Polar Opposites


Episode Summary

Welcome back! On today's episode, we cover the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Did you watch the event? What are your opinions on the musical performances of Lady Gaga and JLO? We also discuss policies we need to see from the Biden-Harris administration. Healthcare is a RIGHT! What is the future of the Republican Party? Does Trump have a cult-like following? Should we celebrate politicians? Can we stop with the revisionist history? (John Mccain & George W. Bush) We don't hold back in this episode, so as expected, get out your prayer cloths! Off My Chest: (04:51) Inauguration Talk: (15:56) What Would Happen If Trump Won in November (30:25) Will Democrats Ever Run A Ticket Without A Person of Color? (42:30) If you have a question to ask us PLEASE use this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justin_alzi/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTE: https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ FOLLOW Julia: https://www.instagram.com/jukeboxbluez/ The name of her group is called Soulpax. Go support! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

Welcome back! On today's episode, we cover the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Did you watch the event? What are your opinions on the musical performances of Lady Gaga and JLO? We also discuss policies we need to see from the Biden-Harris administration. Healthcare is a RIGHT! What is the future of the Republican Party? Does Trump have a cult-like following? Should we celebrate politicians? Can we stop with the revisionist history? (John Mccain & George W. Bush) We don't hold back in this episode, so as expected, get out your prayer cloths!


Off My Chest: (04:51)

Inauguration Talk: (15:56)

What Would Happen If Trump Won in November (30:25)

Will Democrats Ever Run A Ticket Without A Person of Color? (42:30)



If you have a question to ask us PLEASE use this link:




Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening!














FOLLOW Julia:  


The name of her group is called Soulpax. Go support!


If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Transcription

we did it we did it joe you're gonna be the next president of the united states welcome welcome welcome to another episode of the show it's me justin and we are back with another episode thank you guys for being here better late than never i always say sometimes you got to take a break and my mentor is feeling much better now and i'm ready to give y'all more content so y'all are getting this episode today and then another episode on wednesday because i feel like you guys have been craving content so content is here dante how are you this week i don't know if it's just me but feels like the sun shines a little brighter this week um birds chirped a little louder i don't know it feels like i had a sumo wrestler sitting on my chest and they're not there no more so for four years right about that yeah about four years i don't know i can't explain it right i don't know what it is this four-year boulder that's been on our shoulders on dante's chest has been lifted we don't know what happened but something in the world happened and we're going to talk about it on this episode but if you guys are new to the show this show is all about bringing together different perspectives sometimes we agree sometimes we disagree but most importantly we come together to bring our different perspectives when it comes to issues dealing with politics like this episode pop culture entertainment all of that good stuff so we have a good time discussing interesting topics and hopefully it opens your mind hopefully you share with a friend hopefully you like what it is we're spilling on each episode it's always fun for me every week and i look forward to it and thank you guys so much for listening so if you love the show after listening to this be sure to subscribe be sure to follow on spotify if you listen on spotify leave a rating leave a review i love clout the ratings and reviews are just for clout but if you love the show and want to sprinkle us with some clout feel free it makes my day when i read your comments about what you think of the show what you like about the show what you hate about the show because believe it or not everybody has haters so i'm sure dante and i have people that hate listening to the show too and we welcome you guys i call you guys secret fans y'all hate me y'all might hate dante but you love the show and in return i love you back so thank you guys for listening i appreciate you guys even though this episode is late y'all still stick with me anyway and i appreciate that i gotta hop in there on you said if there's people that hate listen to this show listen honestly if you hate listen to this show take the energy and use it for something good go volunteer somewhere go donate to a children's hospital i don't know just put some positive energy in the world there's no need to hate listen to this because i mean i don't want to speak for justin but like honestly like if you hate me and you hate listen to what i do like chances are i mean let's just take that out not even a chance or like i don't give a [ __ ] about you so you're wasting but you're wasting your time you know like go do something positive with that energy because one thing i will say that i've changed over the past couple months is instead of saying [ __ ] you about people i say god bless you i'm really saying that no more what i will say is i hope that you get out of this life whatever you put into it nothing more nothing less so if you put hate into the universe that's what you should get back if you put good vibes and positivity and caring and understanding i hope you get that back tenfold you hear that you heard it from dante's but speaking of positive vibes and positive energy i would be mad at myself if i didn't use this opportunity to mention something so one of our fans one of our stands one of our friends of the show took it upon herself to come up with new theme music for the show shout out to julia um julia is one of our loyal listeners who's been listening to the show since forever julia now that dante is now a part of the show took it upon herself to create new theme music that includes dante as well we love that she's a musician and she's part of a group called soul packs so check that out i'll link that in the description but julia i wanted to thank you for taking time out of your day to do that because you didn't have to do that so that's an example of the community that i want to cultivate here on the show people feeling compelled to do something for us even though we didn't ask that's all anybody can ask for when it comes to podcasting or creating anything people that like your stuff so much that they want to make it better they want to do their part to see you grow and prosper so julia i appreciate you thank you for always supporting the show dante did you have anything to add i heard it thank you very much julia it sounds great i can't wait for more thank you julie i just wanted to make sure that i give you a shout out right now before i forget but um it is time to get into off my




all right so this week i want you to go first actually do you have anything to get off your chest this week i have something oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i have something to get off my chest so you know there are people that try to upend our democracy tried to overturn a free and fair election and these people that say all these negative things about joe biden not not anything substantive right not about policy not about any stuff or like they believe that q anon [ __ ] that you know all these democrats and celebrities are drinking kids blood whatever i ain't getting in another i'm not giving it air but let's just talk about the best and the brightest right let's talk about why the republican party has lost a popular vote in every election except for one since the year 2000 so we're going back 21 years here okay your best and your brightest so you gave us mike pence racist homophobe who believes that you can shock the gay away you gave us sarah palin i'm just talking about presidential tickets here you gave us sarah palin she's an idiot she knew nothing about federal government and how it was run she thought because she was the closest state to russia that she knew about foreign policy well explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials well it certainly does because our our next door neighbors are foreign countries they're in the state that i am the executive of and have you ever been involved with any negotiations for example with the russians we have trade missions back and forth we we do it's very important when when you consider even national security issues with russia as putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the united states of america where do they go it's alaska it's just right over the border it is from alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation russia because they are right there they are right next to um to our state


um you gave us paul ryan in 2012 with mitt romney paul ryan he's a spineless punk biden ate his lunch in the 2012 debates wrong about that he is wrong about that there you can you can cut tax rates by 20 and still preserve these important preferences for middle-class taxpayers not mathematically possible it is mathematically possible it's been done before it's precisely we're proposing it has never been done before it's been done a couple of times it has never exactly lowered tax rates increased growth ronald reagan now you're jack kennedy ronald reagan


instead of standing up to trump what'd he do he quit his job you gave us mitt romney he is the most decent republican in congress right now i have a bunch of policy differences with him but he stood up to donald trump i mean that's the low that's a low bar but he did it if we republicans choose donald trump as our nominee the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished if donald trump's plans were ever implemented the country would sink into prolonged recession isn't he a huge business success doesn't he know what he's talking about no he isn't and no he doesn't a business genius he is not donald trump is a phony a fraud his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university so cool mitt romney but we saw barry crushed him you gave us john mccain war hero decent man stood up for facts when he was on a campaign trail this woman was calling obama a muslim and a terrorist said he wasn't born here john mccain stood up for the facts i gotta ask you a question i do not believe in i can't trust obama i i have read about him and he's not he's not he's a um he's an arab he is not no no no man no man he's a he's a he's a decent family man citizen that i just happen to have disagreements with on on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about he's not thank you and he saved health care for 22 million americans he didn't sign on to this plan to abolish obamacare when there was not another plan in place disagreed with him on policy about a lot of stuff but he's a decent man and he served his country and then you gave us donald trump who by ver by a lot of metrics and it's very soon it's only been two days since he left office right or one full day but by most metrics will go down as the worst president ever he accomplished a tax cut for the rich and that's it about his accomplishments you know lost the first president uh since the 1950s to have lost jobs lost three million jobs raised the deficit by trillions of dollars i thought the republican party was a party of fiscal conservatism and we're not going to spend on something if we can't pay for it mexico still didn't pay for that wall in case you guys were wondering we're an international laughingstock and that's all before we get into the character flaws of this man how about you spend less time trying to fight a lost cause and you do the work so we can all work together to make this country a better place that's what i had to get off my chest let's get some applause going um you were basically dragging the republican party my two cents on what you said is the republican party is a dying party if your biggest base is like white men or white people in general that's probably a losing ticket because there's only so many white people that you can cater to and it's not something that's sufficient you see on the other side democrats are building a coalition of white people hispanic people minorities republicans have to gerrymander republicans have to suppress the vote in order to win i feel like if you have to cheat to win you must be a loser so by that by that reference the republican party they know that they're a dying party so that's why they have to cheat to win we are headed towards a reality where republicans might never win the presidency ever again i know it might be a presumptive thing to say but it might be true as well we're seeing georgia turn blue we're seeing nevada turn blue and previously it was red when trump won so a lot of the demographics in this country is changing and i think a reality that a lot of republicans and people in general have to face is the fact that this is a changing country you either adapt or you go extinct those are the only two options if you cannot adapt to change you will be a relic of the past so now you're trying to see all these republicans dis themselves from trump because trump is a sinking ship he's no longer in power anymore so they're trying to figure out a way to pick up the pieces and be a party again but it's gonna be difficult because they sold their soul for trump trump lost and now they don't know what to do so play stupid games win stupid prizes as dante always says so that's my two cents that'll add to that let me add on one more thing about what you just said right about how they might never win a presidency again and i see all these people who chose trump as their hill to die and talking about well he's going to start his own party and run in 2024 i welcome that and let me tell you why i'm gonna give you guys a history lesson about what we call party splitting in a presidential election year 1976 gerald ford is the incumbent president ronald reagan decides to challenge him in the primary what do they do they split the republican vote jimmy carter wins 1980 jimmy carter incumbent democratic president ted kennedy decides i can do a better job split the democratic party ronald reagan wins so very we're welcoming it if they put up mitt romney in 2024 and that that guy runs on his own you split the ticket joe biden gets another four years or kamala harris gets four years so we welcome it i mean he's right it's probably gonna happen so if trump does that he's gonna split the republican party and further fracture what's left of their party so you know act accordingly but the thing i need to get off my chest is woke twitter woke twitter revisionist history twitter and this infatuation that they have with the relationship of george w bush and michelle obama i do not get it i feel like for republicans or conservatives the bar is so low there's pictures of george w bush giving michelle obama a piece of candy and everybody goes crazy oh my god look at this there was a tiny moment at john mccain's funeral where former president bush handed you a cough drop it may have been a nothing to some people but when you watched that moment we realized how important that tiny moment was right i didn't realize at the time that anybody noticed what we were doing we were sitting together you know president bush and i we are forever seat mates because of protocol that's how we sit at all the official functions so he is my partner in crime at every major thing where all the formers gather so we're together all the time and i love him to death he's a wonderful man he's a funny man and it was a simple gesture he was getting a cough drop from laura and i looked over and i i said hand me a cough drop he was like oh okay oh we imagine george w bush back in office yeah we imagine and that's not a reality that we want it's so sad to me that if you treat somebody with decency and respect people want to rewrite history when it comes to george w bush just because he's friendly with michelle obama there's so many people tweeting this george w bush presidency makes trumps look crazy i wish we can go back to those times george w bush was bad but trump was worse but just because trump is so bad doesn't mean we need to go back to the times of george w bush maybe we need to bring decency back but we don't need to bring george w bush back i promise it's so peculiar to me how when george w bush left office we were in a recession the economy was trash millions of jobs lost and then obama comes in within eight years the economy is back booming again now after another republican presidency look what happens the economy is trash millions of jobs lost and to make it worse we have a raging pandemic that's taking a lot of lives so it's interesting how for the past couple of terms a republican comes in tears stuff apart and then a democrat is here to come and clean up the mess so i'm just annoyed with that but um let's get into this inauguration so um i'll let you go what did you think of the inauguration what are your thoughts what comes to mind what do you want to get to i think it says a lot about a person's character i mean it sucks that we're having such we set the bar so low now because of trump and what we think of decency and you know everything but to sit on that stage and listen to the person who's taking over your job and they most likely got that job because they presented a different vision than you when they bashed you a lot on the campaign trail and sit there and take it during their speech that says a lot about a person it's called dignity and losing with grace and class and demeanor i don't like mike pence particularly at all i don't think he's a good person particularly at all but i mean for the past two weeks he's basically been the president he's basically trying to save his ass now right he's like i'm going to do all these things with dignity and grace so i can distance myself from this guy when i run in 2024 right um so you know he's he stood on that stage and took that ass whoopin i'm glad that he did come because it shows that at least we're upholding some type of norm because it would be very strange for nobody from the previous administration to be a part of the inauguration in that capacity but i will say if trump did decide to show up to the inauguration i feel like one he would be booed two i don't see obama or michelle or even clinton in all them even shaking his hand if he came down the stairs to take his seat i don't see them shaking his hand i wouldn't it's just shameful because he knows how bad he's been as a president and he doesn't want to show his face he doesn't want to show his face to mitch mcconnell he doesn't want to show his face to joe biden and he definitely doesn't want to show his face to mike pence and he basically endangered the life of mike pence and his family so he's just too embarrassed and cowardly to show up so that's where i i disagree with you i don't think that he's embarrassed at all i just think he's a coward like you lost you can't sit here and admit defeat and you know [ __ ] the guy he ain't president no more [ __ ] him whatever happens to him is too good for him i can't wait for all these files to be uh charged against them let's go because you need justice to be served right you cannot have unity without accountability and everybody has to be accountable even the people at the top it doesn't matter if you're the president or if you held a high office this is you know one nation under a rule of law i gotta get something else off my chest cause you you made me think about this you know what else bugs me about him and the people the dullards that support him you talk about this election me and stone like how can a guy who got 75 million votes lose because the other guy got 81 million votes talk about there was hordes of dead people voting in georgia they looked into it three times how many dead people voted in georgia too you your your party talks about you know states rights and you know don't tread on me why are senators in the country from other states standing up and objecting and trying to disenfranchise voters from a state that they don't got [ __ ] to do with like it's full of hypocrisy and i hope that these people can one day see the light and see the hypocrisy for the inauguration in general i thought it was good usually i find inaugurations boring and long and drawn out this time i guess since there was maybe less people and it was all social distance it felt a lot shorter than it usually does so i thought the ceremony was great i thought that biden gave a great speech thinking not of power but of possibilities not a personal interest but the public good and together we shall write an american story of hope not fear of unity not division of light not darkness a story of decency and dignity love and healing greatness and goodness may this be the story that guides us i was kind of nervous for a speech because we know he's not the best speaker but i think he did a good job but i was disappointed to see the same platitudes you know said all over again unity not division no white against black rich against poor conservative against liberal we need to unite but it's not that easy to just unite it's not like the differences that we're fighting over is just you know slight disagreements here and there there are core values that the other side is not understanding and it's not something that can be easily fixed so how he claims that he can be the one to unite the country i think that's a hard task to fulfill to be honest it's good that immediately once he got sworn in afterwards he wrote 17 i believe executive orders i'm glad he did because i remember during his campaign when he was running he said on day one i'm gonna do this this and that and i'm like okay if you're saying it you have to do it and for the most part he's holding true on those promises so the thing with him and his administration is that we're gonna be holding them to it i'm not one to ever worship politicians because i think that's dangerous we liked you to perform a job and if you don't perform we're going to vote you out so i'm cautiously optimistic i think that's the best thing that we can do since he's just starting out let's see if the things that he promised comes into fruition i'm not going to be pessimistic i'm not going to be negative and challenging him right away but a couple weeks from now we're going to want to know what the results are i agree with you there and like you know in my opinion inauguration was fine i thought lady gaga's her rendition of that song was interesting i like lady gaga a lot and i think she's a phenomenal singer but that left something to be desired in my opinion thank you thank you somebody was this is why i like dante an honest man that tells it like it is we love it i agree with you i saw on twitter people were saying oh that was the best rendition since whitney houston i was like what were y'all listening to i was like what were you all listening to that's definitely not that was not the best i mean it wasn't bad let's not kid ourselves here it was definitely not a bad rendition it just was not like amazing to where people are going to be talking about it for years yeah i mean she did a fine job and i saw later in the night katy perry out there singing firework or whatever i'm like yeah cool like whatever i i don't care about none of that [ __ ] man i'm here to talk about the substance stuff what we want to see from this biden harris administration are you ready to talk about some policy and stuff we want to see yeah what do you want to see we need healthcare reform in this country the obamacare the aca is a good starting piece let's add tweaks to it to make it better there's no need to scrap the whole thing there's no need for 22 million people that have pre-existing conditions to get kicked off of their health care plan how can you say we are the greatest country on the face of the earth if we can't take care of our people because they have a pre-existing condition that's [ __ ] to me you need to stand up to big pharma and health care and make sure we can keep our people healthy and that they can go seek medical attention or have access to medical attention when they need it um it's about time that this country has health care for everybody medicare for all we see time and time again pull after every poll it's a popular thing among the electorate on both sides whether people realize it or not it's not socialism we just want people to have health care like dante said this is a developed country healthcare is a right it's not a privilege no matter what these right-wing people tell you it is a right everybody has the right to their health it's true but it's good to have ambition always strive for 100 or even 110 that way if you get to 95 instead of 90 you will have accomplished more than you ever set your expectations on previously so it's always good to aim high biden has a lot to do and i think that with this pandemic it's kind of unfair because he's having to deal with the pandemic first and foremost rightfully so but there's still a lot of things to accomplish so i think that maybe when it comes to grading him after his first term we might have to grade on a curve because he's under some you know extreme circumstances but it'll be interesting to see how he's able to get everything under control agreed with the 100 there you know something else that i want to see from the buying administration is to get rid of the filibuster and i know you might disagree with me on that i can't remember how much we've talked about that but mitch mcconnell shouldn't have any power or have any say about what gets brought to the floor anymore we have a majority in the senate kamala harris is the tiebreaker so get rid of the filibuster let's get this agenda passed they don't have any excuses anymore you have the presidency you have the house you have the senate get stuff done give relief to the people the people that are hurting not the millionaires and billionaires who are getting these tax cuts give the relief to the people get the stimulus checks out to the people that need them and for all these people talking that big boy [ __ ] if if you're doing so well in life why do you even qualify for a stimulus check then but you know that's a conversation for another day no no it's not a conversation for another day you know what is so funny about this whole discussion all these people complain about handouts from the government and they hate to see it but when they get their two thousand dollar checks are they just gonna throw that away probably not they're probably gonna deposit that so if you don't like handouts i want you to rip up that two thousand dollar check and throw it in the trash since you're about you know no government handouts and no no help from the government throw it away if you're really about your talk back it up with action yeah and you know what and for those people i got something else to say to the rock nation brunch twitter crowd too talking about oh well when you get this check what you should do is start an llc and then you get a company cred and shut up people aren't able to buy their medicine or feed their families or pay their bills llc is the last thing on their mind like save all that [ __ ] you you got your knowledge from jay-z song save all that [ __ ] for somebody who could use that advice right now like you do that [ __ ] and tell us how it works out but right now people are hurting and that starting an llc and trying to flip that money isn't the first thing on their mind they have priorities exactly life or death decisions to make what good is an llc when your kids are starving it's all about priorities and speaking of that i have to talk about this this kind of like bounces off of what you just said in the beginning of this episode you mentioned how a boulder was lifted you feel relief because trump is no longer in office he's now an afterthought a lot of people were happy and excited about the prospect of joe biden you know becoming the next president so people were taken to twitter yes twitter was running a muck they were loving biden and loving michelle and loving the fashions and all this stuff do you think that people are justified to celebrate should i be talking bad about them for focusing on what michelle obama and nancy pelosi are wearing rather than the moment and what they're actually going to do for the people because i feel like i don't know i saw tweets saying oh finally white supremacy is over huh racism is over huh it bothers me because people think that trump leaving office now means that all of that stuff is over i saw all these celebrities singing the song f donald trump and popping bottles and they're happy and it bothers me because people think that the job is done that getting trump out of office was the best thing that could have happened and now the country is normal again but it's not you know trump opened up a lot of problems and those problems still need to be solved so i'm concerned with all the people that think that their job is done that voting in georgia and voting in november to get trump out was the least of their concerns and now that they've done it we can now rest again we can't rest honestly and i was happy to see everybody politically motivated to get out there and vote but i was scared that once they did vote they think that the work is done and they no longer have to pay attention to politics and everything's good now because trump is out of office but it's not and i hope that people understand that people should be allowed to feel relief and to celebrate for a little bit because we just survived a hell of a four years man i don't even know what to compare to because anything i compared to would be minimalizing the situation we just got out of you know it's like winning a championship in a sport you know i busted my ass at practice and at these games and to see it all finally pay off you're allowed to celebrate for a little bit you don't win the championship and then be like all right 12 months from now i got to start working right now as soon as i won this for 12 months from now no you're allowed to celebrate and enjoy yourself and i i won't criticize anybody for that because i saw so many people yes yes like worrying about the stupidest thing like bernie became a meme there was this meme of him sitting down in a chair with his arms folded and everybody turned that into a meme and you know posted it everywhere and then when bernie was interviewed about it he was like yeah i'm worried about these two thousand dollar checks like he could care less about the memes and the ass moments from the inauguration he's focused on okay let's get to work and i feel like that's the mindset that we should have i agree with you that it's okay to celebrate and be happy because we had a lot at stake and a lot could be lost had trump got reelected so the fact that he's no longer in office is caused to celebrate and i think people have a right to celebrate but i think people should lose sight of the end goal which is you know these two thousand dollar checks relief from corona making sure everybody's vaccinated relief from student loans it could give you a headache but i hope that people don't lose sight of the bigger goal in the midst of their celebration you know so there's two points that i want to bring up you know you you brought some excellent points but there's two things i want to bring up about what you just said right when you talk about canceling student loan debt i have mixed feelings about it and this might be an unpopular opinion i think that it's a great way to stimulate the economy you know if you cancel people's student loan debt they're able to go spend however if you borrowed something you should have to pay it back or return it i mean that's just a principle of life right before you try to dig into me i think the whole process should be reformed right first day in office biden's secretary of education froze all student loan debt payments and also put the interest rates at zero student loan interest rates should always be [ __ ] zero stop being predators to these kids that are just trying to do what they think they need to do to make a better life for themselves and their families yeah there's no reason these interest rates should be like credit cards so that that's the problem and then the second thing i wanted to say is i mean now we can say this you know because everything's all good and buttoned up and official but how would we be feeling right now where would we be if that guy actually pulled it off oh you will see riots you will see riots honestly it very well could be a possibility because we saw how many votes he got this time around he got even more votes than last time you would think that after a chaotic four years that people have had enough and he would lose votes overall and that didn't happen the outbreak of a mystery virus in china we have it totally under control er doctors saying we are on the verge of a medical disaster it will go away just stay calm it will probably go away by itself if we had a vaccine that would be very helpful our country wasn't built to be shut down across this country two crises have converged protests over the death of george floyd and the pandemic the rise and spread of the q anon conspiracy i understand they liked me very much


so that's very concerning for me because it's like man america is more lost than i thought it was you know i thought that people realized their mistake in electing trump the first time around and would do better by you know electing biden but the fact that trump got more is very concerning because we haven't gone as far as we thought and that's due to many factors it's due to people being misinformed what drew me to donald trump is he's a businessman a self-made billionaire yes his father gave him a million dollars but he turned it into billions i wish i could say that how about you it's due to people being ignorant and choosing to be ignorant is due to lack of education we needed a president who was going to do something for our country i have been unemployed for nine years under the past administration and i knew that he would do something that i would be able to get a job and i have children and who also need jobs and yes he's meeting all my expectations it's due to people liking trump there is a cultish reaction when it comes to trump people love him they don't care what he says or what he does they like him and nobody's gonna tell them any different he has more than come up to my expectations see this absolutely i have been out campaigning for him i love him we saw him at the white house over fourth of july him and melania i was i was in tears um that's their guy it doesn't matter if his policies are hurting them they like him they like the way he speaks they like the way he tells it like it is they like the fact that he's not a politician i support donald trump because he's the only candidate that says exactly what every american thinks he's the only candidate that cares about america and he's the only person that truly knows how to make america great again i support donald trump because we do not need another career politician in washington dc we need someone that is willing to say what the people are thinking we do not need someone that is scared to say something just because they want to be liked we need someone that will go out of the way and really show america that we need to be great again these factors are more important to them than their health care is more important to them than tax cuts that's their guy and they're gonna cheer for him and root for him regardless of who's on the other side there's that segment of people too that support trump and a lot of people wanted chaos too that's why people wanted trump some people that you talk to say oh i wanted somebody that would shake things up drain the swamp and that's why he's my guy okay it seems like he did that he shook up the system so now in response to trump shaking up the system the american people decided to elect the very opposite of him status quo easy and steady neoliberal corporate democrat minimal incremental change joe biden and that's what the american people want if trump got it reelected again you would see riots like you've never seen before if you thought the women's march was a lot it's going to be 10 times that if trump won another term and he very well would have cause we haven't talked about this on the show but had there not been covid19 you would have been inaugurating trump on wednesday i'm telling you i don't care what anybody tells me trump would have won two terms the economy was doing great people that voted for him said that their businesses were doing great so because of that what reason do they have to change things up if it's not broke don't fix it and for them trump wasn't broke so they would gladly re-elect him in a landslide i think whoever the democrats nominated on the other side would lose and we would be facing another four years of trump look it's always tough to be an incumbent right it's only happened three times in the past 50 years or whatever it may be without kovid then yeah it had been a pretty tall task for anybody that they nominated to to beat him but we did and we don't even i'm glad that this is just a hypothetical what if and it's not reality that we're speaking about and i mean you said so much there and i'm trying to i was trying to cherry-pick like all right this is what i'm going to talk about this is what i'm going to focus on but you said so much and made so many good points it's like i don't even know what to respond to there you know about it i'm just glad that that part of our history is behind us now you know let him crawl into whatever hole he wants and like you said the issue is he doesn't matter no more it's with the 75 million people that supported him that's where the issue is oh cause that's what i was gonna go away they're not they're here they're citizens of the united states unless they try to succeed from the union and guess what would happen if you did that just guess guys you would be met with swift force from the man trust me you know what uncle abe did when people succeeded from the union shot off them cannons so can you imagine what uncle joe would do if people try to succeed from the union shoot off them thangs okay you gotta get ready when you stay ready all right um exactly


you made excellent points there about this and like i said before so it's about the 75 people but but it doesn't surprise me right that certain people still supported him because a lot of those people that support him to this day even though he's a loser one term president worst president history right the same people that carry around a confederate battle flag of a failed country that [ __ ] lost okay why are you proudly flying around the banners of losers by proxy you're a [ __ ] loser you are the company you keep right like i don't let fast people around me cuz ain't nothing about me so i'm gonna be around fast you people what i mean like i wouldn't fly the flag of a loser i mean i i've been an eagles fan most of my life so i guess that's a little hypocritical because they [ __ ] ass shameful yeah but it doesn't make sense it doesn't compute in my brain i think you made some good points but i think what we're coming to terms with is the fact that trump honestly wasn't the problem a lot of people think that once trump was elected something was born but that thing has always been bubbling under the surface people were afraid to show that side in public but he emboldened people trump was the gasoline the fire was already burning and by electing trump we handed him the gasoline and he definitely enraged the flames that's what he did for anybody that says that oh racism is over white supremacy we defeated it no it's still going to be a part of you know american culture because that is the fiber of who america is we have to realize that so we have to heal these divides i don't know how it's gonna happen because it feels like we're more divided than ever but we have to understand that trump wasn't the issue he was the gasoline he was the person that ripped off the band-aid but that ugly wound has always been there he just emboldened people to have their racist feelings vindicated honestly this guy is openly racist well if i'm racist behind closed doors does this mean that it's okay for me to be racist outside oh this is my guy i love him so for a lot of people that's why they love trump so much when they say tell it like it is that's what they mean somebody that's openly racist because for so long i feel like within the republican party there's been this element of racism but nobody really talks about it but everybody knows it so yes the democratic party has been problematic but it ain't enough to drive me to people who not only ignore me but who don't understand the republicans don't understand they have an inbuilt advantage black people are morally conservative even if they're politically progressive they go to church they read the ten commandments if republicans weren't so racist they could encourage black people who are morally conservative to be on their side i'm always arguing against black people in church about homophobia about the place of women but i know that there are some deeply rooted conservative values that need to be taken advantage of if republicans weren't so bigoted and weren't so racist all right republicans are bigoted not all of them but enough of them to make a difference enough of them who don't speak up where are the republicans when unarmed black people are assaulted by police i want white folk to speak up that's not just a black problem that's not a female problem that's an american problem speak up in this country that's why a lot of people are turned off by the republican party because it basically is the party of upholding white supremacy it really is i'm not trying to be bold i'm not trying to talk somehow for the podcast i think that that's the truth everything that they represent upholds white supremacy tax cuts for the rich who happens to be rich in this country more often than not white people they seem to be exclusionary when it comes to welcoming other people let's talk about suppressing voting rights i don't want to hear them talk about you know this is a land for everybody and we're inclusive and everybody who's a citizen we love you don't feel that way you wouldn't be trying to suppress the votes of people in largely black and brown communities yeah it's true it's true so anybody that tries to get at me i'm not trying to come at it in a negative way i'm just trying to read it for what it is some people might say i'm a republican because of their traditional values and their stances on abortion fine but i'm still saying there's a segment of the republican party that that's their main goal upholding white supremacy and white dominance over everybody else they'll say that they're reagan republicans no we're the classic republican like free economy low government interference and everything so how about the rest of your party because they they kind of don't feel the same way um in four years he added more to the deficit than obama did in eight let's talk about it right y'all love to bring up barry all the time y'all love to bring like there's no comparison here there really there truly isn't like there's nothing there's no legislative victories for this man and y'all want to compare him to obama who and all all bias aside is the best president of my lifetime i have lived through clinton bush obama trump and now biden you can't judge baiden yet obama is the best president of my lifetime i'm not a fan of reagan obama's the best president since reagan he was a good president for some people definitely the best president since reagan y'all want to bring up trump the thing with politics is i don't want to treat it like it's sports i don't have a vested interest in any of those politicians because they don't have a vested interest in me they might pretend to have a vested interest just so they can get my vote but at the end of the day they don't care even though i like obama personally i think that he's you know a good person i'm not gonna be like oh this is my guy this is my guy because we shouldn't treat politics like that that's dangerous people treat trump like that when they're blind to his faults the same way with obama time is always the best indicator of somebody's legacy trump hasn't been out of office that long but it seems like he's gonna go down as one of the worst modern president if not the worst of all time and i'm not just saying that because i don't like him i really do think that that's the truth obviously i don't think obama was as bad as trump but none of them are perfect obama made a lot of promises that he didn't fulfill and i feel like a lot of people feel swindled by him because they thought that he would be a progressive president and he wasn't he turned out to be an establishment corporate bailout president and that's what he is and that's what he turned out to be as a party the democrats have to be careful because the pandering is at an all-time high so a question that both dante and i wrote down is will the democrats ever run a ticket without a person of color ever again and the reason why we wanted to ask this question because biden made it very clear that for his vp he was going to pick a woman number one i committed that if i'm elected president have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts we'll be i'll appoint the first black woman to the courts it's required that they have representation now it's long overdue secondly if i'm elected president my my cabinet my administration will look like the country and i commit that i will in fact appoint a pick a woman to be vice president there are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow i would pick a woman to be my vice president and personally for me a lot of people maybe yes twitter really loved that i didn't like that i feel like as a presidential nominee it's good to just do things if you really have deeply held opinions about something it would be bold to just nominate a woman rather than pandering and saying i'm gonna pick somebody that's a woman because it makes it seem like you're only picking them because of their gender there are plenty of qualified women pick one without pandering a lot of pandering happens with the democratic party so our question is you know will the democrats ever run a ticket without a person of color will people see two white men running and criticize it do they have a point in criticizing dante what do you think i don't think that the democratic party can run you know another presidential ticket without a woman or a person of color and that like you said that becomes a complicated circumstance because of how we talked about on the affirmative action episode right should you just get this job because you're a woman should i just get this job because i'm black but i really think for diversity's sake and for making leadership reflect what the country looks like i don't think they can ever run a ticket again without a woman or a person of color in one of those top two spots i think that's what gets a lot of people who don't identify with a political party to vote for them is more inclusive because like you saw in georgia in the presidential and in the senate races the black vote is what turned it out right and justin's way more on the i don't know how to put it on a spectrum of you know talking about that but i'm just stating the facts to you that's there's no bias that's not me coming to you as a black man saying hey we did that that's what happened down there the reason war knocking also off won black people in georgia the reason biden won black people in georgia okay so if you don't have kamala harris on that ticket do i think joe biden wins georgia oh i really don't think so does he get pa yeah but i don't know because of philly so i don't know i just don't know if they can ever run a ticket again without diversity on it well you said like for the sake of diversity what does that exactly mean because you said that it's important for people to see people that look like them when it comes to voting but that was kind of the antithesis of what you said in the affirmative action episode because you said you don't like diversity for the sake of diversity so how can you have that opinion in that episode and then come back and say that diversity is needed when it comes to a ticket for president because people want to vote for something that looks like them that feels like them so if the democracy


if the democratic party is a party that is about inclusion right the party that is more diverse because that party welcomes people of all different backgrounds people of color people that are of the lgbtq plus community white people it's basically the melting pot but they want you to think america is that's what the democratic party purports itself to be so you want your leadership to reflect that i guess on the ticket because people are going to be more people who aren't involved in politics the way me and you are would be more inclined to vote for that ticket if you're hiring for a position of power in the back of your mind you're like okay me putting a black person or a person of color in this role will inspire more people to reach for the stars and maybe one day that they can also have this same position it works the same way so by having this opinion you're saying that diversity is necessary in both the workplace and on presidential tickets those are two different things they're not different things they're not different things one is just a job and the ticket is also a job the only difference is people are electing these people we can agree to disagree on this one no i think that you're being in a way a hypocrite lay it out to me one more time how do you think that you said that diversity for the sake of diversity when it comes to hiring is diversity for the sake of diversity so how is it different when it comes to a presidential ticket if both are qualified and you're just picking somebody because they are a person of color why is that any different in a job situation if somebody is hiring a qualified person who happens to be a person of color you're not listening to what you're you're saying that i'm saying this is what i would do i told you on that affirmative action episode i think the most qualified person should get the job regardless of any other extenuating circumstances those qualified person should get the job and on the affirmative action episode i did say that i think that if you want to use affirmative action to put quotas in place then yes you need to get more people into that room that are interviewing the decision to hire should not be based off of color creed religion sexual preference whatever not at all above qualifications above qualification yes i'm saying that i don't think the dems will run a ticket without a woman or a person of color on there again because i don't think that they believe that they could win another election without that i definitely don't see the republican party running a ticket with a person to color on it do they even have it many people have come tim scott and nikki haley that's about it people that even choose from yeah tim scott nikki haley that's it oh my god my opinion is that it's always about having the most qualified person i think diversity is important and there's plenty of ways to get diverse people in the room but if you're talking about qualifications um i think that you can put two white men on a ticket and get elected because for so long two white men have been the ticket as long as they're qualified as long as they're going to enact policies that helps minorities and people of color go for it because that's what matters identity doesn't matter so much as you are still doing your job and you're still helping the people that you were elected to help and it's good to break barriers while you're at it so if you're ever in a position of power and you have the chance to hire somebody that comes from a diverse background but is qualified do it i see where you're coming from and that's why it's called polar opposites right we're not always going to agree on everything i am very interested to see what happens and i mean there's so much that needs to be done now but to see what that ticket is going to look like on the republican side in 2024 would be very interesting one thing i do want to say you know moving on from the topic excuse me that we were just talking about joe biden is walking into office into one of the three worst situations that a president has ever walked into the office under for people like justin because he's radical in thought i think some people need to temper expectations here because he's walking into a situation not dissimilar to what franklin roosevelt walked into with the great depression and people living on the street or lincoln the day he got inaugurated states succeeding from the union and caused the civil war by is dealing with a once in a century pandemic that was mishandled for a year rest in peace to those 400 000 plus people that have lost their lives to this by the way because i don't know if you guys know it or not but it's [ __ ] real so wear a mask stop the spread so bye is walking into that having to basically build the infrastructure to get all these vaccines out from scratch and the economic situation is on par maybe even worse than what obama walked into joe's gonna be putting in some work it'll be easy sailing for this guy he has a tall order he's walking into a very rough situation and one of the things i always you know talk to people when i have those those types of conversations you know intelligent conversation that i think we talked about before too is and i still don't have an answer for this i listen to different people's opinion on it but it's does the man make the moment or does the moment make the man right was franklin roosevelt a great president because of what happened or was he already a great man and just happened to be there at that time was lincoln already a great man or did the situation mold him into a great man i don't have an answer for it i hope joe biden is up to the task here i mean i don't think that he would have ran if he wasn't up to the task like he's 78 years old he's already spent some time in the white house he really has no reason to run he felt that he was the only person on the democratic side that could really stand a chance against defeating trump he really ran on that and i think that's why the american people chose him as the nominee and ultimately as the next president because they were like he's the unifier he's the one that can quell the storm and now he's the president so we'll see if he's up to the task we know that he's always dreamed of being the president and now his moment is here dire circumstances but it's the name of the game it's not the hardest job in the world for a reason the vetting process everything that it takes to become the president most people don't want that pressure he decided to do it with his old age and everything with his son that passed away recently in this you know changing world that we're a part of with so much hate he said i'm the man for the job we have to hold him to that and just see what he's able to do but i'm gonna support him as best i can i'm gonna be optimistic i'm not trying to tear somebody down just to tear somebody down obviously i don't think that he's gonna accomplish everything that he set forth nobody ever does no president is perfect and no human is perfect so i'm not gonna put that expectation on him what i'm trying to say is if you are not gonna fulfill promises don't make them in the first place because that's gonna lead to disappointment that's why i always tell people do not put your faith in politicians it's dangerous hope for the best expect the worst and hopefully we get through this 400 000 people have lost their lives due to kovid more people are continuing to die every day so the first thing on the agenda is managing kovid and then next we'll see what he's able to do next but i'm gonna continue to be supportive and be optimistic because i feel like you can only expect good when you keep an open mind and hope for the best


see that guy's the power of positivity we love to see it we'd love to see it that's what this podcast spreads the negative one yeah he's a radical negative one he doesn't think women should have pockets on their clothes that's crazy some of the [ __ ] justin be saying my god but he's stretching it must have stretched in order to make me sound radical you are a radical left i'm not sorry i'm not you can't keep saying that because then people are going to think that like i'm a member of antifa whatever that means i'm not radical left i just think wow no i just think that there's a place for human decency in politics i think that healthcare is a right not a privilege i don't think that the vote should be suppressed i think american citizens should have livable wages like if you complaining about people making 15 an hour my main thing i'm gonna think is okay now you feel some type of way because your twenty dollars an hour don't look as good now right you're fine with a company taking advantage of somebody and paying them 725 or whatever it is and you're fine with your company taking advantage of you and paying you whatever they pay you but when that gap starts to close right when that gap starts to close make people's neck get a little tight there right now you can't be talking that flashy [ __ ] that i'm so much better than somebody because i get paid x amount more what's that called that wealth gap start to close a little bit and a lot of us are in the same bracket you know what i mean so i don't know that's another episode for another day but just saying people don't want equality people don't want equality because that's what equality is somebody making the same amount as you people having the same opportunities as you the reality is most people don't want that you want to be better than somebody else how much is enough money more greed corruption is the reason why this system continues to thrive and why there's a growing wealth gap i think we just have to open our minds and put ourselves in other people's shoes we always talk about perspectives on the show because that's the name of the game you cannot understand the world if you cannot understand the life of your neighbor you know i didn't grow up poor but whenever i went to community college i was around you know different people that come from different means and it really opened up my world view to see how other people have it and i think that i was better for it i learned so much i opened up and you know i learned about the challenges that other people face i had friends that were undocumented i had friends that were daca kids and i never had experience with that you know in the past but listening to them and understanding where they came from allowed me to be sympathetic to their desires because everybody just wants to be treated equal and everybody wants to be given a fair shot nobody asked to be in their circumstance but we make do with what we have and we try to be the best versions of ourselves so i think that's you know a lesson that we all have to understand for ourselves and everybody reaches that level of understanding at different times empathy right so it makes you a functioning adult makes you a decent person a lot of people lack it a lot of people that common sense i don't want to have those conversations no more if you if you don't think joe biden won the election right you think all this was a sham you think that no matter what facts and data have been presented to you that the only person that's been telling you the truth is this cue person on reddit and donald trump if you believe that you're off the reservation like the lights are on no one's home and we don't need to have conversations because there ain't no helping you i don't know who to like turn to jesus turn the ala turn to buddha but i hope one day you do find the light but i got too much [ __ ] to worry about on my own to help you find the light that ain't my job exactly i was gonna entertain even having a conservative or somebody on the show but i'm tired of having those conversations and i don't feel like editing that and listening to whatever that person has to say to be honest i'll speak to a conservative if you're telling me you're a trumper i don't got nothing to say to you like if you still believe at the end of the day that he won we don't got nothing to talk about man who got nothing but i will talk to a republican that if you're one of those republicans that put country over party you're one of those uh lincoln project republicans or one of those never trump republicans or republicans for biden we can talk i like having intelligent conversation it's harder and harder to come by these days but i still like having them open our perspective i remember what my reel off my chest was i didn't write it down but my off my chest my off my chest is i'm tired of seeing these pictures of elijah cummings john lewis ruth better ginsburg chadwick boseman smiling down from heaven when they're looking down at kamala and joe i hate to see it honestly that stuff is so cringy to me i saw one where it was john mccain elijah cummings ruth bader ginsburg i'm like john mccain you guys in this revisionist history when it comes to john mccain stop rewriting his legacy he really does not care about what's happening on earth i promise you that i promise you that but you know what i'm talking about like it shows them smiling down from heaven ah it was like when obama got elected and they had like pictures of him at a table with malcolm and martin and stuff and it's like it's like you know what i think they are four of the most important black men that have ever you know been produced by this country i mean that's undebatable right those t-shirts are stupid like we don't need those you know what i mean it makes me cringe so bad the worst one is chadwick boseman and ruth bader ginsburg doing the wakanda forever symbol i'm like come on and then also mindy caleb she has a daughter she posted something on instagram watching the inauguration and she's like oh my god my daughter said mommy is that you stop lying stop lying you know your daughter did not say mommy is that you kamala harris looks nothing like you stop playing a lot of these celebrities are trying to get attention that stuff gets on my nerves so much mommy is that you no it's not stop don't even try and pour it oh goodness um i think we're done did you have anything to add you talked about revisionist history one thing i want you guys to know i mean we talked on martin luther king jr a little bit on our mlk day episode don't let i mean it's already happen but take time and look them up for yourself and do your own research because this getting punched in the face and turning the other cheek and walking down the street with his head held high guy that's what they want you to think about him this guy was a revolutionary don't ever let nobody sugarcoat it and make you think he was soft in any way that man stood his ground still for what he believed in he was not soft he was a revolutionary he was just as revolutionary as malcolm they just had two different messages don't whitewash history open up your book and i think that's how people learn to be honest instead of listening to what your mom and dad and what your school system told you go to school educate yourself on what really happened and your eyes will be open i promise you everybody i feel like when they go to college and they learn history for the first time their eyes are open and it leads to more knowledge you're like okay what else is a lie and we'll eventually do an episode about lies that we're told when we're younger but that's not today's episode but i guess my message for this week is do the work for yourself understand things not everything is what it seems and like dante said you know mlk was not this benevolent man that just let people spit on him and hit him in the head and just did nothing he was a revolutionary that's when they decided to take his life so it's interesting jfk mlk malcolm i'm glad you said that they they were all cool when he saw him i have a dream and you know i want my black kids to play those little white kids when he started talking about paying black people the same as they pay white people they were like nah nah nah that's a bridge too far my god it's unfortunate rest in peace to mlk and anybody else that stood up for something when it was most unpopular because that's what a true pioneer is you might be seen as a radical in your current time frame but history is always kind to those that decide to stand for something when everybody else is against it history is going to look great on me since you always call me this radical and everything guess what's going to happen in 10 15 years all these women's clothes are going to have pockets people are going to have health care a livable wager i am a rep i am kidding i am a revolutionary once you repeat after me i am a revolutionary but uh this guy this guy's something else we need to watch what is it called judas and the black messiah oh i can't wait repeat after me


me too me too all these good black movies are coming out i have so much to watch but the only thing i have left to say on this episode is we did it joe we did it you're gonna be the next president of the united states and with that being said that's it for this episode dante close out the show we are polar opposites thank you for listening to us thank you for supporting us drop a rating drop a review tell your friend to tell a friend about it subscribe listen to the episode all the way through unsubscribe subscribe again listen again i'm kidding about that part but no seriously thank you for this community that we've built thank you guys for listening thank you for supporting us we appreciate you i'm done justin take us out i'll see you later and we will catch you guys on the next one bye guys i think that is an answer to that myth and it is that time is neutral it can be used either constructively or destructively and i'm absolutely convinced that the forces of ill will in our nation the extreme rightists in our nation have often used time much more effectively than the forces of goodwill and it may well be that we will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words of the bad people and the violent actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say wait on time somewhere we must come to see that social progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability it comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals and without this hard work time itself becomes an ally of the primitive forces of social stagnation and so we must help time and we must realize that the time is always right to do right