pandy so that was interesting the place that we went to had signs up that said we adhere to social distancing people must wear a mask we highly encourage it and people were wearing chin ornaments i don't know what it was yeah chin ornaments that's the first time i heard it that's funny that's what it looks like because i thought a mask is supposed to cover your mouth and your nose not just your chin but interesting interesting but um we ended up actually taking our order to go because we weren't able to sit outside so we had a good time anyway so it's good to talk to my mom and you know make sure that she had the best day because mother's day is her day but to me mother's day is every day so you know this is just a regular day for me you know i always treat my mom like a like a queen you know the queen that she is i try and treat her well you know me you know how we do you know how we do yeah that's it for i guess yesterday it was a good day so i hope you guys had a good mother's day as well so like we teased earlier we have a method for you guys to send us listener questions every week we try and address a question that y'all asked us and we love it continue to send us more so this week one of our loyal listeners decided to send us a letter so we're going to read this person's letter they said so i'm graduating exactly a week and a day from today from college congratulations by the way um it's exciting but at the same time i'm like that means that i'll be in the real world soon luckily i have two more years of grad school to figure out my life because i seriously don't know what i'd be doing if i wasn't going back to school it's just really annoying that i've been in school all my life yet i don't actually feel prepared for the real world they need to make classes in high school that teach people about taxes credit and a mortgage i'm 21 and i don't even know what a mortgage really is so my question is if y'all could create any high school or college course what would it be and why excellent question listener thank you for that um dante do you want to tackle this one first yeah i have so many college courses that i would recommend i mean high school stuff they teach you in high school that you need for the real world instead of wasting your time with [ __ ] classes first would be about credit and the importance of paying your bills on time and how money flows because people learn the hard way that you [ __ ] up your credit that [ __ ] up a lot for you that your buying power goes down you can't get approved for loans um your car insurance is higher like yeah credit is is very key very key to your life so that would be a class that i recommend uh and i'll let you go next i don't know i think this is an interesting question would people have taken it seriously if it was offered in school you could easily take out home egg because everybody had that one class where you were cooking stuff i feel like that can be removed because that's not a necessary course in my opinion that's what cookbooks are for that's what you know the food network is for it's not a necessary thing what's necessary is preparing us for the future you know that's why we go to school right we learn english because you need to learn you know how to speak how to write how to read everything i think they also need to teach people's futures as well and i think starting young would be the best way to go about doing that teach people about the importance of taxes where their taxes go how taxes are accrued loans teaching people about that because if you are a senior in college that's going to be a very real thing for you coming up soon so it's going to be important for you to know you know the importance of taking out loans what that means what's a parent loan you know financial aid all of that stuff it's necessary to equip people with those skills so they can make better informed decisions i agree i think a lot of what my suggestion would be would be around economics and how you manage and deal with your money because they don't teach you anything like that another thing would be how this person brought up a mortgage yeah i think a class on like paperwork because it's still very relevant today about all the stuff that you have to sign would be helpful and walking you through processes like you said applying for a loan applying for a mortgage um buying a car signing a lease going through legal documents that would it would probably be boring but i'm telling you it would pay off for you for sure right if you paid attention because i know in high school a lot of people blow off certain courses and don't take things seriously but with all things there's people that are gonna take it seriously and they're people that are gonna you know not pay attention and that's fine as long as it's offered i feel like that's a great way to make sure we're invested in the future of the country and that's young people so i definitely would have a course called life skills or essential skills something like that and that class encompasses all of the things that we just talked about taxes credit mortgages your future loans all of that stuff because it's going to be very relevant for those seniors that are about to graduate and go to college and take out a loan honestly i think it's a great thing and it should happen um maybe we should answer why it's not a thing i don't know is it intentional that they don't teach that in school does our education system need to be reformed to address the important things and revamp it hey tin foil hats now justin saying we being meant to be stupid on purpose guys nah i kind of i kind of agree with you there actually like everything for a reason man anything that's a system is for a reason you know what now i'm thinking about this they probably don't teach you about credit and loans and mortgages and stuff because they want you to be stupid and want you to be in debt well we're getting to something here man like we are i don't know what do you guys think you guys that are listening do you think that it's by design that we don't learn about taxes and credit and mortgages in high school or even in college unless you take like specialized classes maybe is that intentional um we already said dante and i that it should be a class in high school that's offered and i think that the people that take that are going to be well equipped or at least somewhat equipped to tackle those things in the future because honestly we might be adults or the person that wrote this is 21 that's an adult but at the same time you get your degree and you're supposed to be equipped with everything but a lot of people really don't know anything it's almost like you're an adult kid in a way because you might be of age but at the same time your life skills aren't developed enough to make informed decisions for yourself and it can be very scary we've all been there so you know you are right to feel that way and it sucks but at the same time i think that you thinking of solutions like this is important and that's why we have this show to talk about it so maybe the higher ups that listen can you know address it or maybe we can have an impact in some way but an excellent question thank you so much for writing that write us more thank you so much and for all of y'all that haven't wrote us a question i'm side eyeing you you can't see me right now because i don't have my camera but i'm very angry but you will make it up by writing a letter so in due time in due time well what you said about the higher-ups listening to this now that's just gonna get our episodes deleted again because it's happened to us twice because we were talking too much hot [ __ ] so right i don't know i don't know if we're swaying anybody in the position of power right who knows who knows maybe it's best that we don't get too woke on here right because they already messed up last week's episode if they mess up this one i give up i give up i'm not playing the next thing you'll hear from us is a retirement episode like hey right you don't want it to happen man but now we we always keep the episodes coming so yeah great question thank you so much for writing that and the rest of y'all that have sent in a question we will address your question probably next week or so so keep a look out for that but um i think we can now transition to off my chest justin's got a key


dante has


all right thank you julia so this week and off my chest dante you wanted to go first this week what do you have to get off your chest this week um two things i want to say you already said it but thank you julia love hearing it every time it comes on and to the person who wrote in thank you for that letter and also congratulations because i didn't say that and i don't want to be an [ __ ] it's a big uh moment for you and the people that care about you so congratulations do your best because i've suffered from this in the past do your best to appreciate the moments right not always think about what's coming next do your best to live in the moment and really appreciate it and take it in that's my advice on that butt and off my chest so i've been noticing that everything on the internet is gay except for actually being gay and having sex with somebody of the same sex as you i saw all this on black twitter about men ordering dessert and appetizers is gay men drinking lemon water that's gay men eating breakfast together that's gay first thing oh and another one men uh liking strong women gay so first thing gay should not be used as a derogatory term because it shouldn't have a negative connotation if that's how you live your life that's what's inside you if that's how you feel you should be uh built up and supported for it too many people spend too much time trying to tear each other down over differences when we should be embracing each other secondly these stereotypes are dumb this bunch of lonely ass people on twitter talking [ __ ] because they ain't got nobody to be cuddled up with whatever and if you're a man and you saw this stuff and you stopped doing it because twitter said so because you you think that these people's opinions matter you're dumb do what you like don't let some lonely [ __ ] on the internet that use slurs put you down for being a human i love appetizers it's some of the best stuff that's on the menu lemon in my water cool makes me feel a little fancy i like that dessert i have a huge sweet tooth hey if i'm gay for eat dessert it's whatever but guess what i'm not [ __ ] gay can we stop with this talk it's stupid it's offensive to gay people and non-gay people like it's it's so dumb i'm tired of hearing it but that's what i wanted to get off my chest now this made me think about two incidents in my life one so where in high school was the story time with dante right we're in high school and a bunch of us guys are sitting there talking and they were talking about uh divorces for some reason or celebrity divorces shout out to bill gates you bout to lose a grip and um they were like yo they were one of the guys sent into the conversation was like so 50 million dollars you wouldn't let a man have sex with you we're all 17 18 year old young men sitting there all macho you know alpha male's chest poked out or whatever and nobody said no and i guess people are sitting there really thinking about like what at what level does money overcome my pride right right so one guy got super defensive out of nowhere it's like nah that that's gay ain't nobody ever doing nothing to me and we looked at him like [ __ ] he was just asking us for lunch money you mean you wouldn't do it for 50 million dollars you was asking for 250 not too long ago we know what you would do and side note turns out couple years after school this man was having sex with other men for gifts so wow boom there's that interesting now my second story i'll give you the sign when you gotta queue it up but this one will require elevator music okay okay so so our loyal listeners this is what happened to me it's about five years ago maybe sitting at work looking all fly in my suit making money moves it's cool right chilling get a random snapchat notification from some username i've never seen before in my life i said what the [ __ ] is this so i open it because obviously this person messaged me it's a nude of a girl i've never seen before i said what the [ __ ] so i messed it back it's like hey yo i think you got the wrong person they responded no i don't and sent another nude so at this point i'm like yo somebody's playing a trick on me so i like text my friends i was like hey like what is this they're like nah i have no idea what you're talking about i don't respond for like 20 minutes this person sends two more nudes of the same of the same girl i'm like what the [ __ ] is going on so i text my girlfriend and i was like hey if you're trying to like trap me into something like start an argument like that's not cool like i ain't about that life like i'm chilling she's like i have no idea what you're talking about i'm like okay so then i missed this person i was like hey i really think you got the wrong person like this is dante but like what last name were you looking for like what's going on here like no i know who you are oh my god i would be nervous like who is this the feds are what right so i'm like i have no idea what's going there so then they come out they're like hey yo send me a dick pic i said excuse me i said yeah that's not happening they were like nah come on and they sent two more news i'm like yo what the [ __ ] is going on here man like now i know how girls feel when guys randomly send them pics i'm like yo you're assaulting me with nudes i don't know what's going on and that's some real weird [ __ ] to feel like a victim about on my end but yeah i'm just trying to relate right so then the person's like yo come on send me a pic i was like all right cool i'll send you a picture if you send me a picture of you naked sitting on the bathroom sink with a spoon in your mouth right now so i know that is that you're a real person obviously i wasn't going to do this and i knew that they wouldn't be able to to do what i asked right so now i can't do that i said well all right who the [ __ ] are you justin played elevator music cueing the elevator music


so basically this guy said hey i appreciate you don't tell anybody about it i say listen if you caught me on a different day i would have screamed this from the mountaintops on facebook how you tried to catfish me but you know what i'm better than that god has been too good to me i hope you find somebody that's into whatever you're looking for but that ain't me i won't tell anybody about this just don't ever hit me up again and yeah that's the end that's the end that's the end that's why that's why oh i wish i could divulge details but i can't for the sake of privacy we don't do that on this podcast but wild wild so instagram well not even instagram social media y'all it's a dangerous place so y'all be careful out there y'all be careful oh my goodness it's a wild what a crazy story but um for me off my chest i just need to say that j cole is overrated so if you guys know j cole's supposed to be dropping an album on friday i believe the 14th whatever day may 14th is he's supposed to be dropping an album and everybody always like includes j cole in top 10 rappers of all time they say he's a goat they say he's a legend and y'all know that those three words goat legend or whatever the third word was those are you know words that we don't take lightly especially here on this podcast to be a legend it has to be ubiquitous it has to be unanimous everybody has to know yep that person is a legend if you hesitate if you stutter a little bit no that person is not a legend you cannot hesitate when asking hey is this person a legend if you say straight up yes they're a legend if you hesitate a little bit they're probably an icon and an icon is like a step below a legend they haven't done everything in their career in order to be considered a legend but they're an icon but j cole i started thinking about his discography and his music and how he's regarded in hip-hop and it was interesting because i'm like what has he done that is legendary and i know this is a controversial opinion because j cole has a lot of crazy stance that will attack me for having this opinion but i truly don't believe that he's a legend and that's not a a swipe at his talent it's just what i see as the truth i don't know if you have anything to say about that i i can tell you that's a super unpopular opinion i don't think you're going to have many people on your side about that but that's okay because you know what i respect about you is that you stand in your truth you know if you feel something you believe something you stand up and you don't back down from it we're very similar in that way we're capricorns you know that's what makes this podcast work even when you're wrong you'll still stand in it and of course i i don't know if i mean i'm just being honest yeah i don't think j cole's overrated at all i think he has one of the best rap albums of all time 2014 forest wheel drive he had great mixtapes he releases pretty solid albums i don't think he's overrated at all would i put him in my top 10 of all time i don't know about that i can't give you my top 10 off the top of my head but i don't think he's overrated like are you saying people are saying like he's await lil wayne or something because then yeah no that ain't it no i mean like he makes good music but people regard him in such a high way and i have to question it and you know pause a little bit i'm like is he really as big as everybody's saying that he is because kendrick lamar to me he's a legend he might not have that many studio albums but based on the work that he's put out so far based on how he's regarded in general with his music and just his status in the music industry i'm like he's a legend but j cole on the other hand i'm like what is he done that's legendary like i would want you to answer that you know we talk about we've talked on here plenty of times we'll probably talk about it again today in the main topic about how we're ranking this stuff right what are the albums like that this person have do they have forever songs um things that are they one of the best you know top two top three of their generation like you look at his generation yeah he's top three him kendrick and drake you know like are you but what has he done that's legendary i just told you he had one of the best rap bounds of all time so just having one good album no no no no no no no no no no no no see see you said one good album i said one of the best rappons of all time um i don't know and he has us he has forever songs too so what is his forever song no role models crooked smile wet dreams crooked smile is not a forever song debatable but i'll let you have it but no role models wet dreams i'm a i'm a fan of the guy i'm not going to sit here and say he's the best rapper of all time because i don't feel that in my heart but i'm a fan but i feel like we spent a lot of time talking about j cole we got more pressing stuff to get to true that's true um speaking of more pressing let's talk about the olympics so the olympics it looks like it's actually happening this year last year i was honestly very upset that they canceled it but i understood why kovid was running rampant but this year now that everybody's getting vaccinated and the vaccine is here they have said that the tokyo olympics will go on as planned so people are excited for that tokyo has begun you know getting prepared for that and it's actually creeping up on us so they're getting ready for that but the controversy comes always and the controversy this time around is that the olympics has decided to ban athletes from wearing black lives matter apparel and i'll read a little bit of the story that's attached to this so they said the international olympic committee this week reaffirmed a contentious rule that bans athletes from engaging in political speech or silent acts of protest specifically stating that the phrase black lives matter would be banned at this year's games in tokyo japan taking a knee or lifting a fist in support of racial equality during the games would not be allowed said the international olympic committee athletes would also be barred from wearing shirts or other apparel with the phrase black lives matter on them details were scant on how protests or political actions may be punished but athletes competing in the olympics can face punishment from one or more of three separate bodies the international olympic committee itself the governing body of the specific sport and their home country of origin so that's that so they are banning black lives matter phrasing on t-shirts and any you know political demonstration from the games this is obviously controversial what do you think about their stance on this so it makes me think about juan carlos and tommy smith who the famous picture of two black athletes winning the gold and silver medals and raising a fist in the air rate showing black power they weren't allowed to do that they were stripped of their medals and banned from you know olympic events and if they were if they would have been allowed to do that in that situation they wouldn't have the story and they wouldn't be the icons that they are today i think that rules when they're broken they make martyrs and they make legends so i think that they have become so synonymous with black excellence and you know fighting the rules for what you believe in because it wasn't allowed there so i think that we will see an athlete or two break those rules here right um but but before i i want to double back on something real quick if anybody's paying attention internationally those cases for covet are really spiking in japan right now the olympics are what eight weeks away maybe we might hear a ruling in the next couple weeks that they are not going to have those olympics or they might try to find a different place to host it because it's kind of looking like it might not happen in my opinion i could be wrong hopefully i'm wrong i think that these people give their whole lives to train for this think of simone biles yeah like you're losing not it's not like you and your dak prescott right you get hurt you lose the season of your career they're losing four years so i hope that it happens for them well you never answered my question though i said what did you think of the olympics making this determination about no protest and no black lives matter during the olympics they're staying consistent they've always been that way i think somebody's gonna be brave and protest in the way that they see fit and you know they might get banned they might get metal stripped from them and that would put the uh olympics in a tough spot because their pr would be a nightmare think about like this simone biles is the greatest uh gymnast of her generation right let's say she wins five gold medals she stands up there the last her last event she wins a gold medal she takes off opens up her jacket and there's a t-shirt such as black lives matter and they decide to strip her of all her medals do they know the type of martyr they just created for the rest of history i don't think they want that smoke i think that this is a game of chicken and they're going to see if people are really about that life and what are willing to protest and i think that if they if people are the olympics will back down well let me i guess ask the question more specifically do you think it's right or wrong what the olympics is doing uh


that's tough you know i don't think that any uh like if it's free speech that's not hurting anybody it shouldn't be banned but they don't have you know the olympics is an international body so everybody has different uh laws and rules and thoughts when it comes to expression and free speech you know if it was hosted here in the united states i don't think it would be banned it's hosting canada i don't think it would be banned but we have to be cognizant of where it's being hosted at and how other people will see it me personally yes i have a problem with it those people should be allowed to wear whatever shirt they want whatever message that they want especially if the people sponsoring them let's say a nike gets behind it they should be allowed to wear that so i don't think it's right no that's interesting because i kind of compared this to colin kaepernick and his decision to kneel for the national anthem and how that was received over here i think it's actually very similar in that way some people said that it was disrespectful some people said that you should consider like the nfl and you know putting on your uniform as a job and your workplace has policies that you should adhere to and if you don't follow that like they have the right to terminate you if you don't follow their rules shouldn't the same rules be applicable to the olympics like you're coming to work and they have a rule based on whether or not you agree on that rule or not is not really relevant the fact that you're breaking something that is written and that you're agreeing to should not be wrong this is taking a very interesting turn here i like that question that you just asked a lot oh man that might be one of the best questions you've ever asked me on this podcast wow i'm going to answer your question i'm going to file with another question for you if you're looking at in terms of hey this person's going to work and employers have the right to you know terminate somebody or discipline somebody you know because hey they're at their place of business and they know what they signed up for xyz yeah i agree with you 100 like the logic you laid out there's not a flaw in it let me ask you this what happens to when somebody goes to work and they're a person of color and let's say they have locks and they say hey your hair is unprofessional like either you cut it or we fire you there has to be a rule that's written in their workplace policies that oh they can have it in a dress code because they deem it unprofessional like that those terminologies are vague anybody that's listening is go look at your handbook and see what they talk about when they say when they talk about hair and dress they say neatly groomed or whatever now it's up to this person interpretation to say well that's not too neatly groomed in my opinion this is a great conversation oh i feel like they can honestly um choose to sue and have the courts weigh in on that because if your hair the way it grows out of your head naturally is a problem that's not a me problem that's a you problem what is it about my natural hair that offends you or makes it seem unprofessional in your eyes i would like to know that because i think that's a question that needs answering why is that unprofessional they would have to answer that that's not something i can answer because this is how my hair grows out of my head whether you like it or not right now i just wanted your opinion on that because i saw some similarities here and what we just discussed but that is i hope you all enjoyed that conversation much as i did i'm being very serious right now this that was good is that your way of sidestepping the question what did you what question did you ask me i i asked like like what do you think like if that's a workplace policy do they have every right to abide by the policies they set forth because the athletes are agreeing to it by choosing to participate the same way nfl athletes are you know agreeing to the rules of the nfl by choosing to be an nfl athlete and taking the field every single week yep if that's how you look at them as employees then that's what it is now what you decide to do but we all have choices in this life right i talk about that all the time on here you bring something to my doorstep how to answer that the doorbell is not up to your interpretation if they if they are employees technically during these olympic games which they probably would be more so contractors because they won't get benefits and everything but i want to get into the minutia of human resources um well actually no yeah let's get into it because if they are a contractor they know they're not beholden to any rules they do whatever they want they're a they're a independent contractor they're 10 99 person so they could do whatever they want now if they're employees then it's a little different you know what you signed up for that you will lose your job if you break the rules and you can fight that battle in court later that's just how it works yeah it's definitely complicated and this is why we have this platform to talk about it because i'm sure people are listening to this and they're like man like what is my opinion on this like if it's a job shouldn't you abide by the rules of your job and if you break that shouldn't the job have every right to fire you or discipline you in some way in the court of public opinion we can view certain issues as right or wrong as free speech or not free speech but at the end of the day people are agreeing to a set of rules and if they break that i guess that they're at the mercy of their job right it's interesting though because athletes though i know that we're getting too much into this but it's interesting because when i use the nfl example honestly the players sign up to play a game they didn't sign up to do a pledge and sing a song to be honest whatever your opinion is about the flag and the national anthem is separate and i feel like that's where it differs in a way because i didn't sign up to sing a song and do all this theater i signed up to get a concussion every week i signed up to take the field and i signed up to take the field score some touchdowns and that's it so why are you holding me to account for this song and dance that i didn't sign up for you know what i mean so i think in that way anybody that wants to protest during the anthem kind of has an out or a justification to choose to protest or choose not to protest when you use the olympic example it's different well actually honestly it might be the same thing i'm both of these issues are very complicated and they're kind of blurring in my mind because they're honestly the same example like the athletes came to compete they didn't come to sing and dance and do theatrics and all of this stuff right yeah like this is super complicated because it's kind of blurring the lines right like when you brought the nfl into it it's like you signed up for one thing something else got added on and this is your form of protest they can't terminate or fire you for it now they can do stuff behind the scenes and blackball you obviously um but the olympics is is a little different um i don't know like i love when we have conversations and we just don't know we talk it all out and then we just don't know that's one of the best parts about this podcast but i do think i stick by my two predictions that 50 50 gets canceled but 100 somebody will protest of course of course just like somebody always protests in nfl but the last thing i'll say on this before we move on to the main topic i think that when we're doing analogies and using different examples we have to tie in the example the best way possible so you're at your job right and before y'all start the day at work y'all do the pledge of allegiance you signed up to do your job did you sign up to do the pledge even though it's like considered it's not in the rule book but it's something that you feel you should do but you definitely don't have to whatever you decide to do during that moment of silence or during the singing of the anthem is up to you because your job is not predicated on whether or not you sing along to the national anthem so i think using that example i guess you don't have to sing right here's this i'm giving you a lot of game right now on how hiring works here's this little thing when you read any job description to list out the responsibilities and they can put and other duties as assigned they could take that to court and say hey this was another duty as assigned so i don't know man it's tough it's tough like how the lines can be blurred in the gray areas that are out there right it's interesting that's why i always want to know what do you guys think like if you guys have an opinion about anything that we've said throughout the episode so far write in an anonymous question dm us on instagram and get the conversation flowing honestly we will maybe follow up next week with your thoughts on what we said in this week's episode that way we can finish out the discussion and bring in different viewpoints to flesh out what we saw on this episode because obviously dante and i we don't have all the answers but i think starting the conversation is important but um well yeah you know what yeah go ahead so interesting because the stuff we hyped up about the episode we're recording today that conversation you heard all before this was had nothing to do with it so hopefully we're over delivering right now because i still think what we're going to talk about next is fire right segway king why don't we get into what we're going to be talking about for the main topic dante would you like to do us the honor of getting into the main topic what are we talking about this week so for our main topic uh after we recorded about two weeks ago justin and i were talking on the phone for a couple hours and just having conversations about whatever and music was one of those topics and um some different artists came up and i think one of the ones mentioned was r kelly and i said hey like i stopped listening to the guy before it was cool and before the documentary because something clicked in my brain that these extremely uh explicit songs about sex were about little girls and that don't sit right with me and we also talked about michael jackson and the documentary it came out with about two years ago at this point was it leaving neverland and we talked about you know certain artists and allegations against them you know one being allegations other things being convictions things that they were actually guilty of and where people draw the line you know how i said hey listen i don't listen to our kelly no more i can't do it but i still listen to michael jackson you know when there's a ton of other artists and i know we're going to list some out and it's like where do you draw the line and one of the things i said is that people will give the benefit of the doubt to somebody that they care about that they like that they love or just that they're into when it comes to family artists whatever it may be so it might be hard for them to condemn somebody that they grew up being a huge fan of but somebody that they're not a fan of they could just say hey [ __ ] them you know and it's just it's real interesting where people draw those lines so we're going to get into that of course and you know the big person that dante and i were talking about that was adding to the length of our conversation was michael jackson so with michael jackson everybody loves michael jackson or if you don't love him you at least like him and have an appreciation for his music and what he added to the music industry with that being said i feel like with michael jackson we've never seen somebody so powerful somebody so famous i think that he's probably the most famous person that has ever walked on this earth to be honest you might have to name some other people but for me that person is michael jackson jesus whether or not he walked on earth or not is debatable but that's not the episode for that um anyway anyway so that person for me is michael jackson he's the most famous person that ever existed for the most part and i think when you reach a level of being untouchable if somebody has any valid criticism for that person the fans attack them for no reason and sometimes the critique that they're leveling against a celebrity is warranted so with michael jackson his big controversy he had many but one of the big controversies that made people uncomfortable is the fact that michael jackson always surrounded himself with children he was you know in his late 30s and anytime you saw him he's always pictured with children and he didn't have a childhood obviously if you know the story of michael jackson his father worked him and his brothers to the bone to make sure that they became famous he whipped them into shape literally he was abusive at some points in their childhood and michael was the youngest in that bunch of boys and he really didn't get to experience traditional childhood when kids were playing on the playground when they were having fun going to movies and stuff michael jackson was rehearsing over and over the choreography and the singing of all the songs that they did in the jackson 5. and everybody always uses that as an excuse for why michael jackson behaved very strangely because grown men should not be hanging around kids i don't care who you are i think that's very strange and it's inappropriate and i noticed that a lot of michael jackson fans don't like to hold him accountable even for the things that are obvious i don't think that any grown man should be hanging out with children you know like their friends because that's weird say that [ __ ] again say that [ __ ] again for the people in the back man no grown man should be hanging around with children as if they're friends you know what do you have in common with somebody that's sick what are you all talking about having phone conversations with them for hours you know what i mean people say it's innocent and he wasn't being inappropriate but just because something is innocent doesn't make it right just because something is technically illegal doesn't make it right and we have to look in the mirror as a society and ask ourselves why we excuse certain people from criticism and we hold other people to account justin i need you to dab yourself off man you were just preaching right there that is a prayer cloth moment you know i hate it i always hate i i love michael jackson he was my first musical love but i always hated when people were like well you know he didn't have a childhood and that's why he did xyz so because he didn't have a childhood means he wants to sleep in bed with little kids that's not okay in no world is that okay but one thing i will say especially you know we've both seen that documentary at this point what the [ __ ] wrong with the parents shouldn't you know if people are taking michael jackson to court for sleeping in bed with these little kids and who knows what happened right i mean no court has found him guilty but shouldn't these parents be uh brought up on charges for endangering the child or at least neglect of a child yeah i'm a parent i'm a parent and some grown-ass man has to sleep in bed with my kids that might be the last conversation he ever has period point blank but they're okay with it even if nothing happened dante like imagine like even leaving like your child with one of your grown adult friends that's a male and them sleeping in the same bed that's weird you know what i mean like in every reality we would note that as weird but with michael jackson society makes an exception or at least the fans do and people listening might think that we're bashing michael jackson we're not because i'm a fan of michael jackson's music you know i think that his personal life is different from the work that he was actually making and that brings into the framework of this conversation separating the music from the artist or the art from the artist and it's very difficult but what dante said like why are the parents putting their kids in that precarious situation that's very dangerous and then dante also said that in court you know nothing was ever proven everybody knows that in order to prove that michael jackson was molesting young boys or you know had child pornography or whatever they raided his house turned everything over you know they searched you know for a couple days looking to see if there was any evidence of inappropriate behavior and they didn't find anything but my question to you dante if he molested them what exactly are they supposed to find if you touch somebody there's no physical evidence of that so what are they going to find so i'm not a forensics person i'm not well versed in what happens when somebody uh goes to the police agent says they were raped anything like that but from the limited knowledge i do have i know that if somebody shows up to the hospital or shows to police station and they say that they were raped they perform what is called a rape kit i don't know what they're testing for i i've you know they test for semen or like bruising things of that nature right so i'm assuming that's what would have happened to these uh young men that claim uh michael jackson molested them is that they would have something like this run on them if they reported it in the moment you know in the time frame that it happened you brought up the point about his uh house being raided and you know there was claims of child pornography and you know the fbi searches they didn't find anything so for me you know you asked what are they looking for in terms of molestation i guess if there's not physical abuse that happened to those men that you can prove are those young boys that you can prove i don't know what they're looking for if they were there and they were looking for porn and they didn't find any i mean that is what happened right they didn't find any the man didn't get convicted on anything i mean and i'm not just trying to say that michael jackson did it that's definitely not where i'm coming from i'm just trying to say that cases like this is very hard to prove if there's no like direct evidence like with semen or whatever you know what i mean or with pornography laying around like there's really no way to prove it so if you can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt then the person is gonna go innocent and that doesn't mean that the person didn't molest anybody it just means that the court could not prove definitively that it happened so he went free so i'm not saying that he's guilty but i'm just trying to paint a picture of how things work just because somebody gets off doesn't mean that they're innocent look at oj look at countless of other people that have committed you know heinous acts but got away just you know because of the system and how it worked you said it before i don't want this episode sound like we're crucifying michael jackson we could talk about all your faves right elvis was in the young girls he used to have a fan club and they'd all sleep over his house and all these young girls are 14 15 years old jimmy page won the best guitars of all time guitarist led zeppelin right he adopted a young girl from her parents when she was 16 years old and she he she was basically sexy she would travel on the road with him he she lived with him yeah so like a lot of your favorites are horrible people um miles davis the most famous jazz musician of all time used to beat the [ __ ] out of his wife peter damn near death people still listen to [ __ ] brew right bill withers died what two years ago i think he passed away or maybe last year wrote some great songs used to beat the [ __ ] out his wife he wrote songs about beating his wife like we could keep going down and down the list right and the main the main point of this is where do you draw the line how and where do you separate the art from the artist and that's where uncomfortable conversations happen you know because i mean i guess it comes down to morals and your opinions on the world right if you could say hey domestic abuse is okay but molestation is not i'm not judging you you have your own you know book of morals that you abide by i'm not judging you if you still want to listen to him that's fine you know um i don't know but that's the conversation that we are getting started here and i i hope we have a lot of feedback on this like you said everybody's line on inappropriateness is different it could be rape that's your line it can be abuse that's your line like you said so it's different for everybody and it's not like this one moral rule book that we all abide by where if you did this one this person is cancelled and that's the most heinous thing because a lot of people question like if you still enjoy this person's music is that being a hypocrite because you're calling out the terrible things that they did but at the same time you're in a way supporting them by continuing to listen to their music is that hypocritical like with r kelly you brought up r kelly anybody that chooses to listen to r kelly now should they be looked upon weirdly for continuing to listen to his music even though there's all of these you know cases of him being with underage girls if you're asking me a question no i don't you know i'm not judging them i don't think they should be judged for me and i i i come on this pocket i speak for me right because no people are a monolith i don't speak for all black people i can only speak for dante i can't speak for all men i only speak for dante i can't listen to it because for me music is a has a lot of imagery right like you can tell stories and paint pictures with music and this man was singing about doing these sexual things to little girls ever since i had that realization in my head it doesn't sound the same i can't listen to it no more that's just me like it makes me feel disgusting yes i remember you know about a year ago i was driving and um seems like your ready came on right and i didn't my thing was on shuffle i wasn't really paying attention to the music because i'm paying attention to the road shot to all the safe drivers out there and um i'm like yo this is kind of jamming what the [ __ ] is this i looked i was like yo so i listened to another verse of it i was like yeah man he was he was inspired by little girls like i can't [ __ ] do this felt disgusting deleted everything r kelly off my phone said never happened again and i don't know like because there's still a lot of people that defend r kelly and think that he's innocent a lot of people like to bring up michael jackson again a lot of people believe that there are people that wanted to exploit michael jackson knowing that he has all this money and he doesn't want to go to court he would rather settle than to go to trial and then people think that that's kind of weird because if you're truly you know innocent why not take it to court bring all the evidence and if i truly did it then i would go to prison why settle a case you know what i mean yeah i mean that's what that's what logic would tell you right like hey if i didn't do this let's fight it out but then you know you look at somebody that has more money than they could ever spend they could just be like i'm tired of dealing with this i don't want to go through all of this i don't want to go through the years of litigation and court dates whatever didn't happen but i'll pay you you know that's like this is for them though but like i'm saying i have never been in that situation right like you and i we're not rich i mean you rich but like i ain't rich so i'm going to court you know what i mean um


the court is expensive too don't get it twisted because you still have fire all these lawyers and stuff i don't know maybe it was a money decision he said it'd be cheaper to pay this person off than it would be to fight don't do that don't do that i'm not doing anything i'm saying you're you asked a question right i'm trying to put out the different angles that somebody could see it from in their position i've never been in their position i don't know why you'd do it but maybe it was less of a headache to pay somebody off why do you think it is that people that are fans of this certain celebrity they find it difficult to hold the people accountable i think that it's because the people that you don't know that you adore you put them on this pedestal they're almost like family to you and when somebody levels accusations against them you're defensive it's like no don't talk about my so-and-so like that don't talk about my the person that i love like that no get out of here so you feel defensive and you want to defend them from everything but i think it blinds a lot of people from logic from honesty you know what i mean there are people that are logic and honest but at the same time there are a lot of people that are irrational and they're blinded by their love of this sad artist you know it makes them not see the truth and things that are obvious anybody that defends a grown man being in bed with kids i have to question that yeah like at that point there's not much conversation that we need to have like you brought up early and i hate that defense like he didn't have a childhood uh does that mean that you need to sleep in bed with little boys because you have a childhood like those two things don't correlate to me maybe i'm missing something maybe i you can let me know just maybe i'm missing something maybe i'm the idiot here i don't know you're not those things don't make sense to me and you know sidebar in a little bit one of the other things we talked about we talked about michael jackson for a while and you know we talked about the claims of vitiligo and everything and how it's weird for people from our generation because like growing up he was already i don't even know the proper word to use fully transformed i guess i don't know mm-hmm um yeah by the time that we saw him but like going through his discography because we had the benefit of living through the times that we lived in you could see the way he looked different on each album and it's like well what was really going on there so i wonder how people were reacting to it in real time back then and you know justin brought up like hey do you think this was a race thing like he always wanted to be a white person or um was it just because i mean i don't know like you can call people crazy still i don't know like he had some deep issues i know that um and i said to justin i don't think it was a thing if michael jackson wouldn't be white i think it was that he wanted to be peter pan i really do and i think that he did his best to look like peter pan and peter pan happened to be white if he was really in love with aladdin he would have done his best to look like aladdin you know like i just think that's a headspace that that man was in well that's interesting that you said that because isn't the story of peter pan about a boy that never wanted to grow up from my recollection yes it is i think that's what peter pan was about it's been a while i've only seen that hook movie i've never actually watched peter pan i know maybe i didn't have a childhood either but anyway i will that some people are gonna start accusing you of stuff man don't make that joke hell no there's not a kid near me so don't even nah we're not even gonna put that into the world think about that if he really did in his mind think that he's peter pan then he really lived his life like he was he wanted to surround himself with kids he wanted to never grow up and maybe that's what it was like psychologically all the things that he's been through stunted him and he might be like 50 years old but psychologically he's like 12. you know what i mean that is a very crazy and scary thing to contemplate right there i never once thought about like yeah like the physical thing you know him changing the way he looks in his skin color like yeah i truly believe he wanted to be peter pan but if you talk about like mentally being stunted and he operated mentally on a plane where he was you know a teenager or a preteen that's scary he was still responsible for other people's kids and his own kids when me and dante were talking about michael jackson we said that he was one of the what was the word that we used it wasn't strange what was the word that we used he's one of the is it the mod or peculiar it was it was something that really encompassed michael jackson really well and i was like yes dante that's exactly the word to use he's one of the most it wasn't spectacular fascinating he's fast fascinating yeah one of the most fascinating people that we've ever seen the talent fascination his story fascination his wealth fascination the way he lived his life with bubbles the chimp and you know that hyperbaric chamber that he was photographed in and changing his skin color very very fascinating and the extreme fame that we've never seen before people fainting just looking at him or touching him very strange will never never experience somebody like that ever again i don't think that the world would let somebody be that again one i don't think somebody would ever get that famous again i just don't think it's possible with the way that music is set up now but two to live their life the way he like yo people get killed if they wear the wrong jeans or an ugly suit or their jackets too loose or something crazy like that you imagine if michael jackson if they had instagram and the way the media is now back in his day they would have been yo first no surgery they have been killing that man then god forbid the the the skin lightning between thriller and bad that three-year period they would have crucified him so like yeah no i will never see another michael jackson and all we're trying to say on this episode is that we shouldn't let our adoration of somebody blind us from reality a lot of people do that and i'm not trying to come on here and be like i'm not like the other people i'm different i'm not trying to give that vibe at all but i think that honestly i was gifted with the ability to look at things critically and not get sucked up into the fame and the glitz and the glamour of everything i always look deeply into everything that's why all the celebrities that y'all love i'm always skeptical because a lot of people loved ellen before all her scandal happened but i was always the person that really took a critical eye at ellen and i'm not trying to be like oh i called it i was first but i was always like looking at ellen i'm like honestly you don't be surprised if something comes out about her nobody can be that positive forever it's a facade at some point these people are human at the end of the day and us making them bigger than they are it's a detriment to not only you but it's a detriment to that person because they can't live up to that standard that you put them on well well you know what let's explore that a little bit before we give more examples let's explore that a little bit what you just said about how people will go to back or be more skeptical about is being somebody they care about because and i understand what you're saying but none of us are impervious to this right you know i'm i'm assuming and correct me if i'm wrong here this is not to start a fight or an argument with you but i'm assuming that if you heard something salacious that seemed like it had some some back to it right about beyonce you'd be a little more skeptical than if you heard that about somebody that you didn't like right well what are you trying to say exactly because i i hold her accountable too i'm not saying that you wouldn't hold them accountable but i'm saying that because it's somebody that you actually like and you like their music and as far as you know you like you know what they've put out into the world that you'd be more likely to have their back at first than you would be to be like hey listen i don't know about any of that like you that that they're a weirdo or whatever you know to condemn them with our parents it doesn't even have to be a celebrity with our parents with our siblings that's why when i think you said it when we were on the phone when you hear let's say your sibling got in trouble like they went to jail or something you'd be like oh no not my brother no way it couldn't be him it's because our reality based on everything that we know about that person deviates from the action that they did so we don't want to believe it it's like steps of denial in order to get to acceptance about man the person that i adore so much made a huge mistake and my perception of them is gonna change and i think it's because people don't want the perception of their favorite celebrities or human beings to change it's easier to live in a fake reality than it is to you know address the truth look at the republicans in office right now but not to segue into that um it's easier to believe lies and fantasy than it is to address the truth that's why everybody hates growing up because we all have to face the reality of you know paying bills and adulting and all that kind of stuff but it's easier to just be a kid i think it's that same argument because you brought up beyonce and i think that you're right to bring that up because anybody that knows me knows that you know i'm a big fan of hers but the elevator fight between her and jay-z you know really opened my eyes it's not like i always like put her on a pedestal but beyonce to all of us you know always presented this pristine and perfect image and then when we saw that it humanized her it brought her down to reality and a lot of people saw a segment of you know her real life yeah i agree with you and that's why i just wanted to to bring up because we all have you know those those people um you know it would take a lot for somebody to convince me about prince yeah i mean like you would take a lot um and then you you know you brought that example when we were talking on the phone yeah that you know how many parents will hear about something about their kid or their kid is actually guilty of something that's been convicted of something there's proof that their kid did something not my kid timmy wouldn't do that timmy would never do that he wasn't raised that way and it's like no the proof is right here that your kid you know assaulted this person no he would never you you're wrong like we can't make excuses for people just because we care about them what's fair is fair and we try and do that on this show like there's people that might say oh we're biased towards this person or that person we really try and look at things from both perspectives because just because i like you doesn't mean that i won't hold you accountable like even my friends like just because we're friends doesn't mean that i can't be honest with you and sometimes you know honesty can hurt but my intention is never to hurt you it's to you know give you the truth and i think it only you know enhances our relationship when we can be open and honest with one another because you don't want to you know live in a fake reality either where you know nobody's ever checked you and sometimes it doesn't have to be somebody in public that checks you you can be your friend that sets you straight and then you appreciate them for that but you know it's crazy because oh go ahead it's better that somebody that cares about you and loves you checks you or brings you know reality to you than a stranger because a stranger don't give a [ __ ] about you oprah we can hold her accountable even kirk franklin we can hold him accountable everybody you know nobody is free from judgment or critique in any way and i'm really glad that we you know brought up michael jackson because i think that he's a perfect example there's other famous people out there that maybe haven't had a big scandal but i'm sure there's other things that happen in their lives that people would question and people would feel the need to defend and it's a lot of stands that defend these people and that's why i think stan culture is very dangerous because a lot of these people have their mind warped when it comes to their favorite celebrity and it's scary it's kind of sad if you think about it yeah like that's what starts cult-like behavior sometimes they choose that this is my hill to die on and this person can do no wrong and this person is the end-all be-all even britney spears because remember that one week that we wanted to cover that documentary if anything interesting happened you know i watched it and a lot of it it was very concerning for me because a lot of these stands were trying to find secret messages in her instagram captions to be like britney are you in danger like if you're in danger like put a heart emoji and this emoji and that's how we'll know they were trying to like decipher codes and somebody even started a whole podcast based on reading britney spears instagram captions to see if they can unlock any clues about her and her conservatorship because if you guys don't know britney spears after that whole debacle that happened where she kind of had a psychological breakdown and shaved her head her father you know petitioned to have her under conservatorship which is where you know a legal guardian or somebody over the celebrity is the person that resides over all of their assets whether that's their homes their money their finances they're the ones that you know have an eye over that stuff so britney spears has been in a conservatorship for over 10 years at this point and the fans are like she should get out of it she's being held captive but to me whenever i look at britney spears obviously i don't know what happens in her real life but just looking at her she doesn't seem well if you go on her instagram and see all the strange dances that she does it's very off-putting so i don't know if everything is all well all the stance are like she's held captive you don't know the ins and out maybe she very well does need to be under conservatorship yeah i agree that you don't know especially if it's a celebrity you only usually know what they want you to know everything else that gets out that's negative they never wanted you to know that and a lot of stuff that is negative about them does not get out never sees the light of day and that's not to be mean she just doesn't look like well to me she hasn't looked well for a while to be honest and i don't think that's mean like i remember before she passed away man like looking at amy winehouse and i'm like yo like you do not look good she didn't look good she looked like she was close to death and turns out that she was that's not mean that's just stating an observation and i think it's important that we say it's not illegal to be strange it's not illegal to be weird michael jackson was strange and weird but that's not illegal like we said he's one of the most interesting people that we've ever seen but just because you're eccentric and do things differently doesn't mean that you're guilty of something or that what you're doing is wrong you're just strange and that's okay you know the most famous people are the ones that stood above the crowd rather than conforming to all the trends that everybody else is doing in order to fit in they were themselves they were the odd ones out the ones that got picked on the ones that were called different and those differences cultivated into their fame because there's never anybody like them i always bring up lady gaga look at michael jackson all those people that were bullied you know they become famous because they harness all of that stuff and they embrace what makes them who they are and people love that yeah that's what i loved about people like the people you mentioned and david bowie and prince like be you be you people will the right people will love you for being yourself if you're out here trying to conform or fit in with a vibe or whatever that shit's whack man that shit's wack be yourself and people will embrace you for and if they don't it's okay because guess what you can be the sweetest peach in the tree but don't everybody like peaches baby and that's okay that's true i love that that's a perfect analogy so basically what we're trying to say with this episode let's take a step back let's breathe let's look at things for what they are and we should never be afraid of challenging the status quo just because it might make us the odd one out you know be the one that's different and call things for what they are because even when i was young i thought that the behavior of michael jackson was inappropriate nobody should be hanging around with kids even though a lot of the fans were like he's innocent he didn't do it i think that michael jackson going to all those court cases was in a way justified because if you're putting yourself in that precarious situation people have no choice but to assume the worst yeah like that's like locking yourself up in a closet filled with drugs and then coming out of the closet and saying oh i didn't do any of the drugs in there it's like are you sure you know we're supposed to expect that you went there and you know touched none of the drugs that were on that table you just sat there for three hours and came out you know it makes no sense so that's why people felt the need to investigate a little bit and i think there's nothing wrong with that i do have an issue with targeting somebody and doing it to the point where you're exploiting them instead of exploiting the truth about what they may or may not have done i agree with you man i hope you guys enjoyed these two conversations uh as much as we did on this episode because it there's a lot to unpack and like one of the i think one of the best things that we do in some of the best episodes we do are ones where we don't have the answers for you right like it's just the conversation it's just a conversation people are like why do we even listen to this they don't know [ __ ] they never have the answers to anything somebody said if somebody says that then that's just [ __ ] you ain't listening you should probably find a new podcast listen to them because we do get a lot of answers and a lot of perspective right a lot of opinions the goal isn't to make you guys believe what i believe in what justin believes in is to have these conversations you form your own opinions maybe you agree with us maybe you agree with one of us maybe you don't agree with either one of us and you want to let us know about it do it reach out let us know there's people out there finding these conversations interesting it gets thoughts stimulated and going and that's the goal of this absolutely absolutely um yeah we just want to challenge you guys to think dante and i challenge ourselves on these episodes that's why i wanted to make sure he answered my question when it came to the olympics instead of sidestepping because sometimes if y'all notice dante be answering everything but the question that i asked so i always have to listen to what he says and then when he's done i asked him the question again so i get the answer that we need i will be a great politician one day i know right now a lot of times i'm not really doing that on purpose i'm fleshing my thought out while i'm speaking to you but at the same time you know we love these conversations it's always fun to think critically and open our minds up because dante makes me think differently he plays devil's advocate sometimes and his alternative perspective you know makes me look at things differently and sit back for a second and think man what would i do in that situation what is the right way to go about this and i think it makes for great content and i think that's why y'all continue to listen to the show so if you have thoughts on what we said on this episode reach out click that link in the description and send us an anonymous question reach out on instagram if you love the show um a lot of people can be intimidated with reaching out to people that create stuff i'm never you know shy if you hit me up i'll be sure to respond and of course if you send in an anonymous question we'll be sure to read that on air as well but it's part of fostering a community here i think that it's a great thing when people reach out and have more to say based on what we said on this episode because these episodes are like about an hour and there's so much that can be said beyond what we say here on this show so extend the conversation further flesh out these topics and you know feel free to reach out at any point amen to that we answer the dms we answer your anonymous questions so keep reaching out to us because you will get responded to that's a fact you know if we keep we we saw the spike in the questions that were being asked if we keep seeing that and we can't get to all of them we will dedicate an episode to just answering your questions promise you that justin you have anything else for the people um that's it for me um i hope you guys had a great weekend thank you for holding out and waiting for this episode to be dropped we hate missing a week but when it happens we come back with some fire and we definitely did that on this episode so thank you guys for listening but that's it for me all right i will take us home thank you for listening if you enjoy this podcast please like share subscribe tell your friends to tell their friends about it leave us a rating and review an anonymous question for justin i'm dante we're polar opposites thank you for listening we'll catch you on the next one see ya bye guys