Polar Opposites

We'll Never Be Royals

Episode Summary

Get out your tea and crumpets! This week we unravel Oprah’s interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry (28:09). There seems to be drama brewing in Buckingham Palace. Texas goes maskless amidst the pandemic (03:45), Dr. Suess gets "canceled,"(20:18) and Instagram temporarily removes likes (15:13). We also talk about LLC Twitter, coaches and racism (57:37), Jay-Z selling Tidal (47:11), and a lot more! So much free content for you this week! As always LIKE, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE. Thanks for listening! Send us something SPICY! Here's the link to ask us an anonymous question: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebwcH-zavRYLwvOO6Gq3tv7CmrkkqRF9Cj5uRdqENiR42MVA/viewform Tell a friend to tell a friend! Be sure to leave a RATING/REVIEW on Apple Podcast! Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justin_aiiz/ FOLLOW THE PODCAST PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/polaroppositespod/ FOLLOW DONTÉ https://www.instagram.com/_donnie_f/ LEAVE A REVIEW & SEND LETTERS! If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Notes

Get out your tea and crumpets! This week we unravel Oprah’s interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry (28:09). There seems to be drama brewing in Buckingham Palace. Texas goes maskless amidst the pandemic (03:45), Dr. Suess gets "canceled,"(20:18) and Instagram temporarily removes likes (15:13). We also talk about LLC Twitter, coaches and racism (57:37), Jay-Z selling Tidal (47:11), and a lot more! So much free content for you this week! As always LIKE, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE. Thanks for listening!  



Send us something SPICY! Here's the link to ask us an anonymous question:  




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If you would like a question answered on air, email us! We want to hear your feedback and offer advice on your situation! Ask away! polaropposites.pod@gmail.com

Episode Transcription

vaccine vaccine vaccine vaccine i'm begging of you please don't hesitate vaccine vaccine vaccine vaccine cause once you're dead then that's a bit too late i know i'm trying to be funny now but i'm dead serious about the vaccine


welcome welcome welcome to another episode of the show we are back we are back we are back with another episode it always feels good to join you guys for another week this is therapy we love it we love getting these episodes out to you guys and i know you guys love it too it's wednesday a new episode is here i'm justin we are here with dante dante how are you hello everyone i'm doing good justin it's a good week you know start the week off right put the positive vibes in the universe because that's what we're all about here how are you i'm great i'm great we have a lot to get through on this episode we have a list of topics to run through so much drama british tea is burning in case y'all didn't know but we'll talk about that later on in the episode but if you guys are new to this show this show is all about bringing together different perspectives we agree we disagree but most importantly dante and i come together to express our opinions on pop culture entertainment music politics and our own personal lives as young black men so if you guys are open to an honest conversation this is the podcast for you i always say this podcast is not for everybody it's for anybody so tell your friends tell your meemaw your people your wawa to subscribe and listen to the show if you listen on spotify be sure to hit that following button leave a rating leave a review we love to see it ratings and reviews everybody says oh it helps us out it doesn't really help us out it's just for clout but if this is your favorite show why not leave us a review why not leave us a rating why not tell a friend a mimo or a peapod that you love this show that way the show can grow and before you know it dante and i might be on your tv screens hey hey if i don't speak it it might not happen so you got to talk about it right if you love this show if you like this show say it with your chest like our episode last week say it with your chest let everybody know people are so quick to say bad things and scream bad things from the mountaintop go tell it on the mountain like that old bible song go tell it on the mountain about how much you love polaropsis it's true and people love it because our secret fans love it they listen every week and dante thinks that i hate super fans but i actually love them because even though they listen in secret they love the show at the end of the day so the secret fans their heart is beating a little bit faster because i just mentioned them they're like getting all nervous and tensed up it's okay sit back relax enjoy the show just like everybody else thank you so much for listening so i appreciate you guys be sure to leave an anonymous question speaking of that we will eventually devote an episode to answering all of your questions so if you have sent something in in the past and you're like man dante and justin have not read this don't worry it's coming we will read it so we want more questions from you guys so feel free to click the link in the description send in an anonymous question if you have a question to ask us if you have a scenario that you want us to give advice on if you feel compelled to reach out in any way feel free to do that we love to see it and also don't be afraid to reach out to us on social media as well so all of the links to that are in the description so follow us and dante we'll follow back so um anyway let's get into


let's get into um this episode justin's got a key


dante has got to get


justin and dante gotta get it off all right thank you julia so and off my chest this week y'all know i'm from texas dante's from joysee and in texas our silly governor decided that covet is over take off the mask everybody businesses are open 100 percent y'all go out there and infect each other with kovid we hate to see it all businesses of any type are allowed to open 100 percent


that includes any type of entity in texas also i am ending the statewide mask mandate so he decided that time is up we've had enough of this we are oppressed let's remove the masks and i hate this because it encourages people that already weren't wearing masks to feel that okay covet is over i can live freely because our governor our highest state official is telling us that it's okay to go mask-less and the thing is this is a big deal but at the same time i understand that the people who weren't wearing mask already will continue to not wear a mask and the people that were wearing their mask will continue to wear their mask so i'm one of those people i don't care that he lifted this order i'm going to continue to wear my mask because it's not about me it's about other people as well i would feel terrible if me not wearing a mask affected somebody's grandma me ma pipa wawa it's not fair there's other people with compromised immune systems that i could be affecting so i'm gonna do my part to make sure that everybody else is okay that's what matters to me so it's silly that this masked mandate was lifted dante you live in a blue state would this ever happen in joy z now i feel murphy don't play around with this covet thing so he wouldn't lift the mask mandate especially like you know while we're still in the middle of this pandemic i know people are out there getting inoculated and progress is being made you know towards getting us back to whatever normal is but no there wouldn't be premature action taken and what's important is what you said i'm still gonna wear my mask you know even when they say it's okay to not wear a mask i'm still gonna wear mine for a while because i like to be sure you know i like to learn from other people's mistakes and not make my own when i don't have to the ignorant people in texas are more emboldened they feel that covet is over and they can do whatever they want but at the same time their actions are affecting other people and that's unfair but there's nothing we can do about it i can just control myself do my part to ensure that everybody is safe until i get my vaccine i can't wait a lot of people might be scared i'm not i want this vaccine now the closer i get to getting my vaccine is the closer we all get to going back to normal so the sooner we can all get vaccinated the better for everybody else amen to that amen right somebody on instagram actually one of our listeners posted something to their story and this is what they posted they posted a screenshot of it looks like somebody's facebook status and here's what they said to everyone freaking out over governor abbott lifting the mass mandate and allowing businesses to 100 relax people remember he's a republican a conservative he's not ordering you to take off your mask he's giving you the freedom to choose to take off or keep the mask he's not ordering businesses to open up 100 he's giving businesses the freedom to decide for themselves to what extent they want to open it's this little thing called liberty if you want to keep wearing the mask keep wearing the mask if you own a business and can survive at 30 capacity and you want to stay at 30 percent more power to you if you're afraid and want to stay home stay home the only thing the governor did was give you back your liberty thank him and exercise your freedom okay dante what are your thoughts on what that person had to say on their facebook status i mean my ever since this thing started my opinion hasn't changed like look if you think it's a hoax if you think it's overblown if you feel like your liberties are being taken away do whatever you got to do you know go out there unprotected it's like having unprotected sex that's what breathing is now without a mask and having protective sex go out there do your thing breathe in that uh unfiltered air hug your grandparents your cousin with the weak immune system you know kill your bloodline off if that's what you want to do i'm not wishing nothing bad on you but play stupid games with stupid prizes i don't have sympathy for that yeah and also i need to say this for anybody that's saying this is another strain of the flu how many times does the flu kill 500 000 people in a short period of time i've personally never seen that this is not just a random strand of the flu this is something serious and with all things that are serious you know people should take precaution everybody should do their part take their precautions when it's your time take the vaccine and hopefully we can go to normal really soon i mean isn't that what we're all aiming for even the people who don't believe in this and thanks hoax aren't we all fighting the same battle of wanting to get back to an air quotes normal so yeah we all be taking the proper precautions to make sure that we all get there but you know the people on the other side might argue and say that you can get to the same destination by taking different directions there so you know i know that that's i know the directions i'm going to use to get there so i'm not worried about me me or mine my road is not leading to death that's the road i'm taking i don't know about y'all but that's mine i do my best to avoid that road but um that's what i needed to get off my chest dante sir what do you need to get off your chest this week i'm just adding on to your off my chest wear a mask wear a condom set it before on here wear a mask wear a condom off my chest is it's very short and sweet this week know yourself know your worth if you are not happy in your job or your relationship whatever the situation may be you don't feel appreciated or you feel undervalued you owe it to yourself to make the necessary changes to improve your situation go somewhere where you feel that your worth is being valued that's all i have to say about that more to come on that later meghan markle harry see how this guy he's always predicting the future and always predicting what we're going to be talking about later on that episode love it dante let's talk about this 800 credit score versus 20 million dollars in cash so i don't have a twitter but the people that do have a twitter tells me that there's different branches of twitter there's white twitter there's black twitter there's llc twitter so llc twitter is this group of people on twitter that think they're so financially aware and they know better than everybody else they're the ones that tell you to invest your stimulus check open up an llc and do this and do that people are dying people are dying the last thing that they need to do is worrying about an llc or how to grow this and that they're trying to feed their families so all these people that think they're so smart be quiet okay there's people that are dying well can i jump in for a second yeah jump in i'm so i'm sorry so when justin's talking about llc twitter i like to call them roc nation brunch twitter and that's all they talk about they think that they're so much smarter than everybody else and they talk about flipping money like you know when you go buy that number five from mcdonald's and you give them a 10 and they give you 250 back you should take that 250 open up an llc and then get a corporate credit card like stop stop stop all that talk i'm tired of hearing y'all fake will talk all this [ __ ] you started listening to jay-z thinking that you could go buy million dollar art pieces if you flip your jordans like stop it i'm not here for that talk at your freedom my only hope [ __ ] living rich and dying broke i bought some artwork for 1 million 2 years later that [ __ ] worth 2 million few years later


no get it off your chest the discussion was would you rather have an 800 credit score or 20 million dollars in cash and i don't know why people were even debating this because the obvious option is 20 million dollars in cash people strive for an 800 credit score so one day they can get 20 million dollars if you already have the option to take 20 million why not take it it's not the smarter thing to have an 800 credit score and i think this thing is a statement on people's current credit score their credit score might be so bad that it's a dream to get an 800 credit score so they equate it to 20 million dollars in cash and it doesn't make sense to me everybody's dream is to make enough money so that their family never has to work labor is not something that we should aspire to do we shouldn't live to work we work to live in this country so anybody that says oh i'd rather have an 800 credit score it makes no sense because what you're striving for is the millions of dollars so you can build a legacy with listen if you're one of those people that said oh i want the 800 credit score you're an idiot like you're smooth brained that's what they call stupid people in in high society you got a smooth brain you don't got no wrinkles in that thing it ain't firing on all cylinders listen having an 800 credit score is like having 150 000 cash so you take 150 000 cash versus 20 million cash you see how your math ain't mathen right there it doesn't make sense if i had 20 million dollars cash i don't give a [ __ ] about a credit score no more because i don't need credit for nothing i got this money i'm going to invest my money and make my money work for me if i have 20 million dollars about credit at this point so if you told him about having 800 credits 800 credit scores over 20 million dollars like stop turn off the podcast right now just stop i will say though dante that i don't think that what we're saying right now should discourage people i think that it's great that there's people online that have great business savvy that find different routes to make money i'll never talk down on that anybody that has aspirations for better continue to strive for your goals don't let what we're saying right now discourage us obviously we're joking or at least i'll speak for myself i'm joking but in reality you should always take 20 million dollars in cash over at 800 credit score but the largest scheme of this conversation is more so about it's okay to strive for better it's okay to want to be financially free it's okay to be financially literate because i think a lot of people in our community aren't and i think that if people are trying to help people in some way go for it you know help as many people as you can to achieve better for themselves for them to raise their credit scores for them to find better jobs so they're able to build for their futures and for their families i'll never talk down on that because that's the dream let's work to make enough money to where we don't have to work anymore and for anybody that wants that for themselves more power to you and continue to work hard yeah no i'm never going to to speak alone people's dreams you know if it's a if it's a good dream like if your dream is to to hurt people then i ain't supporting that dream um you should go back to sleep and think about ain't supporting that dream but if your dream is to better your situation and situation people around you sure i support you but the way that they talk on llc twitter is talking down to people like oh you don't know money if you're going to take that 20 million in cash over an 800 credit score like no [ __ ] you don't know money you don't know you don't know economics and finance you are an idiot right right like i said y'all take the money any chance you get take that 20 million if it's ever presented to you but um speaking of stupidity well this isn't really speaking of stupidity i just wanted to segue so a couple days ago you know i was on the gram you know browsing and all of a sudden charlton sends me a dm and says instagram took away likes and i went back to my feed and i noticed that i wasn't seeing likes on my pictures and i was like dun dun dun the day has come they have taken away likes the influencers are shaking i remember a few months ago instagram made the announcement that soon they're gonna take away likes and everybody was crying thinking it was world war iii the end of the world and i was like you know what i think this is actually a good thing because so many people care about the things that don't matter they care about who followed them who unfollowed them how many likes they got on the picture who is liking their picture how does their feed look none of that matters you know we're worried about the wrong thing instagram used to be a place where people would post pictures casually and then it became this thing where people started to take it too seriously where if you don't hit a certain amount of likes you're scared of what people will think about you let me just say this instagram is not real life contrary to popular belief it's not for me it's a place where i connect to people that i like not everybody that i follow and instagram is my friend it's just people that i like that i don't mind seeing their feed and seeing what kind of pictures they post it's not something that's serious for me mostly i use it to promote the show anytime a new episode comes out you see me posting on the stories telling y'all to listen to the next episode that's what it is for me social media and instagram is whatever you choose to make of it if you want to take it seriously and post artsy stuff do that if you want to post pictures of your nasty plates you can do that too whatever it is for you that's all that matters and how many likes you get on a picture is not important and i think when they remove that if they do decide to do that a lot of people will begin to value the things that matter versus the things that don't y'all know my feelings on here i didn't came over here and read people before listen i saw the same thing like the likes i couldn't see likes anymore i'm like well one i don't give about this like i don't derive my self-worth from how many people like my pictures on instagram because i gave y'all so many bars about how i feel about instagram versus reality listen you could be popping on instagram but are you popping on linkedin are you popping at the bank now i sound like llc twitter right i know sometimes they'd be making points sometimes they'd be making points i feel bad for the people actually no i don't but the people that derive their self-worth from instagram like oh i put this picture up two hours ago and only got 30 likes so i'm gonna take it down and post it again in a couple days and see if it gets more likes like the people that do that y'all have a special set of problems like you i don't know if you didn't get hugged enough or you're just in bad relationships like whatever the situation may be but i hope that you find whatever you're looking for on instagram in yourself and in real life and in real life connections not just people scrolling through their phone like zombies and double tapping a picture of you another problem i've always had with social media is let's say jesus came back right jesus could post something on instagram and he'll get some likes but he won't get as many likes as a girl posting half naked you know it's like everything is geared towards people's primal instincts i guess i would say are like social media is putting out there what you want people to see and what you want people to think about you that's the one thing you can control that narrative about yourself on social media i would say so for the people that are out there comparing their lives to other people's based on what they see on social media that's not healthy because they're only nobody's going to post a picture on their worst day or go on there and tell you about their worst day or what they're going through like it's just not going to happen i don't know i think it's about priorities you know i don't know how i came to have this mindset to where i don't care about what other people think because i really don't i follow the people that i want to follow and the people that i don't care about i don't follow them but for me my social media is just a fun space for me and the people that i like to interact and for them to see a piece of my life it's not something real i don't post my entire life on there it's just a piece of me and a way for me to express myself in a way i can't do publicly in a way and it's a way for me to promote the show that's all it is for me but at the end of the day stop caring about what other people think because in reality like dante said people are just double tapping and moving on nobody's really concentrating on your caption or looking at the details of your picture they say oh nice picture like and then that's the extent of it so honestly you might take it seriously but for the casual people scrolling by nobody takes it as seriously so take that with the grain of salt also worry about the things that matter and like you said people be losing friends over hey i commented on your picture you didn't comment back what was up with that like are you being serious or you're weirdo man like yeah that person's your friend who gives a [ __ ] the algorithm too sometimes my friends will post a picture and if i'm browsing and i go on their feed i'm like i never saw this picture and i'll give it a like like i don't care like how long ago it was i'm like oh i never saw this picture and i like it so sometimes you know with the algorithm some people aren't even seeing your post so think about that too that's all i have to say on that issue yeah i'm done with it let's talk about let's talk about dr seuss dr seuss it's been a while dante since i've read a dr seuss book i was so surprised to see him trending the publisher or the people that are looking over his estate decided that there are six books that he published that have racial undertones so to curve that they've decided that they will cease production on those books among the books pulled on what would have been theodor seuss geisel's 117th birthday the very first dr seuss book and to think that i saw it on mulberry street published in 1937 over a stereotypical drawing of an asian man five other titles gone too effective immediately these books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong says a statement from dr seuss enterprises echoing critics and a lot of people were outraged you know conservatives and their fights against cancer culture it's so funny to me that they go so hard against cancer culture obviously there's aspects of cancer culture where i'm not here for but there's other parts of it that are warranted so immediately when conservatives got a wind of this they began to paint the left as always wanting to cancel things and the left was never clamoring over dr seuss from my knowledge i don't know if you heard anything different dante i did not but i i need to jump in here for a second what you just said about you know the right and the conservatives saying hey the left is coming for dr seuss no the left's not those books have racist imagery in them and actually during world war ii you know he did a lot of illustrations that weren't favorable of our asian brothers and sisters out there so yeah that those type of imagery should be pooled but then you got damn we just been piling on texas you got the worst person in the world ted cruz coming on there and saying joe biden's coming for dr seuss and my kids will read one fish two fish joe buying joe biden joe biden's probably as old as dr seuss would be like he's coming for dr seuss like this is the actual publisher saying hey these images are hurtful we're not going to have this in our rotation anymore um and the right talk so much like that's their new buzzword you know back in 2018 it was there's immigrants barreling towards our border right now we got to stop this caravan the democrat party is openly inviting millions of illegal aliens to break our laws violate our borders and overwhelm our nation these are hardened criminals these are tough tough people and i don't want them in our country now it's cancer culture yeah you want to talk about cancer culture cancer culture is the way you're restricting rights for people to vote in georgia in texas in a bunch of these states that's cancer culture that's canceling democracy so i want to hear about some goddamn children's book that has 75 words in it let's talk about the stuff that actually affects people on a day-to-day basis cancer culture is keeping people from making a livable wage in this country cancer culture is people not being able to afford their goddamn medicine they have to choose between paying their bills and buying their medicine and rationing out their insulin that's cancel culture so get off your high horse speak let me get out my prayer club dante dig in your pocket get out your prayer claw dab your forehead dab it


that was a prayer cloth moment but i agree with everything that dante just said to me conservatives like to go out against cancer culture because they're escaping accountability they know that there's some aspects of cancer culture that is wanting to hold people accountable and because they don't want to be held accountable they're painting cancer culture as this boogeyman and oh they want to cancel everything but it's not true this is the publisher that decided to take six books out of circulation it wasn't people on the left and liberals saying oh this dr seuss is evil nobody was even talking about dr seuss but i do think that it's kind of a slippery slope in a way is this the best solution to tackling things that are problematic from our past i think that it's not if they still want to keep the books in circulation they can have an addendum or some kind of text where it says you know some of these images we do not condone this but it is a product of the time it's the same thing with museums and these statues there's a right place and a right time for these statues to be erected i'm talking about like confederate statues should they be on public grounds on display no because black people see that as oppressive and i think that when you erect a monument it's for a reason things are immortalized so we can remember them and pay them honor why should we honor the confederacy the group that turned arms against this country it doesn't really make sense if you go to germany i doubt that you see you know statues of hitler erected everywhere it doesn't make sense when we are observing history the right context to observe a confederate statue would be in a museum you can write the context and show the people why these people existed and what they stood for and ultimately history will judge them that's the proper context you know even with hbo when they put gone with the wind on hbo max and people were like why is this on there they took it down and then they put it back up with a text at the beginning that said that some of the images portrayed you know in this film are problematic they kind of like gratify slavery and this is not okay it's a product of the time and i think that it's more powerful to show these to people but at the same time teach the truth about what they represent in our current time frame i don't think we should try and shield the truth from people or act as if it didn't exist put it in the proper context and educate people so we can move forward and we don't repeat the mistakes of the past yeah you need a prayer cloth now after that i don't know i'm not going to say 100 agree with you but i don't disagree with you either i'll tackle the dr seuss thing first they cannot come out and say that they don't stand for this because they are literally his estate like so they stand for whatever he stand for so they can't say we don't stand for this because then you'd be lying about the artist or the arthur or the illustrator behind it because he did stand for that so i think for in that situation it's best to just pull those six books he's going their state's going to be fine forever it's okay but then you hit a nerve with me when you talked about the confederate statues pharisees should not be displayed in public anywhere in this country or even the territories that this country claims they were treasonous that raised arms against the union so it you said that a statue or a monument is brought up in celebration or in reverence of something we should not be immortalizing treasonous traitors losers they should not be immortalized or remembered forever they should have been forgotten they should have been gone with the wind like that [ __ ] movie going with the wind fabulous okay so if the every single confederate statue should be taken down that's displayed in public every single military base named after confederate general should be taken down because they were treasonous and losers the only reason they are not painted as such is because they are white


i'm sure people are clenching their pearls as you said that but it's the truth and this podcast is all about telling the truth i'm just gonna tell you know my truth we're gonna tell our truth because that's how we move forward and that's how we have open and honest conversations i was never calling to cancel dr seuss if the publisher doesn't want to you know publish these six books that's their right because it was problematic and we need to learn from the past that way we don't replicate those same things in the future yeah i mean on the list of of priorities to tackle things and and try to fight for change um dr seuss is not on the top of my list i can you guys can sleep at night knowing that that's not on the top of my list trust me um really really don't care about that but that's the fight that the other side wanted to pick and will never be royals royals it's not in our blood that kind of life's just not for us i am a person that has never cared about the royals people make a big deal about it people love them and obsess over them and i don't understand it i get it they are a monarchy you know they represent what they represent but i've never cared but interestingly when meghan markle married into the royal family that's when i started paying attention i wasn't paying close attention but that's when i was like following it a little bit making sure that i'm in tune with what's happening in pop culture and in the real world oprah had a big interview with harry and meghan markle were you silent or were you silenced i just want to make it clear to everybody there is no subject that's off-limits almost unsurvivable sounds like there was a breaking point my biggest concern was history repeating itself you've said some pretty shocking things here wait hold up wait a minute if you guys don't know or haven't been following their situation they have been having drama with the media over there and within the royal family as well obviously meghan markle is biracial and i think a big part of their discontent with her is the fact that she is biracial and she's marrying into you know the family and they didn't like that so we've always heard rumblings about her situation and how she's not treated right and the media over there has been tearing her name through the mud you know there's racist undertones to the things that they're writing about her and she's been feeling it harry has been feeling it she's been feeling it so a couple i don't know when they officially announced that they're going to be moving to canada and then to la but they announced in the past that they're going to be coming over here and i think they've been living here for the past few months because they needed to get away from the oppressive behavior that they've been experiencing from the royal family and the media in the uk so oprah conducted an interview with them it happened yesterday at the time of this recording and everybody has been talking about it because finally harry and megan get to tell their side of the story they've been relatively quiet up to this point and now they're giving oprah free reign to ask them whatever they want and they were open and honest with the interview i said a lot dante you watched it what did you think everybody has been talking about this i mean overall i just felt very sad for her and for harry honestly especially for their baby that they brought this child into the world and this child was never going to be accepted by its family you know they said it you know we wouldn't be able to call your child a prince for whatever special reason they came up with it you know megan was asking for help because she felt her mental health was suffering and they were telling her no we don't do that here that would create too much publicity and i need to go somewhere and i was told that i couldn't that it wouldn't be good for the institution so were you thinking of harming yourself were you having suicidal thoughts yes this was very very clear you know it seems like they went through a very rough time and i know that it's hard sometimes to sympathize and empathize with people who were rich especially somebody that's royal and literally like owns half the world but everybody goes through stuff overall it was just sad and like i think it took a lot of courage for them to get out there and put their family on blast like that what i'm gonna say is everything is not what it seems i feel like oftentimes when people look at celebrities that idolize them and they want to emulate them they want to be them but we don't know what these celebrities are going through on the inside i can never imagine what it's like to be a celebrity let alone royalty or married into royalty the pressure that you have having to ignore what people are saying about you lies that are being spread about you there's nothing you can really do about it it's an uncomfortable position to be in so i feel for her because i understand that she might have been in over her head she fell in love with somebody but at the same time she didn't realize the magnitude of what she was marrying into and everything is not what it seems just because people have money just because people live this luxurious life doesn't mean that they're happy because i think that since we're obviously not multi-millionaires we think that once we get their money it's like what are you complaining about you have all this food you have security you live in a mansion what could you be possibly complaining about because other people are going through you know evictions and stuff and it's like man if i had what she had i would not be complaining but it's not that easy these people live a different life and i've always said that just because people are accustomed to a certain lifestyle that doesn't negate their humanity they're still humans at the end of the day and they have emotions just like the rest of us celebrities have feelings and we should never forget that that's why i'm always sad when i see all these celebrities getting cyberbullied and people writing these nasty comments because they're treating them like they're not human you have an egg as your profile picture and nobody can see what you look like and nobody knows your name so you can feel free to type whatever you want without any consequences and it's unfair definitely being in the public eye they are scrutinized and i feel for them i think that whenever you're deciding to be with somebody you also have to think about the family as well you're not only marrying that individual you're also marrying their family and i think that if the family doesn't like you you're gonna have a hard time you know adjusting to that lifestyle because it's a lot of pressure and it's a lot to join into a family that is not embracing you and on top of that adding the fact that you're biracial trying to join into this you know purely white family there's going to be some problems there and it's unfortunate that the racism that they're displaying towards her is affecting her mental health and is contributing to the reason why she came over here in the first place relationships are hard right i think everybody agrees so like there's parts of relationships that can be hard so and then you're in a relationship with somebody and their family doesn't like you adds more pressure and more stress into your relationship and then on top of that you're in an interracial relationship so there's a bunch of different layers to that which have to suck for her um some of the takeaways that i had though that i saw is you know somebody in the family asking how dark the baby's skin would be and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born


what and who who is having that conversation with you


what so um


there is a conversation hold it hold up they're separate there are several conversations there's a conversation with you with harry about how dark your baby is going to be potentially and what that would mean or look like you know what does that have to do with anything i mean we know what it has to do with butt and then also his family cut him off financially you know he was living on inheritance that his mom left them it was just a really good interview i guess we're going to be having to cover the fallout from all of this pretty soon yeah the fallout is coming people are said that oh megan better be careful because there's probably a price on her head or whatever i think that she's gonna be fine i feel like they've been wanting to tell their side of the story for a long time and oprah gave them the space oprah ever the opportunist you know gave her the space to rant and say whatever she needs to say and it felt like they were holding back because i felt like if they wanted to name names they could have but i guess for the sake of the monarchy and for the sake of those people's reputations they decided to keep that to themselves but i felt like they could have went harder honestly but they decided to hold back yeah i feel like if you're gonna say it then you know what as long as you know it's harry's family so i would ask him first put some my name behind it be like yeah this is who asked me how dark my baby would be this is who said i couldn't go get help from my mental health like put a name behind it put it out there that who's making you feel this way besides the the the media coverage as she gets over there you would say the name i would because i feel like that's causing more drama may the bridges we burn light our path to the future that's all i got to say i would his brother ain't talking to him like come on what do you have to lose at this point you are always going to be you you're always going to be prince harry no matter what they say you are prince harry if your brother is letting from everything that i'm reading online they're saying it was probably kate middleton that said that to her and that those two always had a bad relationship so your brother's wife is gonna it's mistreating my wife and now we're gonna let that cause a rift between us now your brother need to man up that's how i look at it i think it's tough i'm not one for drama unless it's necessary um if it's necessary then i'll feel free to call somebody out but i'm not just gonna do that and then have all these tabloids blowing this out of proportion because the interview was already enough drama alone i don't think that she needed to do that but i felt sad at the fact that they cut him off financially they're not speaking to him all because he's marrying somebody that he loves and that's the thing for me he must really love this girl to sacrifice everything move across you know the world to another place just so they can exist in peace his peace was more important than his duties as the prince than making his family happy because he could easily married some british white girl and been married you know married his distant cousin like they usually yeah prince and her i mean uh the queen and her husband are related yeah that's what they do i mean it's true read up about it and this is making me want to watch the crown i know steffy watches that show it's making me want to like learn more about the royal family because they are the og colonizers and it's interesting to like learn more about their dynamic because i've never cared before and now i'm more intrigued to find out the inner workings of their family and you know why this is such a big deal but i don't know i knew the second that they got engaged that it was gonna be drama i didn't quite think it would be like this but i knew it would be some drama because if you have an entirely white bloodline and all of a sudden you're introducing somebody that isn't all white you know they're going to be upset with it it's racism it says a lot it really does here's i disagree with you on something that you said when you said about unnecessary drama i believe that protecting your spouse is necessary drama if his wife came to him and said like hey i contemplated suicide and some of the cause of this is your brother's wife that's necessary drama we gotta go talk about that we gotta hash that out i feel like that's necessary no i mean i feel like harry has probably defended megan like privately among whoever is concerned but i'm talking about in a public space like if it's not completely necessary for me to name drop somebody that's what i'm trying to say because all that's doing is causing more unnecessary drama if i'm accepting this interview to reveal my truth and what i've been going through that should be the extent of what she's saying going above and beyond to name drop somebody said it was this person over here betty sue over here parley may over here then you're doing all this unnecessary stuff that's going to reverberate and be chaotic and i don't think that that's a necessary thing to do but i don't know oprah i don't know how she's able to get these interviews a lot of people i was reading were not fans of oprah and thought that she was being messy in the interview oh my goodness what i remember when she said that yeah and they said something about my the skin tone of my baby oprah was like and who was saying that conversation i'm like oprah look at her trying to spin some stuff and trying to get some buzz for this interview we see you oprah i mean i thought i thought she was pretty good in the interview um i think she was definitely very sympathetic but it's not like those two committed a crime and you had to be like straight no emotion no leaning towards the side in this but i thought she did a pretty good job with the interview i thought it was entertaining like like you said i don't care about any of like the crown or any of this british like i don't care about celebrity life in general so but i mean to see what she was going through you know we need more people to be able to speak up and talk about their struggles because that's how things become normalized that's how we'll be able to start calling you know stop calling mental health mental health and it's all just health it's all just health you know this isn't a turkey bacon situation where turkey bacon ain't bacon but mental health is still health it should be covered 100 by your you know your insurance company mental health is health no i definitely agree we need to normalize that asap what do you say to the people that said she signed up for this she should have known better she knew what she was getting into for her to be shocked and surprised that her treatment is baffling like what do you think and what do you say to those people that have that opinion how would she know that they would tell her that her son couldn't be a prince and that they wouldn't have security protection there's no way to know that so i think that premise is [ __ ] there's no way for her to know that the british tablets would treat her so bad and that even the people in what she kept calling the firm which is crazy to call you family you know that's they run it like a business that they would treat her so bad i don't think there was a way for her to know about that i don't know i guess i agree i think she knew what she was signing up for but i don't think she understood the magnitude of it and i kind of felt for her in the sense that they didn't train her about you know all the things that you have to do how to cross your legs and sit down how to sip the tea which fork to use all of that stuff because it's a lot because there's so many protocols that they have to undergo and the fact that nobody taught her that was pretty pretty sad it's almost like they wanted to set her up to fail the thing that i want to say is that i would not ever marry into a questionable family i think that whenever you're deciding to you know pursue somebody seriously you need to look into the background of the family that you're getting into if your family has a racist past or is racist i'm not marrying into that family i don't care how much i love you you are marrying not only that person but you're marrying that family and if that's something that hasn't been rectified and can't be rectified then i'm not gonna put myself through the stress of you hating me just because of who i am i'm not gonna do that because i want a happy home i want my kids to be able to say that's my grandfather that's my grandma and this is a loving family i don't want you know because that's how problems begin i feel like everybody should strive to have balance in their family and it starts with marrying into a family that loves you for who you are and doesn't hate you because of your race you know that's very interesting that you said that you know if you found out the family was racist xyz you'd be like hey this just isn't for me i respect that but harry decided to to leave that he's he chose love over his family and the status quo there would you take that same choice or would you say before it even got to that like hey i know what your family is about i don't want to have to make you choose between love and your family i'm going to remove myself from the situation that's what you would do um it's hard it's hard um i think definitely i would have to be in that situation but from an outsider's perspective um i there's plenty of fish in the sea i'll just say that there's plenty of fish in the sea and i'm gonna protect my peace and find somebody else and another family that can love me for who i am you always talk about protecting your peace and if it doesn't love you it ain't for you you know i'll find somebody in the family that is for me and living happiness rather than living in discord agree with you there i go because i was just asking cause i thought you said was was interesting because i know that me i'd be like hey i'm not gonna put you in that situation cause i think that's you know unfair and a tough decision to make so i would remove myself from the situation before it got started before it got that deep as well and that's why i think that this hairy dude must really love her because he's willing to sacrifice everything for her so i really hope that their relationship works out because if not it's gonna be like i sacrificed all this stuff for you just for this relationship to not work i'm shamed by my family i'm an embarrassment i gave this interview you know tearing up my family and my dad and my brother offered this relationship to not work but i think that at this point there's no going back i think that this family just has to embrace her because now there's kids involved she's already had one kid and now she's pregnant again and now you're messing with the grandkids and whenever kids are involved you have to really look in the mirror and ask yourself is what i'm fighting about worth it can it be fixed and i don't think it can be fixed because they're married one and now they've had kids together so megan is not going anywhere and you have to make a decision because that son harry might cut you out of his life if he feels so strongly about megan and you have to open up to that is this worth it for you is it worth losing a son over not accepting who he wants to marry what are the pros and cons and what's the reason why you hate her really reflect is it because you don't like her personality is it the fact that you don't like that she's american is it the fact that you don't like that she's biracial if those are the reasons you have bigger fish to worry about honestly and you have to really do a deep dive to understand yourself and really pick apart your deficiencies and look in the mirror and realize that you are a racist i'm always somebody that's gonna respect people listen to them when they tell me they're going through stuff and empathize with them because that's all we can do because i always think about it if i was in that situation how would i want people to treat me and i would want empathy listen i i hope that everything works out for them and they stay together forever because if it doesn't work out between them he's going to have a lot of egg on his face and crawling back to the firm the fam as they call it across the pond she will probably get taken out like his mama did all jokes aside not being funny so i hope for everybody involved that it works out for them do you really think that diana's death was not an accident do you think that somebody put a hit on her head and had her killed i'm not i plead the fifth best way to put it okay uh put it like okay hold on hold on i'll answer it a little bit i think that it's not out of the realm of possibility so he's saying it's on the table it's not a no that's for sure it's not a no but it's not around a possibility it's not an okay okay so um what's what story did you want to do next so getting back to rock nation brunch twitter jay-z sold title his majority stake in title last week to uh the ceo of twitter jack dorsey um in 2015 jay-z bought title for 56 million dollars he just sold this streaming service for 297 million dollars and i don't know a soul that has title so good for him because that's a come up it is it is i don't know i know one or two people that have title i don't know why they have it because title is much more expensive than the other streaming services so i i don't know finessed a way to continue paying five dollars a month for apple music and i love it apple music works for me some people might prefer spotify but i use apple music it's just my go-to but title i don't know anybody that was using that i think the thing with title is that their rollout was trash i remember five six years ago they had this panel of like 10 to 12 celebrities madonna beyonce rihanna nicki minaj all of them like came out and signed this contract saying that you know title is about putting the artist first but i think for a lot of people it kind of rubbed them the wrong way because it was almost like they were looking at it like making the rich richer and i think that that's why it never popped off so i think that since they had a trash start that's why you know title has been on a rocky road and i feel like it's been struggling for a while they tried to make it work for a while it's like making fetch work stop it's not working it's not working because i know that you know they had title exclusives where they would release their stuff on title for a week and then it would go to streaming platforms you know a week later and i'm not seeing that anymore i never see them hyping it up or talking about it so it was not a surprise to see jay z cell his majority stake in the company so you said something real interesting about people saying hey you know it felt like you're making the rich richer because more of the profit more the money is going into that artist pocket isn't that what you would want if you're supporting that artist instead of it going to the 72 partners in apple and then the people at the their record company and everything like that like wouldn't you want to support the artists who you enjoyed more so than all the middlemen in it we've been so conditioned in this in this country to root for management over labor right think and then one of the best examples of it is the nfl where they're like these guys make too much money what about the people that own the company that own that team aren't they the ones that make too much money they have conditioned you to hate labor and the people who are in your shoes and root for the people who are oppressing you which is it boggles my mind that's great marketing right there that's great marketing yeah cause it's this idea that we just don't want to see other people win or we see other people winning as our loss and we have to look at the bigger picture it's not always like that just because there are successful people that are like us doesn't mean we have to root for their downfall because guess what if you think this next person is so super successful what about the person on top of them what about the person that owns everything those are the people making the real money these musicians and these rappers are making millions these record executives the head of the labels and streaming companies are making billions who's the real enemy here it goes back to the conversation that dante and i always have on this show who is your real enemy dante on the black like me episode made a great point about a lot of trump supporters and how they throw their problems on other people they'll throw their problems on hispanic immigrants they'll throw their problems on black people we are not your enemy there is a group of people that are oppressing you and i promise you it's not us but you're brainwashed to worship this guy because you think that he's going to install you know a wall on the border or that he's going to somehow make you richer it doesn't make any sense because at the end of the day under the system of capitalism you know your fellow worker or employee who got a raise or got a promotion yes they're doing well but there's other people that are doing better that are making it okay to work under the conditions that you're living under why the minimum wage has not risen in years you know ask yourself that do mexican immigrants have anything to do with that i don't think so i don't think so focus on the problems that you can control and elect officials that are trying to alleviate your situation stop blaming other people for your problems they don't have anything to do with it everybody in this country is trying to make a great living for themselves trying to build a legacy for their families that's the goal we are working now so in the future hopefully we don't have to i don't want to work for somebody for the rest of my life i hope to be in a position to where i can make my money work for me that's the end goal whenever people say what is your dream job i don't say anything because i don't live to work you know working is not something that i want to do we work because we have to we work because we need to pay the bills that's the only reason people work if it was up to everybody nobody would be working because nobody wants to do that making money for the man is not what i was born to do


you good there you breaking out that prayer cloth cause you just went in i'm dabbing my forehead as we speak i'm dabbing my forehead you you really need to you really need to i'm just going to let that let that simmer and cool down because you went on so long and your points were so great that i forgot what i was going to say and dang sometimes that happens here and it's okay oh no i know what's going to say so back when i was younger my pop pop god rest his soul said to me one time we were watching basketball and my cousin said something about shaq and he was like yeah well not when i grow up i want to be rich like shaq and my pop-up say your mind frames all wrong there you want to be rich like the guy that's signing shaq's checks that's how you want to be rich like that's something i still think about to this day you got to change the focus sometimes but on to other news justin um two quick two last quick stories we can cover real quick and what's going on in the world there was a black police officer in florida that was fired for using the n-word how do you feel about that well i think we should give the listeners more context so there's a little bit of the article that i read i won't read all of it i just want to give you all more context because i think that context is important we always say that everything's not black and white so i'm going to give you all the shades of gray a black police officer in florida was fired this week after footage from his body camera showed him using the n-word during a personal phone call and while making an arrest last november delvin white an eight-year veteran of the tampa police department was a school resource officer at middleton high school in tampa he was fired tuesday for violating a city policy that prohibits discriminatory conduct according to a statement from the city body cam footage released by the department shows white driving around the parking lot chatting with people and saying goodbye after a high school football game on november 13th he first uses the word while talking to himself according to the footage a few minutes later white makes a personal phone call to a woman and the two begin discussing dinner plans before talking about the differences in their jobs he said every day that i go to work and not one kid gets shot or stabbed that means i've done my job and that's a lot of responsibility you don't have all that responsibility white says explaining the other person's job before speaking about his own well you know some will say you have more responsibility you manage a multi-million dollar property he says or some ghetto and then he says the n-word don't get shot or stabbed i don't know but to they mama though they worth a million dollars during an investigation white told the supervisor that he used the n-word while making an arrest for trespassing on november 30th according to the city's statement police also released body cam footage of the arrest and then they said derogatory statements made by police officers jeopardize the trust that our department works to establish with our community tampa police officers are held to a higher standard and incidents like this negatively impact the entire law enforcement profession so that's some context for you guys oh okay so did you want to give your opinion first yeah i'm glad that you decided to read the whole story so everybody has the context i'm really torn on it on one hand it's like if you're going to say to these white officers or these hey you can't use this word especially at work while your body cam is running then nobody should be able to but they have kept officers employed for a lot more egregious incidents so that's where i'm that's where i'm on that's where i'm confused about that's what i'm on the fence about like did this man deserve to get fired for this when there's cops doing a lot worse things that still have their jobs that are just getting transferred and still patrolling the streets that's that's my thought on it it's a double standard for sure because like you said there's people that have murdered people they got paid leave or relocated to another you know department and then you have this guy who's black by the way saying the n word and he gets fired for it i'll say that a rule is a rule and you always have to follow workplace policies so if they're firing this guy for saying the n word on the job they also need to hold other people to the same standard and i hope that that's what's been happening with this police department obviously we don't know if that's been happening but the hope is that they've also been doing this to other police officers and they weren't finding a way to just get rid of this guy because they've wanted to get rid of him i think that we need to hold police to a highest standard in this country their job sometimes people can view it as one of the only jobs where you can make several mistakes huge mistakes mistakes that can cause people their lives and still you know hold your badge at the end of the day that's not fair if we make mistakes we'll be held accountable for it and sometimes fired so i i don't know i think that that's a harsh rule if you're gonna have a rule like that give the guy a warning and then if he does it again then you can do whatever you want but i think it's kind of unfair for somebody to do something like that and then just be fired but at the same time you know we don't know the context in which he was using it when he was on the job arresting somebody so you know if you're going to hold one police officer accountable everybody has to be held to the same standard i can agree on that and i think that's you know where i'm leaning towards last story that we wanted to give to a college basketball coach said during a time out during a game to his team which predominately black players we need everybody to stay on the plantation so he's the head coach of creighton basketball coach mcdermott and his team was playing lazy defense and they were they lost a lead in a game and he said we need everybody to stay on the plantation too many people are leaving the plantation and it caused an uproar because it got out that he said this he had apologized to his team personally before that this comment was made public um but he was suspended over the weekend from the team you know he said i'm sorry for the hurtful comments i you know i spoke out of turn didn't know that this would affect people in this way you know the generic ios press release here's my thing that's if you set that phrase that is not your first time saying that freeze that's not like the first time you hear your parents say lit


that's different saying stay on the plantation you had to have said that before i'm trying to understand what you meant by this analogy my guy what are your thoughts justin well this is an interesting position for you to take because with the morgan wallin situation by the way morgan wallin since the last time we've spoken his album is still the number one album in the country interesting how he has that big scandal where he says the n-word and it's almost like he's being rewarded for it by staying on top of the charts but with that situation you know you didn't really have this opinion you know you never said that if somebody's saying the n word and saying it with the hard er that they've probably said it before and this wouldn't be the first time where you know they've said that what do you think the punishment should be for the coach all this stuff happened so much that i'm not sure what the punishment should be anymore and that's just me being honest with you right like are we saying that everybody needs to be fired are we saying that you know everybody gets a stern talking to him the suspension and he lose a couple paychecks i don't know what the rate punishment is for racism anymore because we're it's so commonplace like how do you how do you come up with a set of rules for punishing these these offenses hey you say the n-word with a horror er once and here's the punishment oh man you made a reference to slavery here's the punishment like do we draw up a playbook for this i don't know you bet you're saying once with the morgan walling thing not to like go back to that but you're saying once like i doubt that that's the first time that he's ever said that that's the first time he might have been recorded saying it and the fact that he felt so free to say that in public you know that's the thing if he's saying that in public dante what do you think he's saying in private who knows what he's saying in private who knows what he's saying in private who knows what he says to that team but i i have to imagine that those young men would stand up and say something if they were being mistreated because a lot of college athletes are doing that now what would you do as a player because you used to play basketball what if your basketball coach used a reference like that what would you do i wouldn't have got back in that game i could tell you that i wouldn't have got back in that game and then at the press conference while they asked me why i didn't get back in the game i would have let everybody know why i didn't get back in the game but i wouldn't have continued to play and you referenced the morgan while the thing that we covered in an episode before and you made it you made a good point about you know somebody being saying something might it's probably not their first time saying it there are some differences in these stories because not every situation is black and white and i'm not defending this dude what i will say is that this coach was completely sober in the middle of a game that man was drunk and we know what they say about drunken words right they're sober thoughts so i'm pretty sure he's he's slaying the word around before but that isn't the argument that we were having during that time or the debate that we were having during that time we've already settled this but this coach what i mean what do you suggest as the punishment for it i think that i would have to you know consult the players as an owner i would consult the players especially if it's a coach that's winning and the coach or and the players have loved this guy beforehand i would consult with them and ask them are you comfortable with this guy continuing to coach the team what are your thoughts on that if you guys are uncomfortable i'll make the executive decision to get rid of him and will bring on somebody that respects you guys that would never use that term ever that's what i would do and then if they say they're uncomfortable i'll get rid of him and get somebody else i'm always of the belief that there's plenty of fish in the sea and yes you can make a mistake but sometimes mistakes have consequences if somebody says the n-word with the hardy art at their job more than likely they're going to be fired whether or not they meant it or not they're going to get fired and the same is probably going to apply to this situation as well he didn't mean to say it he still said it though and then he brings up questions about his has he said that before what are his thoughts about black players in private what does he think about them and these are you know thoughts that are running through these players minds that they have a right to know and understand who are you and what kind of character do you have as a coach of this team somebody that i'm supposed to listen to somebody in some cases that's supposed to mentor me if you're somebody that's a racist i don't want that mentorship i don't want you around me and if the players say that they want them gone i'll get somebody else in there i think talking to your team and the staff around him and everything like that would probably be the best way to go to figure out how do we remedy this situation i think that that is probably the best way to to come up with some sort of solution there because i'm not with cancel culture i'm with accountability culture we need to rename it accountability culture hold people accountable for their mistakes canceling is stupid because nobody gets to learn in this situation me holding this coach accountable is me firing him if that's what the players want i fire him and guess what this coach is going to learn a really harsh lesson that what you say matters maybe next time he'll think before he speaks and i promise you that he'll definitely learn a lesson and next time he coaches somewhere because i'm sure he'll get another job he'll make sure to never say that again so he learns a lesson you know we get to move on and at the end of the day he's held accountable for what he did and it should be no different with everybody else i really want to get out of this idea of outrage and being mad sometimes it's justified and if we can you know use moments like these as a teachable moment it'll have more power than to just scream and say this person is canceled without analyzing what they did and then having a discussion and a dialogue about it i think that's a smarter thing to do one the last thing i'll say is that i hate when people say that you know people of color black people are overly sensitive anytime somebody brings up slavery or anything like that like do you say to jewish people if he would have made the comment yeah everybody needs to stay in the concentration camp do you say that to jewish people that they're being overly sensitive about it or that they need to move on that's just something to think about there yeah i don't think we're being sensitive at all and you can never move on from a situation if you haven't addressed it and when dante and i do that reparations episode it'll be good because we can't move on as a country until we address this wrong rectify it and then try to live as a better society you know other groups of people got reparations and they're making adjustments to live in a society that works for everybody and not just a few so we'll have a lot to talk about when we get to that episode you all need to get your prayer cloths ready for that one it's going to be a long and tough conversation might be uncomfortable somewhere y'all but that's what this show's about right different perspectives you're getting to learn our side of things we're putting this out there for you you can tell us what you think about it you tell us if you agree disagree we like to hear the feedback this is about getting conversation started because a lot of this some people listen to us they might never know some of the things about some of the things that we talk about in the way that other people of color are feeling about some of the things we talk about they didn't listen to this and that's why i think what we do is important absolutely absolutely and i always say i appreciate you guys i love these conversations so much you know i had to dab myself get my prayer cloth out several times because it's like therapy it really is and we're having really good conversations that i think a lot of people would appreciate so if you out there listening love this show you listen every week as soon as you get that notification that a new episode is out you're shaking and shimmying because you're excited you know share that you know excitement with somebody else if you have a friend that you think would really love this show share it post it to your story follow us on instagram share it with people that are smart that are open to a good conversation that want to hear about our experiences and our thoughts about all of the topics we address i would really appreciate it if you shared this show if you recommended it if you gave us five stars or whatever you think leave us a review let us know what you think of the show let us know what you want to hear more of because i'm i know that i'm not perfect i'm working towards perfection but nothing is ever perfect so if you guys feel like there's something we can work on if you want us to talk about certain things i'm open to it i'm receptive to all ideas so reach out if you feel compelled you got anything else justin should i take us home that's it for me i love you guys keep listening dante take us out we are polar opposites thank you for listening to all of our old listeners new listeners secret listeners we appreciate you what you need to do is like share subscribe download this episode listen to it undownload it download it again listen to it again tell your friends to tell their friends about it we are polaropsis thank you for listening we'll catch you on the next one peace bye guys

